Hose crimping - a comprehensive guide

20 May.,2024


Hose crimping - a comprehensive guide

What is hose crimping?

Hose crimping is the process that involves bonding a hose to a metal tip. This allows you to later connect it to a pressure source. To crimp a hose, you need both the aforementioned tip and a collet (also known as a hose ferrule).

You can find more information on our web, so please take a look.

Industrial hoses are one of the most popular transmission cables because they combine simplicity of execution with features such as tightness and flexibility. But no worries - we will not delve into the construction of the hose. After all, everyone knows what such a hose looks like.

However, this does not change the fact that, in some situations, the hose must have additional features to connect it to the machine, for example.

Then the right tip plays a key role. In order to connect it to the hose in a tight and durable way, it is necessary to carry out the crimping process. What is the crimping process, and can you do it yourself?

Find out in the article below.

Is hose crimping difficult?

Crimping a hose is, despite appearances, not a particularly difficult process. You can do this in a few simple steps, which we briefly describe below:

  1. Cut the hose to the appropriate length and clean it;
  2. Place the collet on the hose and insert the tip into the hose;
  3. Prepare the crimping machine (check the diameter of the work and the die);
  4. Place the hose in the crimping machine;
  5. Crimp the hose (i.e. press the collet);
  6. Check that the crimp is correct;
  7. Clean the hose of rubber residue and metal filings;
  8. Protect the tips from contamination.

Do you need a more detailed guide? You will find it later in this article.

We explain here each of the above steps in detail.

Is it possible to crimp hoses by yourself?

Yes, you can crimp the hoses by yourself, but you need the appropriate equipment, i.e. a crimping machine. Without it, you will not be able to compress the collet properly.

You will find different types of hose crimping machines on the market:

  • manual,
  • pneumatic,
  • electric.

Their size and technical specifications vary as well. In addition, some are designed for small plants or domestic environments, while others are most suitable for industrial use.

There is one piece of very good news for you. Namely: in the multitude of possibilities, you can easily pick the most suitable machine for your needs.

However, please note that the crimping process must be carried out with consideration of all the parameters of the hose and the tips so that the connection is permanent and tight. In addition, also take into account the conditions in which the hose will be operating.

If you want to be sure that the crimping fulfils your expectations, use the help of professionals. As they have specialised equipment and expertise, with them, you can be sure of a job well done.

A professionally crimped hose will not give you unpleasant surprises, such as the end bursting during operation.

Hose crimping - step-by-step guide

Below, we have prepared a comprehensive step-by-step guide that will explain to you the whole process.

As you will find out in a moment, crimping hydraulic hoses (just like crimping brake hoses and crimping air conditioning hoses) is not that difficult at all.

Step 1: Prepare the tools and materials you need

Before you start work, make sure you have all the essentials with you. You will need:

  • a hydraulic hose,
  • hose tips and collets for hydraulic hoses,
  • hose grease, 
  • callipers,
  • chalk (or white marker),
  • protective goggles, 
  • protective gloves,
  • crimping machine,
  • die and crimping flange.

Step 2: Measure and cut the hose

Measure the length of hose you need and then cut it using a saw for hoses.

Attention! For exact measurements, make sure you include the cut-off factor when determining the final hose length.

Once you have cut the hose, check whether the edge is smooth. If not, use a file to apply the corrections.

Remember, also, that saws have different cutting specifications. Therefore, before you start work, compare their capabilities.

When it is all over, clean the ends of the hose. Otherwise, the presence of contaminants can lead to unnecessary troubles during crimping and even later hose operation.

Step 3: Select the appropriate tips

When selecting tips, please take into account factors such as:

  • working pressure, 
  • thread (metric, inch British or American, Japanese), 
  • type (flat, spherical, conical, flanged packing),
  • fixing methods, 
  • material (in terms of corrosion resistance).

Do not underestimate this step. Selecting the appropriate tips is crucial, as the durability and tightness of the seals depend on it.

Step 4: Mark the insertion depth and assemble the tip

A good way to do this is to mark the insertion depth of the tip and collet on the hose. Take a chalk (or marker) and draw a thick line around the hose where the collet should end.

Then grease the hose if necessary (but don't do this if you are using a spiral hose).

Finally, insert the tips of the hoses into the holes of the hose and apply the collets from the outside.

Step 5: Check the crimping machine and adjust its settings

Crimping machines are specifically designed to crimp specific hose diameters. So before you start work, make sure that the machine's capabilities are adequate. If necessary, adjust its parameters to your needs.

Please remember! Before crimping, always check that you have selected the appropriate diameter for the hose.

Step 6: Choose a die

Clamping dies are designed for specific hoses and tips, so get one that meets your needs. You can support yourself with technical specifications to match the necessary parts exactly.

