When was GitHub Actions introduced?

09 Mar.,2024


  GET /

should respond with page list Accept: text/html GET /403

should respond with 403 GET /404

should respond with 404 GET /500

should respond with 500 Accept: application/json GET /403

should respond with 403 GET /404

should respond with 404 GET /500

should respond with 500 Accept: text/plain GET /403

should respond with 403 GET /404

should respond with 404 GET /500

should respond with 500 error GET /

should respond with 500 GET /next

should respond with 500 GET /missing

should respond with 404 markdown GET /

should respond with html GET /fail

should respond with an error multi-router GET /

should respond with root handler GET /api/v1/

should respond with APIv1 root handler GET /api/v1/users

should respond with users from APIv1 GET /api/v2/

should respond with APIv2 root handler GET /api/v2/users

should respond with users from APIv2 mvc GET /

should redirect to /users GET /pet/0

should get pet GET /pet/0/edit

should get pet edit page PUT /pet/2

should update the pet GET /users

should display a list of users (70ms) GET /user/:id when present

should display the user

should display the users pets when not present

should 404 GET /user/:id/edit

should display the edit form PUT /user/:id

should 500 on error

should update the user POST /user/:id/pet

should create a pet for user (19ms) params GET /

should respond with instructions GET /user/0

should respond with a user GET /user/9

should fail to find user GET /users/0-2

should respond with three users GET /users/foo-bar

should fail integer parsing resource GET /

should respond with instructions GET /users

should respond with all users GET /users/1

should respond with user 1 GET /users/9

should respond with error GET /users/1..3

should respond with users 1 through 3 DELETE /users/1

should delete user 1 DELETE /users/9

should fail GET /users/1..3.json

should respond with users 2 and 3 as json route-map GET /users

should respond with users DELETE /users

should delete users GET /users/:id

should get a user GET /users/:id/pets

should get a users pets GET /users/:id/pets/:pid

should get a users pet route-separation GET /

should respond with index GET /users

should list users GET /user/:id

should get a user

should 404 on missing user GET /user/:id/view

should get a user

should 404 on missing user (13ms) GET /user/:id/edit

should get a user to edit PUT /user/:id/edit

should edit a user POST /user/:id/edit?_method=PUT

should edit a user GET /posts

should get a list of posts vhost example.com GET /

should say hello GET /foo

should say foo foo.example.com GET /

should redirect to /foo bar.example.com GET /

should redirect to /bar web-service GET /api/users without an api key

should respond with 400 bad request with an invalid api key

should respond with 401 unauthorized with a valid api key

should respond users json GET /api/repos without an api key

should respond with 400 bad request with an invalid api key

should respond with 401 unauthorized with a valid api key

should respond repos json GET /api/user/:name/repos without an api key

should respond with 400 bad request with an invalid api key

should respond with 401 unauthorized with a valid api key

should respond user repos json

should 404 with unknown user when requesting an invalid route

should respond with 404 json

1123 passing (4s)

============================================================================= Writing coverage object [/home/runner/build/expressjs/express/coverage/coverage.json] Writing coverage reports at [/home/runner/build/expressjs/express/coverage] ============================================================================= =============================== Coverage summary ===============================

Statements : 98.81% ( 1916/1939 ), 38 ignored Branches : 94.58% ( 751/794 ), 22 ignored Functions : 100% ( 267/267 ) Lines : 100% ( 1872/1872 )


The command "npm run test-ci" exited with 0.

$ npm run lint > express@4.17.1 lint /home/runner/build/expressjs/express > eslint .

The command "npm run lint" exited with 0.

store build cache $ # Upload coverage to coveralls Done. Your build exited with 0.

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Whether you are new to GitHub Actions or interested in learning all they have to offer, this guide will help you use GitHub Actions to accelerate your application development workflows.

When was GitHub Actions introduced?

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