Which Candle Jar to use for beginner candle makers - Candle Making Supplies

30 Jun.,2022

Are you new to candle making? Do you want to learn everything candle-making from what supplies to use & what candle jar to buy?


Customized Candle Jars

Are you new to candle making?  Do you want to learn everything candle-making from what supplies to use &  what candle containers to buy?

If the answer is yes, you are in the right place; our candle making expert is here to help. When you first begin making candles it can be frustrating as there are so many different things that go into making candles. From choosing your wax of choice, finding the right supplies and picking the right vessel that will not only properly match the wax you’ll be using but the vessel that matches your style.

Stress no longer, as we will go over the candle vessels to use when you first begin crafting your candle that will make your candle-making journey less stressful and more fun.

Here at General Wax & Candle Co. we carry nine different collections of candle jars all of which have their own unique style and range in color as well as size.

  1. Shop Safe

When you first go shopping for your candle making supplies it is easy to get lost in the lure of pretty jars and candle vessels but it’s important to purchase candle making jars that are safe to craft with. Meaning that they are stable, even in shape and diameter, and are fireproof.

Container candles are a great place to start when you first begin candle making as they not only vary in shape and size but they come in different styles and are easy to craft candles in.