10 Things to Consider When Buying Steel structure building custom

16 Apr.,2024


Metal structures are far from a “new” construction trend. In fact, the first-ever metal building dates back to 1796, a last-ditch effort for a British cotton industry desperate to prevent mill fires.

But today, major corporations are turning to steel buildings more than ever. Owners love them for their fireproof materials, lower maintenance costs, and eco-friendly designs.

The steel building industry is growing along with it, offering near-endless opportunities for business owners looking to build new.

That leaves you with a big decision to make:

Will a standard box design fit your needs?

Or does your company need a more complex, customized metal structure?

The guide below will compare custom and standard metal buildings to help you decide!

What Are “Standard” Metal Structures?

Standard metal structures bring a simplistic, boxy design to small-to-medium metal commercial buildings.

Given their limited space and barebones structures, they work best for companies that don’t require a big or flashy building.

But they’re also more cost-effective than custom buildings. These so-called “steel boxes” run a lower price tag due to their default designs and smaller sizes.

It’s also true that added features on standard buildings are far and few between. As a result, there’s very little wiggle room for add-ons like canopies, solar panels, and other nice-to-have accessories.

Luckily, most manufacturers do allow for slight customizations at the structural level, such as:

  • Clear span: Column-free stretches of interior space up to 150 feet
  • Eave height: Floor-to-roof heights up to 40 feet
  • Roof pitch: Angles as steep as 4:12

They also offer unlimited potential for building length, so yours can be as long as necessary.

With that in mind, standard metal structures are the perfect solution for:

  • Metal workshops
  • Medium-sized agricultural sheds
  • Residential hangars
  • Office space
  • Kennels
  • Auto repair shops

Now, let’s briefly review their custom counterparts.

What Are Custom Metal Structures?

Custom metal structures are those designed to suit a company’s specific day-to-day and industry needs.

Though they take longer to engineer and may drive up the price tag, they offer far more design options. A 300-foot clear span, roll-up doors, custom framing, overhangs, and a gable roof are all up for grabs.

And that’s just the beginning on the features front.

There’s no longer a need to settle for an undersized 30-by-30 box that your company will either outgrow or find useless within a few years.

These days, your final custom design could include:

  • Widths stretching beyond 400-feet with interior columns
  • Taller ceilings above 40-feet high
  • Steeper roof pitches 8:12 or higher
  • Enhanced building loads and weather resistance

That’s precisely why these massive one-of-a-kind buildings thrive as:

  • Data centers
  • Storage facilities
  • Manufacturing plants
  • Barns
  • Recreational centers
  • Vehicle storage facilities

Below, we’ll dig even deeper, comparing custom and standard metal structures to decide once and for all which one is best.

Custom vs. Standard Metal Structures

Given their towering size and industrial feel, metal buildings are ideal in commercial construction, not residential. Homeowners eyeing non-traditional structures are better off with prefab steel building kits for their carports, lean-tos, RV covers, and small metal barns.

But for the business execs debating whether a custom or standard structure is a better investment, here’s some info:

What They Have In Common

The devil, of course, is in the details.

Although their size and purposes are quite different, these two large-scale building options share a lot of the same traits:

  • Fire-resistant, non-combustible frame which can withstand temperatures up to 1,000 Fahrenheit
  • Durable man-made structure that keeps rodents, termites, and mold outside
  • Longer predicted lifespan than traditional wood buildings, with many steel buildings lasting a lifetime without needing repairs
  • Up to 50% reduction in energy costs due to their reflective and light-colored metal roofs
  • Quicker building times (one-third of the usual time)
  • More affordable materials and labor costs (lumber prices are climbing much faster than steel prices)

The common threads between each of these?

High-end structural integrity, modernized construction principles, and incredible workmanship.

Now, onto the differences …


Both custom and standard builds include the same basic elements:

  • I-beam framing
  • Sturdy girts and purlins for stabilization
  • Stainless steel and easy access fasteners for water-tightness and simple repairs
  • Sealing around all exterior windows and doors to prevent leakage

There’s also plenty of flexibility when it comes to roof pitches, eave heights, and building width/length.

Generally, standard metal building systems are a simple and economical choice for small retail centers, offices, and auto shops.

However, if your building needs a more aesthetic or functional touch with:

  • Metal garage-style roll-up doors
  • Weather-resistant aluminum windows
  • Roof solar panels
  • LED lights
  • Wainscoting
  • Overhead skylights
  • Outdoor canopies

… your chances of finding that in a standard box design are slim to none.

Unless you plan to upsize in a few years, a custom design is almost always better.

Metal Building Prices

By now, you might already know that commercial steel structures are more budget-friendly than your classic wooden building.

So how much do they cost?

