The Difference Between an Industrial PC and a PLC

02 Feb.,2024


The manufacturing process is always being reevaluated to discover ways to increase productivity and reduce costs. It was eventually the introduction of industrial automation that changed the way such efficiency is achieved. This came about through the use of control systems that could handle multiple machines and do a job once filled by a human employee. 

In the 1970s, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), were introduced for this purpose. They automated the processes, machine functions, and even entire production lines inside manufacturing plants. In the 1990s, Industrial PCs, with their increased processor speeds, smaller footprints, and lower costs, began to take on the role of industrial automation. 

Today, advancements in both pieces of technology have earned each device a place in the industry. While both are popular for automation, it’s easy to wonder at their individual capabilities and argue a case for the superior controller.

Key Feature Similarities and Differences


A PLC operates by continuously monitoring the inputs it receives from other devices and then making “decisions” about how to respond to those inputs according to its programming. This is all powered by an operating system (OS) designed strictly for such control tasks. While this strict OS design limits the functionality of a PLC, their singular purpose also means they can do without antivirus software and registry cleaners. All of their operation tasks can then be dedicated to the control operations.

Industrial PCs perform the same control tasks, but their operating systems allow them to run programs and applications that PLCs cannot. This means that the device can be utilized for more than just control purposes which capitalizes on situations of limited space. Their additional capabilities can make them susceptible to cyberattacks, but modern firewalls and cybersecurity methods make this an easily surmountable factor. 


In terms of their builds, both are designed to operate in harsh, industrial conditions like factory floors. Keep in mind we are not comparing a PLC to the average consumer PC. Industrial grade PCs are:

  • IEC60068 certified – to withstand shock and vibration

  • Fanless – to eliminate problems with particles getting lodged in the system

  • Rated for extreme temperatures

  • Customizable – to operate with modern and legacy equipment

In this arena, the two devices are quite well matched. The only potential difference is in their physical size. PLCs can be fairly bulky and not all of them can be mounted. For many PLCs, mounting can actually obstruct the heat dissipation capacity and can result in the system overheating. Industrial computers, on the other hand, rarely encounter this problem and are compatible with both din rail and rack mount options.

Sonny’s Carwash is a great example of how the build of industrial PCs easily competes with that of a PLC. At Sonny’s, the unit can survive an Arizona summer and a Minneapolis winter while still controlling the car wash’s activities from a small, humid closet space. 


Another key difference is in the programming of each device. How can a person control the controlling device? Although the terms PC and PLC are often interchanged when talking about programmable controllers, they function a bit differently. 

A PLC’s software logic uses a very specific programming language that requires special training to learn, understand, and to alter the commands. You would essentially need an expert on hand any time you want to set up or change a PLC’s programming. PCs run on the familiar Windows operating system so they are much easier to manipulate and knowledge of their programming language is more widely known. They can also interface with more machinery types because they can accommodate flexible programming languages like C++.

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