Gas meter test bench - Live

27 May.,2024


Gas meter test bench - Live

the GMC is a test bench for the calibration of domestic gas meters. It can combine 1×6 to 4×6 clamping points for the gas meters. Due to the modular design, up to 12 gas meters can be tested simultaneously.

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Gas meter test benches, rigs and facilities


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The principle of a gas meter test facility is that a gas meter to be tested (MUT Meter Under Test) is compared with one or more reference meters. The MUT and the reference meters are connected to each other by means of pipes and valves. The installation often has a fan and a control valve which is used to set a certain flow. The whole is constructed in such a way that the same amount of air passes through the MUT as through the reference meters.

When preparing a test, the operator will set a number flow rates with a specific test time. The gas meters emit a number of pulses during the test. The number of pulses per unit of time is a measure of the amount of air that passes through the meter. However, this amount is not only dependent on the number of pulses per unit of time. In determining, the influence of temperature and pressure is also taken into account. In addition, a correction is also made to the deviation of the reference meters at the set flow rate. Ultimately, the amount of air through the MUT is compared with that of the reference meters. A percentage deviation follows from this. Doing this for multiple flow rates, spread between the maximum and minimum capacity creates an error curve. This error curve indicates the quality of the meter to be examined.

For more information, please visit Bell-Prover Gas Meter Test Bench.