What are the disadvantages of grow bags?

22 Apr.,2024


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Pros and Cons of Fabric Grow Bags for Vegetables Some gardeners love fabric grow bags; others don’t. Here’s how to find out if they’re right for you.

In some universe, there’s an older version of me sitting in a rocking chair on a big farmhouse porch, looking in disbelief at the latest gardening catalog. I can hear myself now: “Fabric grow bags? What’s with all these newfangled things. Back in my day we just put seeds in the dirt.” Meanwhile, I now have a collection of grow bags, and I particularly love the Smart Pots because they hold moisture well and have sturdy handles for moving.

These “newfangled” things actually have a lot of benefits for gardeners, as it turns out. But what exactly are fabric grow bags? They’re also known as fabric pots, and they are pretty much what you think they are: fabric bags that you can grow plants in. They can be small, one-gallon containers, and you can get large, 200-gallon containers.

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How to make the right choice about fabric grow bags

Look up any gardening guide, and you’ll see that almost all plants need “well-drained soil.” That’s especially true in container gardening, where there’s limited space for too much water to go. One of the big advantages that many fabric grow bags offer is excellent drainage. This drainage also leads to healthier root systems.

Without getting too sciency, the porousness of fabric grow bags leads to dryer soil near the edges of the container, where there is more contact with the air. When the plant’s roots reach that drier soil and the air, they stop growing, so you don’t end up with root bound plants. That’s the claim to fame for these bags, but what other advantages do they offer?

The pros of fabric grow bags

  1. The breathable fabric allows heat to escape, keeping the soil cool on hot summer days.
  2. Fabric grow bags are easy to store. Simply clean them and fold them up when you aren’t using them and they can fit into compact storage spaces.
  3. They’re versatile. Built-in handles make them easy to move.
  4. They don’t require construction. Larger fabric grow bags can easily be used as a raised bed without the need for the tools to build one.
  5. Transplanting is simple and easy. Because fabric grow bags are so easy to move, you can start your seeds indoors. Then when the time comes to transplant them, you can just pick up the entire bag and “plant” it outdoors.

The cons of fabric grow bags

One of the big advantages to using fabric grow bags is that they drain quickly and easily. That also happens to be one of the big disadvantages. Because there is so much exposure to the air, the soil can dry out much faster than it does in a terra cotta, wood, or stone container. This means your plants will use more water, which means you’ll need to water them more often. Here are more of the disadvantages.

  1. They aren’t always eco-friendly. Surprisingly, a large number of fabric grow bags are not biodegradable. They’re made with polypropylene, which is a petroleum-based thermoplastic.
  2. They won’t protect your plants when it’s cold. Just like the porousness of the material allows water to evaporate, it also allows heat to escape. This means you really need to pay attention to the weather if your plants are outdoors in early spring or late fall.
  3. They don’t last as long as other containers. While a stone container could last for decades you may only get four or five growing seasons from all but the best fabric grow bags.
  4. Large grow bags aren’t easy to move. Try picking up and moving a 50-gallon container full of soil. You’ll see what I mean.
  5. Fabric grow bags are not very stylish. Yes, I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but most of the bags are pretty drab. You certainly won’t get the variety of shapes and colors you get with ceramic planters.

Are fabric grow bags right for you in your garden? They definitely offer some advantages over container gardening. Ultimately, however, it depends on how you want to work with your vegetables. An attentive gardener could have great results with or without using these containers.

Have you used fabric pots in your garden? What would you say are the pros and cons of using them? I’d love to get your opinion in the comments below.

Discover 7 top tips for growing, harvesting, and enjoying tomatoes from your home garden—when you access the FREE guide The Best Way to Grow Tomatoes, right now!

Whether wishing to grow nutritious fruits and vegetables or looking to add vibrant color through annual flowers, the pros to gardening in grow bags are undeniable. Increasingly popular in recent years, grow bags are an invaluable asset to those gardening in small or less than optimal spaces. In addition to their versatility, grow bags offer gardeners a quick and easy way to establish lush, healthy landscapes.

While it's difficult to downplay the pros to gardening in grow bags, there are some cons of using grow bags that must be considered too. The fabric grow bags are, by nature, soft but should we necessarily go "soft" on the valid concerns and questions they raise?