PriceItHere suggests that basic steel structures cap out at around $16–$20.25 per square foot. At $40, custom metal buildings are nearly double.

It’s a huge difference … on day one.

Yet, while custom steel buildings come with higher upfront pricing, they’re more reliable long-term investments for your company.

Assuming you met with a metal building specialist, your company inspired the design of this building. It has a canopy by the front door to greet customers in downpours, floor coating that protects against spilled chemicals, and insulation with a high r-value for even better energy efficiency.

The chances of needing an eventual expansion are lower with a custom build.

Building Size

The physical size of the metal building is where standard structures have an unexpected edge.

Sure, they can be as long as you want, stretching from one end of the commercial lot to the other without any extra reinforcements. Yet, their 150-foot-plus widths make them excellent options for companies that need an interior without columns.

This wide-open alternative is still structurally sound and better for airplane hangars, barns, and buildings housing heavy machinery. The last thing you need is a forklift or dump truck knocking into a support beam.

Custom buildings support slightly larger clear spans of up to 200 feet. But, their real claim to fame on the size front is the extra square footage and higher ceilings.

With interior columns, your steel building could extend up to 480 feet long. And, their 40-foot-plus eaves (ceilings) provide a little extra room for multi-story shelving units and bulk manufacturing machinery.

Over 50,000 square feet of fl0or space isn’t unusual in custom builds!

Roof Style

It protects your expensive machinery from rain and snow, and when it’s made of metal instead of asphalt, it’s reflective enough to cut your heating and cooling bills in half.

But did you know that the roof’s style and pitch make a difference, too?

Most standard metal buildings boast somewhat slanted gable <4:12 roofs, lending to a boxier, industrial design and decent snow and water spill-off.

Custom builds deliver far more plentiful options, especially if you’re building in a rainy or snowy region.

A steeper slope (8:12+) lowers the risk of water and snow build-up on the roof to prevent future leaks. Traditionally wind-resistant hip roofs are also available on custom designs.

Workmanship and Durability

Because the structural fundamentals remain the same, both types of steel buildings are equally durable and well-crafted.

Assuming you chose a reliable construction company, your new commercial structure will be made of heavy-duty I-beams, trusses, fasteners, and panels.

It should also be:

  • Fire-resistant
  • Corrosion-resistant (when treated with a protective coating)
  • Pest- and rodent-proof
  • Mold-free

If durability is your main concern, it’s a toss-up. Both standard and custom metal buildings are built to last.


Interestingly, warranty terms depend more on the construction company you hire than the type of building.

Many manufacturers offer a one-year warranty on workmanship, a 50-year promise on trusses, and a lifetime guarantee on fasteners.

However, customizations are a slightly different story.

Your choice of exterior paint could secure you a 25 to 45-year warranty. If your company prefers a barely slanted gable roof (<4:12), you might not qualify for a snow load warranty at all.

Lead Times

In the construction world, “lead time” is the technical term for “how long it’ll take to deliver your materials from the time you place your order.”

As you might expect, standard box designs also have quicker turnaround times due to their smaller size and simplistic designs.

So how long can you expect to wait?

Small storage buildings can take as little as six weeks, whereas larger manufacturing plants and data centers could take more than 16 weeks.

Ownership Options

Many large corporations have enough funding in their budgets to purchase a building outright. Yet, growing companies might not be able to afford a 30,000-square-foot metal building.

But is it completely out of reach?

Not exactly!

Smaller metal structures offer flexibility that’ll be like music to the ears of those in your company’s financial department:

The rent-to-own option (or RTO).

Think of it as paying the mortgage on a house. With each monthly payment you make on time, you’re slowly inching toward complete ownership. Plus, these deals often come with instant approval!

Keep in mind that many companies cap this RTO at $10,000–$20,000 in total. Unfortunately, that leaves you with slim pickings for size and features. You’ll see this option more for smaller garages, barns, and hangars.

Potential Resale Value

Business higher-ups don’t only think in the present — they also weigh how today’s decisions will impact the company in the long run. That’s why the topic of potential resale value comes up.

When you decide to upsize or relocate in the future, will you recoup what you initially spent on this building?

The good news:

Steel buildings, in general, maintain high resale values because they last a lifetime, require far fewer repairs, and are eco-friendly.

The bad news:

Custom metal buildings don’t always fly off the market.

If it’s a cut-and-dry storage facility, sure, finding another self-storage company willing to invest in it won’t be too challenging. But more company-specific customizations could limit potential buyers.

Benefits of Custom Metal Structures

If your budget allows and your company has a long-term vision, a custom metal building is a better investment in most cases.

But if everything so far still hasn’t convinced you, this just might:


Custom buildings allow more opportunities to match your building to your brand.

