The Best Engine Oil Stop Leak Additives in 2023

07 Feb.,2024


How to Choose an Engine Oil Stop Leak

It doesn’t take a pro to figure out how to use an engine oil stop leak. You won’t need to use any special tools such as an oil filter wrench or anything like that. All you need is a cloth, a funnel, and the knowledge on which oil stop leak fluid to get that will make sure your needs are satisfied.

This guide will help you with precisely that. Knowing how to apply the additive is easy, simply pour it and you’re done. But, knowing which one to get for your vehicle is the tricky part. There are hundreds of brands that say their choice is best but it’s always hard to decide. One of the easiest ways to decide is to learn the following things and make the decision based on whether the particular additive meets your needs and specifications.

What Type of Oil Does Your Vehicle Run On?

In many cases, many of the best engine oil stop leaks out there will work on most engines. Despite that, you should always make sure whether the oil stop leak you are considering is compatible with both conventional and synthetic motor oils, or whatever your vehicle prefers.

Activation Speed

You need to understand that in order for the oil stop leak fluid to work, the car needs to travel a couple hundred miles. In most cases, 100 to 200 miles is all it takes. But, there are brands that are not limited to that as others can go even more than that until activating. Obviously, this will affect the price so the thing you need to consider here is whether your situation is critical.

If the damage is minor, then save some money and buy one that activates slower. If the damage is more serious, however, it will be preferred that you go the extra mile and invest in one that works faster. Unfortunately, oil leakage is a tricky but common situation. Don’t expect anything like oil drain pans or other tools to help you here rather than a great oil stop leak and a visit to a mechanic at some point in the future.

How Much Fluid Should You Use?

How much fluid you use depends on a few things. First of all, you need to assess the situation and see if the damage is serious or minor. After that, determine whether you will need a couple of extra bottles. Usually, most brands state they will fix the problem with one usage.

However, in many cases, that won’t be enough. It won’t matter whether your car runs on conventional petrol, diesel oil, or synthetic oil, the leak can be either small or big so that’s the main thing that should decide how much additive you will need.


You have seen that many brands also offer a few added benefits. While this is great, your main concern should be the oil leak itself. You’re here to stop an engine oil leak and anything else is simply a bonus. Make sure everything is compatible and know that the extra features are just that – extra.