What is the difference between LED screen and normal screen?

05 Feb.,2024


LED vs LCD Technology

The main difference between an LED and LCD monitor comes from the display technology used to create the picture displayed.

First, an important thing to understand is that the LED (Light Emitting Diode) monitor is an improvised version of the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). This is why all LED monitor is LCD in nature, but not all LCDs are LED monitors.

LCD technology revolutionised monitors by using cold cathode fluorescent lamps for backlighting to create the picture displayed on the screen. A cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) is a tiny fluorescent bulb. In the context of this article, LCDs refer to this traditional type of CCFL LCD TVs.

LED monitors took the old technology a step further by replacing the fluorescent bulbs with LED backlight technology. And OLED (organic light-emitting diode) technology improves it even further by eliminating the need for backlighting. So with LCD vs LED, LCD is essentially the old technology.

Direct View LED (aka LED Display)

Early LED monitors had the LED lights placed on the edge of the monitor, called LED edge lighting. However, monitors have changed since then.

Now, LED monitors are direct-view LEDs. Direct view LEDs go a step further and replace the entire screen with an array of LEDs.

This turns a single monitor into a modular assortment of countless light-emitting diodes. Additionally, this expands how big the monitor can be without blowing up the cost exponentially.

The quality of direct-view LED screens is measured by pixel pitch. The pixel pitch is the distance between two adjacent LEDs on the display. The smaller the pixel pitch, the better the quality of the image.

Is LED or LCD Better?

To answer the question ‘which is better- LED or LCD TVs?’, we need to evaluate them on various factors that make a display better or worse.

Let us go through these factors one by one and understand which technology wins in each criterion:

Energy Efficient

Since LEDs replace fluorescent bulbs with light-emitting diodes, LED TVs are more energy-efficient than LCDs. A 32-inch LED TV screen consumes 10 watts less power than the same size LCD screen. The difference in power consumption increases as the size of the display increases.


Light-emitting diodes are considerably smaller than fluorescent lamps used in LCD monitors. Fluorescent lamps have a considerable thickness, but the thickness of diodes is next to none. Moreover, countless diodes are assembled in the same plane, so the thickness of the array isn’t increased no matter how many diodes are present.

Therefore, an LED panel is thinner than an LCD panel. On average, an LED screen can be one-third the thickness of an LCD screen of the same size.

Viewing Angle

Edge-lit LEDs have a slight drawback in viewing angle compared to LCDs, because of the position of the light source. However, direct-view LEDs offer a better angle for viewing than LCDs as the light source is evenly spread on the screen.

Response Time

This is the time it takes to shift from one colour to another. Response times are generally measured in milliseconds (ms). The shorter the time to respond, the better the quality of the images produced.

When it comes to LCD vs LED, typically, LED TVs have shorter (better) response times than LCD screens.


Since LED displays use full-array LED backlighting rather than one big backlight, LED TVs offer significantly better contrast than LCDs. LCD backlighting technology only shows white and black, but LED backlighting can emit the entire RGB spectrum, thereby providing a deeper RGB contrast.

Which Lasts Longer, LCD or LED?

If you wonder which display will last longer, this debate is also won by LED displays. LED televisions have a longer lifespan of 100,000 hours on average, compared to 50,000 hours provided by LCD televisions.

Is LED or LCD Better for the Eyes?

An LED display provides the option to dim the backlight, along with other eye comfort features. Not only that, it provides a wider viewing angle without harming image quality. Therefore, an LED display is far better for your eyes than an LCD.


In an LED display, a lot of smaller diodes are used and if a diode is damaged, it can be replaced. In an LCD, you will need to replace the entire bulb in case of damage. Therefore, an LED display is easier and cheaper to maintain than an LCD.


Since LEDs are a better and newer technology, the price of an LED display is higher than an LCD. However, this is only when we are considering the purchase cost.

When you consider factors such as lifespan and maintenance, an LED display turns out to be cheaper than an LCD one in the long run.

Which Has Better Picture Quality – LED or LCD?