If you want the public to recognize your company’s buildings by their red exterior paint and iconic black roofs, custom builds are your best option!

Return on Investment (ROI)

Custom metal buildings offer plenty of perks in the ROI arena, too:

  • Lower costs to heat and cool the building, thanks to reflective roofing and insulation
  • Fewer repairs needed
  • A facility that meets your company’s needs from day one
  • No wasted funding (order just what your business needs)
  • Lower insurance costs
  • Long-term warranties to cover any major repairs

The more use your company gets out of the building, the more those upfront costs become worthwhile.

It’s also a one-time investment; choose the right custom design now, and you won’t have to worry about wasted resources or replacing your building in a few years.


If you’ve ever rented a business facility or purchased a previously owned building in the past, you know first-hand how bittersweet it is.

Sure, it’s more affordable, and the lead time is practically non-existent. Yet, it only has some of what you need and a lot of what you don’t.

You’re paying more out-of-pocket for unnecessary skylights and 10,000 square feet of floor space that sits empty. It could also be missing a reliable HVAC system or a steep roof to prevent rain from building up.

Custom builds guarantee the most bang for your buck.

More Customization Options

Piggybacking off of that previous point, a custom build allows you to erect a structure that fits all of your criteria:

That means your company has the creative liberty to select:

  • Exterior paint color, type, and paneling
  • Roof pitch, style, and color
  • Structural features that prevent pest, mold, and weather damage common in your region
  • Square footage
  • Interior columns (or clear span)
  • Solar panels and other energy-efficient features
  • Types of windows and doors
  • Ceiling height
  • Flooring
  • Extra storage space

With a standard metal structure, you’re stuck with whatever the building manufacturer includes in the package.

Planning a commercial construction project in Colorado? Read our article about Colorado construction loans to learn how to secure funding for your project.


Metal structures are leaps and bounds above traditional wooden buildings. Yet, custom building designs are almost always better for corporations envisioning a long-term investment and appropriate branding.

FMP Construction offers the highest quality commercial metal buildings in the Colorado area. Email us at contact@fmpconstruction.com to learn more.

Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Steel Building

In my opinion, there are some common errors customers make when they are shopping and/or buying a Steel Building.  I talk to a lot of “new” potential clients every day and I hear the same things over and over from them.  I want to share some of the most popular recurring themes I encounter, so that you can avoid making costly mistakes.


#1 Mistake: 

Believing the “Cancelled Building Pitch”


When a consumer shops for a Steel Building they will usually speak to at least 3-5 different companies to compare quality and prices.  If you fall within that range you will be “Cancelled Building Pitched” at least 2 to 3 times.  The “Cancelled Building Sales Pitch” will have some version of these key points:


  1. Someone else bought a building close to the size you are looking for
  2. They had to cancel their order for (fill in the blank) reason
  3. They lost their 30% deposit
  4. If you can take it, you can save 30% on your building price
  5. The building’s frames have been made but the building’s sheeting has not been cut yet so you can still pick your framed opening sizes and locations as well as the building’s color
  6. There are 3 other people looking at this building and the first person to put a deposit down on this “cancelled building” wins the deal


There are so many different ways to say the same thing.  Another version of this tactic is the “In Stock Building”, in which the sales rep uses the same tactics but refers to the building as being “In Stock” vs. being a “Cancelled Building”.


The Truth:

Each and every “Pre-Engineered” building is hardly pre-engineered at all.  Each building is custom-engineered to your State Codes, Local Codes, insulation thickness, your personal specification, your color choices, etc.


If I designed (2) 50’x100’x16’ buildings with the exact framed openings but, one of those buildings was going to New York and the other was going to Texas, they would both have to be engineered separately because they have different snow, wind, seismic, etc. loads.  Even though they look exactly the same from the outside, they are very different in weight and complexity based on the Building’s Codes.


So please don’t be duped by this “Cancelled Building” or “In Stock Building” nonsense.  It’s a pitch designed to trigger the Fear of Loss that is inside everyone.  Its’ goal is to push you to put a deposit down before you are ready or have had a chance to talk to other Steel Building Companies by asking you if you want to lose out on a heck of deal and let someone else get the 30% savings.


#2 Mistake:

Not Discussing Both Your Short & Long Term Plans for the Building With Your Building Consultant


When you are discussing your building with your “Sales Rep” you will be asked questions like, what size building are you looking for?  What size doors?  Insulation? Gutters and Downspouts?  But, your Rep should also be asking you what will you be doing inside the building?  What do you plan to be doing with this building in 5 years?  In 10 years?


Why should your Rep ask those questions?  Because what you are doing inside the building could directly affect the price of the building.