Also, grease the die with a good quality lithium-base grease.

Step 7: Place the hose in the crimping machine

Push the end of the hose into the crimping machine so that the tip of the hose appears above the die, but the collet remains inside it. If the latter also sticks out, the hose will not be compressed properly, increasing the risk of the joint bursting.

Step 8: Put on your protective gear

When you get to this point, put on your protective gear (goggles, ear protection and thick gloves). Always take care of your safety!

Step 9: Crimp the hose

Switch on the machine. The cylinder head will slowly move downwards. As it presses down on the flange, this will compress the die.

Do not touch the machine until the flange is near the very bottom of the die. Then the crimping machine should finish the operation by itself.

Newer machines have a built-in safety system, so if the die is moved, they will stop crimping.

Step 10: Check the crimping

Check the line you drew on the hose. If it is no longer there at the base of the collet, this means that the hose or collet has moved during crimping. No matter how tight such a joint may seem, it is not a good crimp.

On the other hand, if the line is in place, you can be sure that you have correctly crimped the hose.

Step 11: Clean the hose

After work, remove any contaminants from inside the hose - especially if you are crimping larger diameter hoses. You'll do this with a hose brush or a coupled air gun.

Repeat the process until rubber particles or metal filings no longer fall out of the inside.

For more information, please visit HESPER.

Attention! If the rubber fragments fall out all the time, there is a risk of serious damage to the hose!

Step 12: Lock the tips

Once you have cleaned the hose, you can still lock the crimped tips so that absolutely nothing can get inside. You can do this by using plastic caps or heat shrink caps.

All you have to do is put the cap on the tip and heat it for a few seconds while it protects the hose from debris.

These caps are available in a wide range of sizes, so you can easily find a suitable solution for your needs.

How much does hose crimping cost?

Crimping is a relatively low-cost service. However, the final price depends on the type and size of the hose, as well as how many lines you want to prepare in that manner.

In general, you don't actually need to prepare yourself for a huge cost. Therefore, if you are interested in professional help in this area, by all means go for it.


You already know what crimping hoses is all about. Although the process in itself is not too complicated, don't treat it with neglect.

Crimping requires patience, know-how and practice, as an ill-prepared hose will be useless. If the tip is not tight, it will not only reduce the efficiency of the various machines, but also increase the risk of a dangerous failure.

That's why we remind you: if you are not up to this task, enlist the help of professionals.

A service carried out by a specialist will ensure your safety and increase your mental comfort when handling your hose equipment later on. Furthermore, it will also have a positive impact on your wallet balance, as you will avoid unnecessary failures (e.g. the hose bursting at the tip).

Hydraulic Hose Crimping Machine 101: Everything You ...

As a leading hydraulic hose manufacturer, we supply the most hydraulic hose wholesale for the local hydraulic hose business.

Hydraulic hose crimping also matters most for the hydraulic hose installation procedure, and today we are happy to share with your everything you need to know about the hydraulic hose crimping machine.

What Is a Hydraulic Hose Crimping Machine?

The hydraulic hose crimping machine, also named hydraulic hose crimper, is the hydraulic hose crimping tool used to connect the two ends of two hydraulic hoses together. 

Of course, the hydraulic hose crimping machine can also be used for you to connect two wires, cables, tubes, and also other flexible materials, so the hydraulic hose crimping machine is an important tool for you to handle hydraulic hose connection for the hydraulic line.

The hydraulic hose crimping machine can help you assemble the hydraulic hoses to the hydraulic-powered machinery, to transfer the water-based liquid or petroleum-based liquid for the construction machinery that includes the hydraulic system.

How Does A Hydraulic Hose Crimping Machine Work?

A hydraulic hose crimping machine works by the pressurized liquid to drive a piston into a cylinder where it compresses a hydraulic hose die against the hydraulic hose.

The hydraulic hose crimping machine can connect the hydraulic hose and hydraulic hose fittings together, making them connected firmly, without leaving any space to leak hydraulic fluids.

The hydraulic hose crimper dies can form a permanent bend in the location of the contact area, the die spring will be back up leaving a permanent bent section of the hydraulic hose end, to make it a conjoined well.

how to Crimp Hydraulic Hose Fittings?

hydraulic hose fittings to hose

Follow these steps to crimp hydraulic hose fittings effectively:

1. Preparing the Hose

Measure and cut the hydraulic hose to the desired length using a cutting tool. Make sure the hose end is clean and free from any debris or contaminants.

2. Selecting the Fittings and Crimping Die

Choose the appropriate crimped fittings for your application and ensure they are compatible with the hydraulic hose. Select the correct crimping die size that matches the fitting and hose diameter. Refer to the crimping tool manufacturer’s guidelines for the recommended die size.