The picture quality of an LED display is far better than an LCD. Due to modular light-emitting diodes, an LED screen produces better control over the contrast, rendering a clear picture. Also, LED provides RGB contrast, which can show truer blacks and truer whites.

Not to forget, they provide a shorter response time as well. Both of these factors result in LED displays having a better picture quality compared to LCD displays.

Which is Heavier, LCD or LED?

Since LED displays are considerably thinner than LCDs, they weigh considerably less. On average, an LED screen weighs about half of an LCD screen of the same size.


3.1 Pros and Cons of LCD

Pros Cons
  • Cheaper
  • Old Technology
  • Inferior picture quality
  • Costlier maintenance
  • Shorter Lifespan
  • Bulkier

3.2 Pros and Cons of LED

Pros Cons
  • Superior picture quality
  • Cheaper maintenance
  • Long-lasting
  • Slimmer and lighter
  • Better viewing angle
  • Value for money
  • High price

Why LED is Better Than LCD

As you might have noticed by now, LED wins the battle with LCD without any doubt. This is because LED displays have an advantage in all the factors that matter when considering a purchase, except price.

Even when you consider the price, you will find that while LED technology is costlier, it provides better value for money in the long run. This is because of the longer lifespan and easier maintenance of LED screens.

Therefore, if you are considering buying a display for yourself, you should go for an LED display without second thoughts.


LCD vs LED? The LED is often regarded as a third-generation display. It meets the demands and preferences of the new generation very much.

They are more attractive too. With the increasing shortage of space in new residential complexes, what better solution than an ultra-thin LED display giving a cinematic experience in the comfort of your home.

LED screens are the first choice among the public today, across generations. All are opting to switch to LED from LCD to make their lives more enjoyable and better.

Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to the LED vs. LCD video wall debate, it can be hard to pick a side. From the differences in technology to the picture quality and the carbon footprint. There are several factors that you will need to consider when choosing which solution is most suitable for your needs.

With the global video wall market set to grow by 11% by 2026, there has never been a better time to get to grips with these displays.

How do you choose a display with all of this information to consider though? Keep reading to find out.

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Comparison table

What’s the difference

Picture quality



Pixel Pitch




Carbon footprint



How will you display your content?

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Comparison table

Explore our range of video walls here, or contact us today and tell us about your video wall project.

LED Video WallLCD Video WallCostMore expensive
Low-end average $40,000-$50,000Less expensive
Low-end average $5,000-$6,000Lighting typeFull array- even distribution of LEDs across the screen. This allows for local dimming that improves image quality by creating more contrast.Series of lamps at the back of the screen. These are spread evenly giving a consistent display.
LCDs are unable to do local dimming due to the display producing consistent lighting.ResolutionThis will vary depending on the pixel pitch
640 x 360 or 960 x 5401920 x 1080SizeLED panels are smaller and can be combined in unique ways to fit any size requiredLCD screens are larger restricting the space they can be combined in. Can create large displays but has a limit.Lifespan11 years
100,000 hours5-7 years
50,000 hoursBrightnessRange from 600 nits to 6,000 nitsRange from 500 – 700 nitsIndoor/Outdoor useSome LED displays are designed for indoor use only. Others are made to be used outside and will have an IP rating identifying how weather-resistant they are, ideally, you’ll want an IP65-rated display.Suitable for indoor useContrast5000:1
Local dimming can give parts of the screen a more authentic black to increase the contrast ratio.1500:1
Even light distribution limits the contrast.Power consumption600W250WLCD vs LED comparison table

What’s the difference?

To start with, all LED displays are just LCDs. Both use Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technology and a series of lamps placed at the back of the screen to produce the images we see on our screens. LED screens use light-emitting diodes for backlights, while LCDs use fluorescent backlights.

LEDs can also have full array lighting. This is where the LEDs are placed evenly across the entire screen, in a similar way to an LCD. However, the important difference is that the LEDs have set zones and these zones can be dimmed. This is known as local dimming and can significantly improve picture quality. If a certain part of the screen needs to be darker, the zone of LEDs can be dimmed to create a truer black and an improved image contrast. LCD screens are not able to do this as they are constantly evenly lit.

