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EXPANSIVE MORTAR Non-Explosive Demolition Agent is a non-toxic and cementations powder, which consisting of calcined oxides of calcium, silicon and aluminum, EXPANSIVE MORTAR becomes a highly powered amazing expansive pressure of T / m2 when mixed with water. Marble, granite, limestone, plain concrete, reinforced concrete, boulders, and ledge are fractured overnight without noise, vibration, or fly rock. Especially, used as environment constraints or when explosive is not permitted for use.
It develop rise of highly expansive capabilities at the consistent volume exceeding 122 Mpa ( T/ M2) more than enough to break up any materials to be cut or demolished. The tensile strength for most rock is less than 5-25 Mpa (500- T/m2 50-250 kg /cm 2), Reinforced concrete breaks at 3-5 Mp (30-50 kg /cm2, 300- 500 T/ M2).
1.Quarrying marble and granite, limestone, sand stone; cracking nature ground
2.Breaking rock into pieces; deposition of falling rocks
3.Demolishing concrete structure, Chipping defective concrete piles, etc
4.In the field as a new method of demolition, EXPANSIVE MORTAR can effectively be use in the construction and civil engineering fields as follows:
Bridges Dams
Ledge Boulders
Machinery Bases Concrete Piers
Slabs 6" thick and more Marble and Granite
1. No licenses or permit required
2. 2 year shelf life
3. One product available for all temperature
4. Use in safe, no noise, vibration, or fly rock,
5. Easy to use, no need of train.
6. MSDS available
There are three types of Expansive mortar for traditional type, depending on usable temperature,
Type of EXPANSIVE MORTAR Usable temperature
SCA-1 25°C-40°C ( 77°F-104°F)
SCA-2 10°C-25°C ( 50°F-77°F)
SCA-3 -5°C-10°C ( 23°F-50°F)
Universal type: one product for all temperature
Packing: powder by inner plastic bag, 5kg / bag, 20 kg / carton, one ton / wood pallet
Form: powder and cartridge available
EXPANSIVE MORTAR Technical manual.pdf , covers cracking design (hole depth, hole pattern,), drilling, mixing, filling instructions, estimating consumption quantity, cracking time, cracking gap.
1.Although SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar is packed in anti-moisture plastic bags, long storage may cause deterioration of its working ingredients. Therefore, store in a dry place and use it as soon as possible.
2.When storing, do not place the bags of SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar directly on floor, put them on a pallet and keep in a dry warehouse etc. SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar is stored in this manner, can be effectively used for about 1 year.
3.SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar should be unpacked before use.
4.When storing the portion of SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar remaining after use, push the air out of the bag, then seal with gum tape and use as soon as possible. However, as it may get exposed to moisture there is a risk of SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar losing its effectiveness once the bag has been opened.
5.If you receive broken bags of SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar, they may not work due to chance of moisture absorption.
You will get efficient and thoughtful service from Sanqiang Building Material.
Pre-drilled hole design table
Materials & purpose
Hole design
Hole spacing
Soft stone quarrying
105% of Height
Hard stone quarrying
105% of Height
Stone cutting
90% of Height
Plain concerte demolition
80% of Height
Reinforced concrete demolition
90% of Height
Reference consumption of
Hole diameter'mm'
30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Consumption 'kg/m3'
1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.2
Hole depth 'm'
a. Mixing: SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar is a powder that must be thoroughly mixed with clear water before used in a ratio of 30% of the overall weight (1.5 liters of each 5 kg packages). Gradually add the powder to water stirring all the time to obtain a smooth lump free mortar.
b. Filling: Pour the mortar into the prepared holes within 5 to 10 minutes only .Stope horizontal holes to allow an easy pouring of SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar (should some of the mortar leak out of hole. Stop it with a piece or soft sponge) or fill the holes with thick mortar of SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar,
c. Drilling : The distance between holes varies depending on the size of the hole (from 32 mm diam. to 42 mm diam.) and the type of materials to be demolished or cut. For rock or non-reinforced concrete should be 30 to 60 cm. And reinforced concrete should be 20 to 30 cm.
Selection of Proper Type of SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar
To avoid blown-out shots the proper type of SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar should be selected in accordance with the temperature of the object to be demolished. NOTE :When the season is shifting, ex. winter to spring, or when tunnel or underground demolition work is carried out, carefully select the proper type of SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar in accordance with the temperature of the object to be demolished, not outdoor temperature, because the temperature of the object is often great[y different from the outdoor temperature. If the temperature of the object is higher than the outdoor temperature and the type of SPLITSTAR selected in accordance with the outdoor temperature is used, blown-out shots will certainly occur.
Temperature Estimation
As shown in following picture, place a thermometer in the bottom of the hole and leave it in place for 2-3 minutes. Then quickly pull out the thermometer and take a reading.
NOTE :Avoid taking temperature right after drilling since the temperature of the hole is higher because of friction heat.
Drill holes designed for demolition with a drilling machine.
(1) Drilling machine : Jack Hammer, Leg Hammer etc.
(2) Drilling Direction : It is preferable to drill holes vertically, but in case of a wall or pillar of reinforced concrete where vertical drilling is hard, an inclined hole may be drilled. For horizontal holes, the same idea of spacing as with vertical holes can be applied. Try to drill horizontal holes with some slope.
(3) Drilling machine : Use of Spiral Sheath Pipes
In the case of a temporary concrete structure (to be demolished), place spiral sheath pipes as holes before placing concrete. When the structure needs to be cracked, fill the holes with SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar after removing the spiral sheath pipes.
There is no change in breaking effect by the use of spiral sheath pipes. However, spiral sheath pipes of 36-50mm (1 3/8"-2") diameter should be used.
NOTE : Never use vinyl chloride pipes etc. instead of spiral sheath pipe. Leg Hammer Spiral Sheath Pipe
1. Wear safety goggles, rubber gloves, long sleeve cloth and helmet during SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar handling, mixing and filling.
2. Do not get your face close to or stand near filled holes for at least 3 hours after filling completion stop the hurt to eyes in case of blow out shots.
3. Wear a dust-proof mask when using SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar in poorly ventilated areas such as tunnels or mines.
4. Keep people away from job-site after filling mortar.
5. Skin contact with SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar must be rinsed off with large amounts of cold water immediately.
6. Should you get spray from SPLITSTAR® expansive mortar in your eyes, do not rub but wash the eyes immediately with plenty of cold water and consult doctor.
Rapid-Crack (Expansive Mortar) must be thoroughly mixed with clean normal water before use. The required volume is 1.5 ' 1.7 litters of water into a bucket, then gradually add one 5 kg bag of Expansive Mortar. Stir until you obtain a smooth lump-free slurry.
Use only open pails or containers for mixing. Narrow necked containers must not be used.
Avoid adding extra water, as this may reduce concentration and effectiveness of the mix.