13 May.,2024




PVD coated flatware create the opportunity for a range of finishes and colours never seen before, transforming a simple instrument into an original design object

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The process that gives flatware and knives special original, uncommon colours is PVD coating, Physical Vapour Deposition, which is the physical deposition of metal particles through vaporization under vacuum.

During the PVD process, the material for deposit is welded at a molecular level to the stainless-steel substrate of the flatware. This improves the objects appearance, wear and corrosion resistance. With the PVD treatment of flatware and kitchen tools, all the origins for the formation of rust or oxides are eliminated.

The surface hardness of the PVD-treated objects makes them highly resistant to scrapes. The characteristics of the PVD coating make the flatware completely nontoxic and hypoallergenic. So much so that the very severe tests performed by the United States Food and Drug Administration classify PVD coatings as suitable for use in the food industry.

With PVD treatment, even small part lots can be managed and delivered ready for use and free of any surface defects. The finishes and colours are customized to the customer’s needs, guaranteeing an original appearance with high visual impact. PVD coated flatware are very resistant to scratches and can be considered design objects with high quality finishes. Thanks to the technology used, the results are guaranteed to be fully reproducible, providing very high quality, even in large lots, or for reorders at a later date.

PVD treated flatware and kitchen tools: quality contemporary beauty

All table design and home design elements are more beautiful and resistant if PVD coated. Not just flatware but trays, service plates, candelabras, ashtrays, fruit bowls and even simple cork screws benefit from the treatment. Accessories, like furniture edging, handles, and decorative elements when treated with PVD offer high quality contemporary beauty, impressing an essential, or minimal chic, style, blending tradition and modernism.


PVD coated flatware are dishwasher safe and maintain their initial characteristics. Furthermore, PVD treatment with TiN (Titanium Nitride) is used for biomedical implants and surgical tools thanks to its biocompatibility and nontoxic properties.

Titanium Nitride acts as a barrier layer for the material below, reducing the interaction of chemicals with the basic metal of the flatware. This phenomenon protects the materials from corrosion and improves the wear resistance of the treated pieces.

Among the various finishes suitable for flatware is the Chromium Nitride (CrN) coating, which forms a protective barrier against corrosion, improves the wear resistance, and maintains its same characteristics, even after years of use.

PVD treatment of flatware and decor elements provide high surface resistance, equal to or greater than 1800 HV, where traditional chrome coating reaches at best 800 HV. This hardness is what provides the exceptional resistance to scratches and corrosion, as well as making the surface resistant to acid products for domestic and industrial use. The consequent result is maximum hygiene and an always shiny appearance.

This is why restaurateurs and professional chefs prefer kitchen tools with PVD finishes.


​Coloured, gold and silver PVD flatware

The PVD finish provides the treated supports a surprisingly original appearance. The range of colours available is virtually unlimited and over the past few years, combinations of great visual impact have been produced.

The shiny gold, satin gold or opaque gold effect is obtained by treating the surface of the object with a thin layer of Titanium Nitride, performed under vacuum in a controlled atmosphere. In addition to the incredible effect on appearance, this coating guarantees the treated piece long-lasting protection from scratches and abrasions: the resulting surface after treatment becomes as tough as a sapphire, second only to the diamond for hardness.

The silver or chrome effect of INOX PVD is obtained using Chromium Nitride as the coating material.
The characteristics of Chromium Nitride recommend its use in all food applications. In fact, it has a very tough surface, thanks to which it is possible to reproduce layers of much higher thickness compared to all other coatings (up to 15 micron). This makes the flatware and knives corrosion resistant and forms a barrier against chemical aggression and oxidation.

The latest design trends have led to a market for unusual colours for original flatware that takes a step away from tradition: this is the gun-stock black finish, shiny, opaque or pearled, that is obtained using PVD treatments mainly of Carbon nitrides or Titanium Nitrides. This coating can be up to one micron thick and is firmly attached to the stainless-steel flatware. The PVD deposition method is based on a purely physical process, which occurs at high temperature under vacuum.

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Black or brown PVD flatware have a theatrical effect on the table and are suitable for original designs or a modern style. Flatware with gold or silver PVD treatment are also suitable for traditional styles, combining a more classic appearance with latest generation performance.

Whatever the finish, the colour or the metal used for coating the flatware, knives or kitchen tools, it must be highlighted that the PVD process is harmless to the environment: during the various phases of the process, no polluting substances or toxic residues are produced at any time that could poison our planet. The PVD process is well-known to be safe, clean and ecologically sustainable.






Our Blog Use and Care of PVD Cutlery

Use and Care of PVD Cutlery

The cutlery is coated in metal using the PVD method which uses vaccum deposition. It's a method of decorative surface treatment that has been used for decades in the watch and jewellery industries, and being completely food-safe, is now used on cutlery.

Production Technology: PVD = Physical Vapour Deposition. The coating is applied using vaccum deposition, PVD cutlery is dishwasher safe, however hand washing is highly recommended to protect and extend the life of your cutlery.

1. Before using your cutlery for the first time, we recommend that you wash it in hot water using a mild detergent, followed by a thorough rinse, prompt drying and wiping each piece. Do not use citrus based detergents.

2. Avoid leaving your cutlery for prolonged period or pre-soaked after use without washing. Harsh or acidic foods may cause discolouration and even corrosion. Never leave salt or food on unwashed cutlery, always rinse off.

3. If using the dishwasher, remove your cutlery at the end of the cycle and hand dry with a soft cloth. Harsh detergents and salts left undried on the surface can cause discolouration and even pittting. Be sure to follow the dishwasher manufacturer's use instructions carefully.

4. Knife blades are made of a special grade of Stainless Steel to enable a high quality cutting edge to be produced and maintained, and knife blades are particularly sensitive to staining and corrosion if exposed to acidic foods, soaking in water, and air-drying. It is especially important to quickly dry and wipe knives after washing in order to preserve the quality.

5. When hand washing, use warm water with added soap or liquid detergent and rise thoroughly. A water softner may be required if using water containing a high mineral content. 

6. Do not use abrasive washing powders / cleaners or bleach for hand or machine washing, as this will corrode your cutlery.

7. Do not scour with an abrasive or corrosive pad or with wire wool.

8. Do not expose cutlery to a flame

WARNING: If you are using a low temp and/or chlorine bath type dishwashing system, take great care in following the manufacturer's instructions. Any over-concentration of sodium hypochlorite (bleach), the active sanitising agent of these systems, will attack most metal tableware. Improper use or faulty equipment functioning will cause staining or corrosion, to even the finest stainless steel.


Are you interested in learning more about pvd flatware sets supplier? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!