For example if you are manufacturing and the materials are corrosive, there are coatings that can be put on all the interior members of the building to protect the steel from corroding.  That coating has a cost associated with it but, a Rep who cares about your end product isn’t worried about having the “cheapest” price but delivering you the best value and that coating is of extreme value under certain scenarios.


Another example is an Agricultural building that will be housing livestock.  The minimum pitch on a livestock building should be a 3:12 pitch so that the building has a “chimney” effect in which the gases will be pushed out of the ridge vents naturally without the need for fans.  A 3:12 pitch costs more than a 1:12 but, it saves the farmer money because he can eliminate the need for expensive fans.  But, for a Rep to make the proper suggestions to you, they must first know what you are using the building for.  Sadly, most Sales Reps don’t care.



The reason to ask about your 5 and 10 year plan is because there are things we can engineer into a building today for future use.  If it is not engineered into the building in the beginning there is no way to add it later without adding great cost.  Only work with a Rep who cares about your building long-term.  Never buy from someone who is trying to sell a building fast.


Mistake #3

Not Preparing for the Total Project Cost & Only Focusing on the Cost of the Steel Building


The steel building “kit” costs roughly $5.00-$7.00/ square foot (sf) depending on you building loads, framed openings, extras like gutters and downspouts, etc.  Steel is a commodity, it does not matter who you buy from, that is the price range.  Some companies give you more dollar for dollar but unfortunately most companies give you less for your money.


That said, the building cost is just one expense in a project that has at least 3 more types of expenses before the project can be considered “finalized”.  Some of the expenses can be self-performed and you can save a lot of money if you DIY.  But, if you need to hire someone else, you will need to price 1. Site-Work 2. Concrete Foundation 3. Erection 4. Mechanicals; to name a few.


At SOLID Steel Buildings our wheelhouse is engineering your building and foundation, manufacturing your steel building, delivering your building to your site, installing your concrete foundation, and erecting your building on your job-site.  There are many factors that affect your sf price when we are pricing the entire wheelhouse.  All things considered for a rough estimate, you can use the range of $20 – 25.00/sf for your engineered building drawings, your actual steel building, delivery, concrete and erection.


Even if you don’t use SOLID to perform all the work, if you use that sf price you will be realistic about the real TOTAL cost of your project.  I do strongly suggest that you use one company to do all the work.  Which leads me to Mistake #4.


Mistake #4

Hiring Different Companies & Subcontractors for Different Parts of the Job


This mistake costs my clients more money than any other mistake.  You can hire SOLID to do any or all parts of your project.  We are an a la carte firm. Some hire us to just engineer, manufacture and deliver a building.  Most want us to execute our full offering of services.


Many of our clients choose to purchase both the building and erection services from us, but go elsewhere for the concrete.  In this scenario, we manufacture and deliver the building to the job site and then put the building up.  When clients choose this option, they either perform the concrete foundation work themselves or they hire a “local guy” to do the concrete.  Whichever way they get the concrete done doesn’t matter to us, we just need the concrete to be cured when we arrive on-site.


1 out of 3 times that we arrive to erect the building though, the concrete anchor bolts are in the wrong spot.  The bolts need to be placed in the precise location in the concrete, as indicated on the drawings, in order for the building to be properly erected.


Usually, when we inform our customer that the anchor bolts are in the wrong location, mayhem ensues. Our client calls their local concrete guy and says, “The anchor bolts are in the wrong location.”  And the concrete gentleman says, “No they are not!”  The client turns to us and says, “The bolts are not in the wrong location.”  So then we have to show our clients their stamped, engineered drawings and point out where the bolts should be located.


Once the client can see the bolts are not located correctly, then his real headache begins. He needs to get the concrete guy to come back ASAP and cut out the bolts and reinstall them. Even if the concrete guy comes that day and fixes his bolts, the client has lost a day of labor that he has to pay for.  Our clients have tried to get the concrete laborer to pay for the lost time but, that rarely happens.  So it ends up being an additional expense for the end-user.


Usually, the concrete guy never shows up that day, if ever.  He has already been paid in full and has no incentive to come back.    So, the end-user has to pay us to fix his concrete guy’s mistake.  We always fix it at cost but, it is still an expense our clients did not anticipate.


This kind of scenario is so common and it’s always painful to hear about.  I feel so bad for my clients who hire one person to do the concrete and another person to erect the building and yet still another person to manufacture the building.  There is always so much finger-pointing involved and the only person who loses is the customer.


Please do not make this costly, time-consuming mistake.  Hire one company to do the engineering, manufacturing, concrete and erection.  When you hire one  company, then there is a single-source of accountability should you need to address any concerns.  Plus, there is no finger-pointing.


If you are interested in hearing about some other common mistakes and how to avoid them call or email SOLID Steel today.





10 Things to Consider When Buying Steel structure building custom

Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Steel Building