Get in touch today and our team of experts can help you with your LCD or LED video wall requirements.

LCD video wall in an office reception area

Picture quality

Image quality is one of the most contentious issues when it comes to the LED vs. LCD video wall debate. LED displays generally have better picture quality compared to their LCD counterparts. From black levels to contrast and even colour accuracy, LED displays usually come out on top. LED screens with a full-array back-lit display capable of local dimming will provide the best picture quality.

In terms of viewing angle, there is usually no difference between LCD and LED video walls. This instead depends on the quality of the glass panel used.


One of the main differences and biggest considerations when picking between an LCD and an LED video wall is the bezel.


If you go with an LCD display you will need to consider the bezel size. The bezel is the frame that goes around the edge of a single LCD panel. When you bring each panel together to form your video wall, the bezel is where each screen will meet. This will be visible when looking at your video wall, as you’ll see a thin black line where each panel connects to another.

Representation of the average LCD video wall bezel

When looking for an LCD video wall, you will see the bezel sizes listed for the panels. The larger the bezel size the thicker the black bar between the panels will be. Depending on the content you wish to display, this can affect the viewing experience. One large continuous image or a lot of data would be most clearly affected by the bezel.

However, with recent advancements in bezel reduction technology, video wall providers are now able to provide LCD displays with very narrow and in some cases almost unnoticeable bezels. LamasaTech offers a narrow 3.5mm bezel LCD video wall as well as an extremely thin 0.44mm bezel display.


LED displays do not have a bezel, so no black frame will appear between each LED cabinet. This produces a seamless display and allows you to show your content uninterrupted. This is an effective setup when you are expecting to display a single image or video across the entire video wall.

Below you can see a comparison of an LCD display with bezels and an LED video wall without.

LCD video wall with bezels LED seamless display

LamsaTech provides seamless LED video walls, get in touch today to discuss your display requirements.


Resolution affects the sharpness and clarity of the content displayed on a screen. This is particularly important for video walls as it will determine the appropriate viewing distance.

A higher resolution will keep your content looking clear while being viewed up close from a short distance away, while a lower resolution video wall will be better viewed from further away. This ties in with the pixel pitch which will be explained in the next section.

LCD displays offer a much higher resolution when compared to LED options. A 55″ LCD display will offer 1920 x 1080 resolution. When your video wall is completed, the total resolution of your wall will depend on how many panels it includes. For example, a 3×4 LCD video wall will have a total resolution of 5760 x 4320.

As LEDs can have differing pixel pitches their resolutions will vary. An LED with a pixel pitch of 1.26 will have a resolution of 960 x 540. Over the same 3×4 video wall display, this LED would offer a total resolution of 2880 x 2160.

With a much higher resolution, this makes LCDs ideal for indoor viewing. They’ll be able to maintain a clear and detailed image while being viewed from a short viewing distance, for example in a security and control room, simulation room, education facilities and more.

LED video walls are a great choice for outdoor locations where the display will be viewed from a distance, meaning that the resolution is less important. LEDs are also a great choice for indoor environments if you are looking for a video wall with no bezel and the audience will be viewing the display from a distance, making the resolution slightly less important.

Contact our team of experts today and we’ll help you implement your video wall.

Pixel pitch

Pixel pitch is the distance between each pixel on an LED panel. The higher the pixel pitch the greater the spacing between the LEDs which will result in lower image quality, while a lower pixel pitch will offer a higher image quality. This will be especially noticeable in close-up viewing environments such as a board room or reception because the details of the content will be lost and viewers will begin to see individual pixels and not a clear cohesive image.

Understanding what pixel pitch you would require for an LED video wall in your chosen location typically requires input from technical specialists. However, here are two you can calculate this yourself.

  • Multiply the pixel pitch of an LED display by 3 to get the minimum distance in feet a viewer must be from the wall to be able to interpret the content
  • Multiply the pixel pitch of an LED display by 10 for the ideal viewing experience

For example, an LED display with a pixel pitch of 5mm would require a viewer to be 15 feet away to make out any details in the video wall and 50 feet away to clearly view the content.

