Gold Silverware Set, 20 Piece Stainless Steel Golden ...

13 May.,2024


Gold Silverware Set, 20 Piece Stainless Steel Golden ...

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Is There Money to Be Made by Investing in Gold-Plated ...

We recently overheard a friend say, “I attended a wedding reception at a catering facility last week and, for the first time in my life, I used gold-plated flatware. Wow, that stuff must have been worth a fortune.”

Those gold-plated forks, knives and spoons were doing exactly what the catering hall wanted them to do, which was to add a luxurious flourish to the dining experience. Gold conveys a very exciting sense of luxury, just as it has for thousands of years.

Wow . . . Gold!

But how much gold did those table settings actually contain? In all probability, very little.

It has now become possible to plate extremely small quantities of gold onto silver flatware . . . and even onto low-cost stainless steel flatware.

And how much is gold-plated stainless flatware worth? The prices are so low, they will probably surprise you.

Some examples:

Qingzhan are exported all over the world and different industries with quality first. Our belief is to provide our customers with more and better high value-added products. Let's create a better future together.

  • You can buy a 24-piece set of Magicpro gold-plated stainless flatware, a setting for six people, for only about $60.00. It even includes an attractive wooden storage box.

  • Or you can buy a single table setting of Kraft & Kin gold-plated stainless (it includes two forks, two spoons and a knife) for only about $70.00.

Can We Extract the Gold from Gold-Plated Flatware for You?

It depends. If you have a modern set of gold-plated stainless steel flatware like the items we describe just above, chances are we cannot reclaim the gold they contain. Why? Because they were made with only a very tiny quantity of gold.

However – and this is a big however – old gold-filled tableware from years past could be a different story. If you find a set of gold-filled tableware that was made 40, 50 or more years ago, it could contain far more gold. And if that is what you have, it could be worth a good deal of money.

Are You Unsure What You Have?

Let’s say you’re sitting there looking at a gold-plated place setting and you don’t know whether it is recent, low-value stainless or older, high-value gold-filled silver.

How will you know the value of those pieces you have? Simple answer! Call Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners at 800-426-2344 and talk to our consultants. We are here to test those knives, forks and spoons and let you know their true content and value. And if they contain recyclable gold, you will receive prompt payment.

Want more information on wholesale gold stainless steel flatware? Feel free to contact us.