20 Pros and Cons of All in One PC

06 Mar.,2024


All in one PC uses have been increased and is popular among many people. Check out pros and cons of all in one PC .

This type of computer consumes less space than a traditional desktop and they don’t make a compromise in its performance for its compact size. In this article, we have put some facts about AIO computers.


  • Being ‘All in One’ these computers can be used in any workplace especially where space is an issue.
  • The design is more compact and therefore it is more convenient to use.
  • There is no need for any cables at all if you add wireless mouse and keyboard to the All in One Computer.
  • The numbers of ports, limited upgradability, lack of configuration choice, a much shorter lifespan with lower reparability for a high product price are its few major concerns.

The 20 Pros and Cons of All in One PC:

The Pros:

1. Compact size

AIO computers are very slim in design and for its compact size it can be placed in a very clumsy commercial place. With the advancement of science and technology, the size of the monitor of an AIO computer is decreasing continuously.

Although the monitor of an AIO contains more elements than a normal monitor of a traditional desktop, there is hardly any difference in size between them.

2. Great monitor

As we mentioned earlier the monitor of an AIO plays the major role and it is the most crucial component of an AIO computer. By investing the same amount of money one can get a larger display in an all in one PC than a traditional desktop of the same configuration.

Most of the all in one computer come with high resolution displays. The monitor of an all in one PC has more capacity and they are more powerful than a monitor of a desktop or laptop.

3. Easy availability of touch screen

Most of the AIO systems offers touch screen facility. This feature is really helpful to the users of various work fields and the price of an AIO with touch screen is not too high in comparison to the others.

4. Energy efficient

The all in one computer is the most energy efficient computer available in the market. That is because to run an all in one computer one just has to supply power to the monitor and the PC will turn on. Unlike desktop computers, multiple power supply points are not needed in an AIO.

5. Web camera

In an all in one computer one can easily find a web camera, which is very useful in this era of internet and video call. But in a desktop computer, one has to connect a web camera externally for which he has to spend an extra penny on it.

6. Wireless connectivity

Wireless connectivity is also one of the promising features of an all in one computer. Like a laptop PC, most of the AIO PCs come with inbuilt Wi-Fi connectivity and Bluetooth feature.

These features are missing in almost all desktop computers. By using this feature one can connect a wireless keyboard or mouse with the product.

So there will be no visible USB cable in the computer which will make the product more attractive and exclusive.

7. Inbuilt speaker

The all-in-one computers come with inbuilt speakers. As told earlier, all of the components of an AIO are compressed in the monitor.

So the speaker is also embedded in the monitor of the device. The speakers are not as loud as a home theatre or a sound bar.

But they are easily audible to the user, using the product at that time.

8. TV tuner

Some advanced all in one devices come with a TV tuner facility. By using this feature one can use the AIO computer as a TV or as a PC.

But it is to be remembered that the all in one computer with TV tuner facility is more expensive than other AIOs.

9. Less cable

An all-in-one computer is a totally compact product. It has all the components present in its monitor that it needs to operate.

On the other hand by using wireless connectivity one can connect a wireless mouse, keyboard, printer, scanner, etc with an AIO.

So, less cable is needed to run an all in one desktop than a traditional desktop.

10. Easy to move

Having a very compact size, and less external peripherals, AIO computers are very light weighted.

So an all-in-one device can be easily moved from one room to another or one place to another place. But it doesn’t have as mobility as a laptop computer has.

The Cons:

11. Purchasing price

In comparison to a traditional desktop, an all-in-one system is more expensive.

One can easily configure a desktop of higher configuration, by investing the same amount of money.

12. Repairing difficulties

The repairing process of an AIO is very difficult because of its compact and slim design.

Every time one needs to repair his all in one computer he needs an expert. The more updated the AIOs are getting; the repairing process of them is getting more costly and complicated.

13. Unavailability of parts

When one wants to update or replace any damaged portion of his all in one computer then he has to face difficulties in searching for the perfect component.

Parts of all in one desktop are not easily available in the market or in online stores and the components are sold at a very high price.

14. Not very good for gaming

An AIO device is not suitable for running games, because for running high end games a computer requires huge storage and RAM capacity with great processing frequency which an all in one computer is not able to provide.

But basic or moderate gaming can be played in it.

15. Longevity

Longevity is one of the major issues with the all in one computer. As the up gradation process of an all in one PC is complicated and it is limited to a certain area, an AIO cannot be used for more than 3 to 5 years.

One cannot change the whole configuration of the all in one device which we can do in a desktop. So the longevity of all in one PC is less than the traditional desktops.

16. Specification

One has to compromise with specification when he chooses to go with an all in one computer.

He cannot get as great specifications as he can get in a desktop, by investing the same amount of money.

17. Assemble

One has to compromise with his choice when he buys an AIO computer. He cannot choose the configuration of the system separately.

That means the users cannot choose the capacity of hard disk, RAM or processor according to their needs.

The companies have made some readymade compact products with some configuration. He has to choose the AIO from them. We cannot configure or assemble them.

18. Up gradation

The up gradation facility of an all in one computer is very limited. One can change only the RAM capacity or can replace the hard drive.

The other specifications of the system cannot be changed by any means.

19. Number of ports

Number of ports offered by an all in one computer is less than the traditional desktops.

Having a very compact design the AIO devices have very small places for ports. So they cannot offer as much port as a desktop can offer.

20. UPS

Being a very compact and exclusive product, a certain shock, or a certain power cut, can meet a serious damage to an all in one computer.

So to avoid such type of hazard one AIO should always be connected with a UPS to prevent a certain shutdown.


All in one desktops offer many useful features to the users. They are compact in size, consume less space and provide great visuals than other types of computers.

But it also has some critical points; such as price, up gradation process, etc.

If the user has to roam around various places with a computer, then it is advised not to go with AIO products.

The AIO devices are mainly made to serve at commercial places and they are quite successful at clumsy workplace.

About Dominic Chooper

Dominic Chooper, an alumnus of Texas Tech University (TTU), possesses a profound expertise in the realm of computer hardware. Since his early childhood, Dominic has been singularly passionate about delving deep into the intricate details and inner workings of various computer systems. His journey in this field is marked by over 12 years of dedicated experience, which includes specialized skills in writing comprehensive reviews, conducting thorough testing of computer components, and engaging in extensive research related to computer technology. Despite his professional engagement with technology, Dominic maintains a distinctive disinterest in social media platforms, preferring to focus his energies on his primary passion of understanding and exploring the complexities of computer hardware.