Pros to Gardening in Grow Bags

(Tonya's viewpoint) Fabric pots can be found in the gardens of both professional growers and home gardeners. Their ease of use, in addition to accessibility, are just a few reasons to use grow bags. Though there are many types, it is best to select bags comprised of breathable and strong fabrics. These bags allow for durability, as well as contribute to better overall plant health.

Can be used anywhere. Many gardeners begin using grow bags when wishing to expand their home garden space. In fact, one of the biggest grow bag advantages is being able to grow plants in places which were previously considered unusable, such as in rented yards or even small apartment balconies.

Can use in areas with bad soil. Growers with heavy soils may specifically choose these bags as a means by which they are able to grow more successful crops of root vegetables such as carrots and potatoes. If your soil isn't quite up to par, using a grow bag can fix that. Much like a raised bed or container, you can grow plants in a looser, healthier soil.

Ease of use. The ease of which grow bags are assembled make them a viable and cost-effective option for many people. Without the need to remove grass or prepare beds with the use of tools, even novice gardeners are able to create impressive vegetable gardens and displays filled with annual flowering plants.

Bags are breathable. Additional pros to gardening in grow bags relate to factors that can directly impact the health of the plants grown. High quality fabric grow bags allow for excellent drainage, so issues related to overwatering are alleviated. Frequent problems that occur with other containers, such as root rot, are not a common cause for concern when using grow bags.

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Plants produce heathier root growth. Improved overall root health is one of the main grow bag advantages. As the plant roots become established in the bag, their sensitivity to heat and moisture naturally begin the process of "air pruning." Simply, this process allows the plant to create a more robust root system.

Grow Bag Gardening Downsides

(Shelley's viewpoint) No one can really argue that using grow bags is all bad, BUT before you run out and buy them, it's a good idea to know some of the downsides that you'll be facing. This way you can make a more informed decision. These may include:

Durability. Grow bags do not last quite as long as hard-bodied containers. It seems that the general consensus is that fabric pots last 2-3 growing seasons, with some suggesting that they might last as long as 4-6 seasons. This, of course, will vary with the environmental conditions the bags are subjected to and the overall quality of the bag you purchase.

Cost. If grow bags do not last as long as other container options, you will want to ensure that they are more cost effective, as you will be replacing them more often. And the cost savings may not really compute for you. The cost of grow bags can vary depending on the growing capacity of the bag and the manufacturer/retailer. A five-gallon bag, for example, can start around $6 on up. If you're replacing the grow bag every 2-3 years, this will add up over time.

Aesthetics. Grow bags aren't as pretty or chic as a ceramic or terra cotta pots. The bags are typically a solid color (oftentimes black or gray) and do not come in patterns or designer motifs. Hard bodied pots, in contrast, have more flair. They are more shapely (funnel, cone-shaped, etc.) and typically have some character to them with glazes or paints applied to the surface and textural interest with ridges and raised shapes. A grow bag, on the other hand, looks just like, well, a bag or sack.

Environmental concerns. The grow bags that are available on the market aren't all eco-friendly, as they are not all biodegradable. Many are formed with poly plastics that don't break down. This becomes a concern when the grow bags need to be discarded and replaced.

Very water consumptive. Grow bags require more watering than traditional pots do and this is one of the biggest grow bag gardening downsides if you don't have a lot of extra time on your hands. Grow bags are porous, meaning excess water will wick out of them rather quickly. This is an advantage in that the risk of over-watering your plants is very slim; however, it is a con of using grow bags for they will dry out quickly and you will need to water more frequently.

Mobility. While grow bags seem to be touted for their mobility, this is not always the case. Grow bags are available in 1 to 200+ gallon size bags. Any bags over 20 gallons may be difficult to move once they are planted because they do not have sturdy walls or structural strength like traditional pots and, in some cases, have weak fabric handles prone to tearing.

How Grow Bag Advantages Compare Overall to Their Drawbacks

Though there are several reasons to use grow bags, their use may not be needed in all gardens. Grow bags can be a good alternative but they are not necessarily the best option for everyone when you weigh the disadvantages of grow bags. They are short lived, not-so-pretty growing vessels that may nickel and dime you over the long term while demanding more of your time when it comes to watering. That being said, in some situations, well-maintained fabric pots allow for greater flexibility, and their ease of use and quick installation make the prospect of creating beautiful gardens more attainable.

What are the disadvantages of grow bags?

Pros And Cons Of Using Grow Bags For Gardening

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