3. Inserting the Hose into the Fitting

Slide the crimped fitting onto the hose, ensuring it goes all the way to the hose’s end. Be mindful of the orientation and alignment of the fitting. Check for any specific instructions provided by the fitting manufacturer.

4. Crimping the Fitting

Place the hose with the fitting into the crimping tool, aligning it with the selected crimping die. Follow the crimping tool’s instructions on how to position the assembly correctly.

Activate the crimping tool to compress the fitting onto the hose. Apply steady and even pressure, ensuring that the crimping die compresses the fitting uniformly. Follow the crimping tool manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific procedure.

5. Inspecting the Crimped Connection

The crimping process is complete, carefully remove the hose from the crimping tool. Inspect the crimped connection for any signs of irregularity, such as gaps, misalignment, or deformations. Ensure that the fitting is securely attached to the hose without any visible gaps or leaks.

How to Crimp a Hydraulic Hose

Here are the steps to crimp a hydraulic hose:

crimp hydraulic hose
  1. Preparation: Ensure you have the correct tools and materials. You will need a hydraulic hose, a hydraulic fitting, a crimping machine, and appropriate crimping dies.
  2. Measurement: Use a measuring tool to measure the length of the hydraulic hose, ensuring it is suitable for your application. Ensure accurate measurements to avoid any size mismatch issues.
  3. Cutting hydraulic hose: Use a dedicated hydraulic hose cutting tool to cut the hose to the desired length. Make sure the cut is straight, without any burrs or fraying.
  4. Preparing the hose: Insert the end of the hose into the slot of the hydraulic fitting, ensuring the hose is fully inserted and the end is not twisted or wrinkled.
  5. Crimping hydraulic hose: Place the assembled hose and fitting into the crimping machine, aligning it with the appropriate crimping dies. Activate the machine to compress the dies around the fitting and hose, creating a secure crimp.
  6. Inspection: After crimping, visually inspect the crimped area to ensure it is securely attached and there are no visible gaps or defects. You can also perform a pressure test to verify the integrity of the crimped connection.

Note: It’s essential to follow the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crimping machine and refer to any safety guidelines to ensure proper and safe crimping of hydraulic hoses.

Hydraulic Hose Crimping Dies

The dies are the important parts of a hydraulic hose crimper,  to interchange the crimping different sizes of hydraulic hose, and the hydraulic hose crimping die can be compatible with the hydraulic hose diameters so that the hydraulic hose crimping machine can work for the different types and sizes of the hydraulic hoses.

The hydraulic crimping die set is basically important for you to crimp different types of hydraulic hoses, that are manufactured with different diameters.

Hydraulic Hose Crimping Machine Advantages

Here are some advantages of a hydraulic hose crimping machine.

  • Crimp hydraulic hose tightly
  • Air-tight seal hydraulic hose and couplings
  • Create a reliable hydraulic hose connection
  • Protect hydraulic hose away from the dust, moisture and etc.
  • Easy to operate when compared with other crimping methods.

Types of Hydraulic Crimping Machine

Here are different hydraulic hose crimping machines, you can decide to choose the one depending on the hydraulic hose application, you can choose the proper hydraulic hose crimping tool in different places.

Mini Hydraulic Hose Crimper

The mini hydraulic hose crimper is the smallest hydraulic hose crimping tool that you can use for small hydraulic hose projects at home, or at your store. The mini hydraulic hose crimping tool for the hydraulic system doesn’t require high hydraulic force, and you can have one mini hydraulic hose crimper for your daily repair use.

Mobile Hydraulic Hose Crimper

The mobile hydraulic hose crimper can work for the connection of mini crimping units and large industrial units for the hydraulic system, and the mobile crimper for the hydraulic hose is also convenient for the local hydraulic hose repair & maintenance store.

Workshop Hydraulic Hose Crimping Tools

The workshop hydraulic crimping machine is the popular hydraulic hose crimping machine that works for most business hydraulic working conditions. This type of hydraulic hose crimping machine is powerful, strengthened, and can work for many years. You must have some in your hydraulic hose workshop for the daily hydraulic hose maintenance work.

Can You Crimp Hose without Hydraulic Hose Crimping Tool

To be honest, the hydraulic hose crimping tool is the best method to crimp a hydraulic hose, it is too difficult to manually compress metal connection with the pliers or some other methods.

The hydraulic hose crimper is the most reliable and secure for you to crimp the hydraulic hose to connect it with the hydraulic hose fittings or couplings for the hydraulic powered line.

Final Thought

If you have any questions about the hydraulic hose crimping machine, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Are you interested in learning more about hose skiving machine? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!