LCD displays have a much smaller pixel pitch than LED displays, which makes an LCD video wall ideal for showing more informative and detailed content. If your video wall is to be placed in a control room, conference room or reception area, then an LCD display will provide a high-quality experience for this close-distance viewing.


Where the display is going to be placed and the size needed are significant factors in which screen is right for you.

LCD video walls typically aren’t made as large as LED walls. Depending on the need, they can be configured differently but won’t go to the huge sizes LED walls can. LEDs can be as big as you need, one of the largest is in Beijing, which measures 250 m x 30 m (820 ft x 98 ft) for a total surface area of 7,500 m² (80,729 ft²). This display is made up of five extremely large LED screens to produce one continuous image.

Let us know the size of your video wall project and we’ll offer you expert guidance on how you can proceed.

Large LED display – The Place, Beijing – Erica Chang https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%22The_Place%22_Shopping_Mall_in_Beijing_-_panoramio.jpg


Where you will be displaying your video wall will inform you of how bright you need the screens to be.

Higher brightness will be needed in a room with large windows and lots of light. However, in many control rooms being too bright will likely be a negative. If your employees are working around it for long periods they could suffer from headaches or eye strain. In this situation, an LCD would be the better option as there is no need for a particularly high brightness level.


Contrast is also something to consider. This is the difference between the screen’s brightest and darkest colours. The typical contrast ratio for LCD displays is 1500:1, while LEDs can achieve 5000:1. Full-array backlit LEDs can offer high brightness due to the backlighting but also a truer black with local dimming.

Lightest and darkest colours highlighted on an office video wall

The environmental effects on the planet are now at the forefront of many companies’ minds when making decisions. You could be looking for a video wall solution that has a smaller carbon footprint or complies with your green policies.

Commercial LCDs consume less power than commercial LED displays. This is because LEDs require more energy to power their high-brightness capabilities. LCD panels produce an evenly lit display but don’t reach the same level of brightness that LEDs do. As a result, LCD video walls are able to consume much less energy.

A 55″ LCD display will typically consume around 250W of power at its peak, while a 55″ LED cabinet will consume around 600W.



It is important to note that the location of your video wall will impact which option is best for you. LCD video walls are made for indoor environments and are most suitable in locations such as:

  • Reception areas
  • Control rooms
  • Lecture halls
  • Meeting rooms


Some LED video walls are designed for indoor use while others are made for outdoor environments. A key detail to look out for with an outdoor LED video wall is the IP rating. This identifies how weather-resistant it is and how well it will cope with outdoor conditions. IP 65 is the rating you should look for as this will mean your LED display will be able to handle operating outside. Ideal outdoor locations for LED video walls include:

  • Roadsides
  • Stadium/venue entrances
  • Attached to the side of a building


If your main concern is budget, then LCD is the obvious choice. You can usually buy a much bigger LCD display for vastly less money than an LED. LCD video walls are generally much cheaper compared to similar-sized LED displays. The low-end average for an LCD video wall is $5,000-$6,000, while an LED display will cost you $40,000-$50,000.

This is the same when it comes to maintenance. LED screens are more expensive to maintain compared to LCD displays.

How will you display your content?

With both LCD and LED you’ll be able to daisy chain your screens or connect a video wall processor. Daisy chaining involves connecting an input, such as a media player to one screen and then linking the remaining screens together. You’ll then be able to display the content from the input across your display.

A video wall processor offers more control and customisation as it comes with built-in software. Your chosen video wall will be connected to the processor and then you’ll be able to drag and drop content around the display and even resize it to fit your requirements.

To learn more about video wall processors and how they work, read this article.

LamasaTech Advanced Video Wall Processor

Next step

With this knowledge on video walls, you can take the next step in deciding which solution will be best for you.

You can explore our LCD video wall range here.

LamasaTech is a leader in digital display technology with over 12 years of experience. We support customers across a range of industries including retail, military and defence, government and public sector, technology, hospitality and education.

What is the difference between LED screen and normal screen?

LED vs. LCD: The Video Wall Battle

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