High Purity Magnesium Oxide (MgO) for Improved ...

13 May.,2024


High Purity Magnesium Oxide (MgO) for Improved ...

High Purity Magnesium Oxide (MgO) for Improved Performance in Cobalt, Nickel and Copper Mining (Hydrometallurgy)

High purity, light burned MagChem®40 magnesium oxide is moderately reactive and uniformly burned to provide a higher recovery of valuable metals such as cobalt, nickel and copper from acid leach solutions. MagChem®40 can improve MgO utilization efficiency and increase the precipitate grade and yield of the metal such as cobalt giving MagChem®40 superior performance in hydrometallurgy over naturally mined magnesia products (i.e. caustic calcined magnesia (CCM)) that have lower MgO purity and slower, non-uniform reactivity.

Please visit our website for more information on this topic.

Unlike lime and caustic soda, MagChem®40 magnesium oxide is a non-hazardous (by D.O.T. standards) and non-corrosive product that is safer to handle. MagChem®40 is particularly advantageous over lime in that it does not cause scaling and produces a metal hydroxide cake free from insoluble sulfate salts such as gypsum. Due to the gradual neutralization rate of MagChem®40, there is sufficient time for the metal hydroxide particles to grow resulting in larger floc particles that settle out faster. The metallic sludge generated by MagChem®40 is more concentrated in solids and easier to dewater as compared to sludge produced by lime or caustic soda, which greatly improves the hydrometallurgy process.

AK98 VHR High Purity Reactive Magnesium Oxide

Whether it is for nickel, cobalt or uranium, hydrometallurgy thrives on optimum product purity and the bare minimum of safety & environmental concerns -our best scores, exactly! In no uncertain terms, our Magnesium Oxide powder is the most cost-effective and better performing solution for the modern metallurgist, and here is why:

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Meishen.

Selective precipitation for the recovery of the metal from the ore with the minimum possible impurities depends on pH control of the leachate, and the best alkaline reagent for the purpose is a lightly calcined MgO. Our AK98 VHR outperforms every other natural MgO grade in the market and costs less than any equally matched synthetic grade.

The list of mining & metal companies using AK98 VHR continues to grow in every continent. Next to quality and performance, they also look for price stability, just-in-time delivery and supply chain security -we have been building our reputation on these, for decades. Our customers' procurement officers are happy with the “value for money” we offer, and so are their production managers with the denser and more crystalline precipitates they get, the less material they use and the lower sludge volume they have to handle.

Not least, their local communities are safer than ever: zero toxicity, zero environmental concerns. And this last of our advantages speaks volumes about the future!

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Reactive Magnesium Oxide Supplier.