What Makes a Pear an Asian Pear?

21 Feb.,2024


As we head into fall, let’s celebrate all the wonderful new produce making an appearance, such as the delightful Asian pear.  Asian pears are known for their crisp apple-like texture and sweet juicy floral flavor. Most varieties have a round or oval shape and stay firm even when ripe. These distinct features set them apart from more familiar “pear-shaped” European pears, which soften in texture as they mature.  

Asian pears are widely popular in many Asian countries, including China, Korea, India and Japan, and have been for centuries. The fruit was brought to California by Chinese immigrants in the 1850s and today there are many different  varieties in the USA. 

Fun Fact: In China, it’s considered bad luck for friends to share a pear, because the Chinese Mandarin words for “to share a pear” also mean “to separate”. 

Asian pears are best appreciated uncooked, as they have a high– water content, compared to most fruits. The sugar is so high in Asian pears they are used to tenderize meat in Korean cuisine; there is even a ‘Pear Museum and Orchard for Tourists’ located in Naju, Korea.  

They come in various skin colors, ranging from dark bronze to yellow, to green. The skin is usually thin and may have a slight russeting or speckled appearance. Some popular varieties include, Hosui, Kosui, Chojuro, Shinseki and 20th Century.  

North Americans may be relatively late to the Asian pear party, but we’re catching up, along with New Zealand and Australia. The California Asian pear season is  peaking now, and  Northwest production is just getting started.  Just don’t miss out on this very special fragrant fall fruit! 


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