What Are the Advantages of commercial infrared touch monitor?

02 Sep.,2024


Why Touch Screen Technology? - ViewSonic

Ahead, we&#;ll take a look into why it&#;s a good idea to invest in touch monitor technology and discuss the potential of touch screen monitors to benefit your business. To understand this potential, we need to dive into the different types of touchscreen technology.

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The usefulness and practicality of touchscreen technology is undeniable. So much so, in fact, that businesses have realized the benefits of adopting the technology. However, despite its simplicity for end users, there is more to this tech than meets the eye.

One of the technologies facilitating this transition is touchscreen technology. Most of us are familiar with it. After all, if you own a smartphone, then you likely interact with a touchscreen on a daily basis.

Resistive, optical, projected capacitive, and infrared are four of the most common touch screen technologies. Each has different applications and can support your business in a meaningful way. For example, if you&#;re looking to a build and deploy touch screen solutions for a public space such as a outdoor shopping center, it would be useful to understand the strengths and weaknesses of different touch screen technologies in order to choose the right one for your application. There are panels that are optimal for creating monitors that your customers can easily read and interact with when in bright sunlight. Other types of panels are preferable for touch screen applications that need to resist harsh outdoor weather conditions. Below is an outline of the characteristics commonly associated with each of these technologies.

When it comes to touch screen technology, there are a number of different types of technologies on the market, each with its own set of characteristics.

Because of these layers of film, the transmittance of light is not as strong as with other types of touch technology. Resistive touch panels are also known for being the most durable touch panel technology because pressure needs to be applied to the screen.

Unlike other touch technologies, resistive touch panels are covered by two layers of transparent electrode film separated by spacers. This pressure-based input method means that resistive panels can be operated with just about any type of touch, including finger, stylus, and even gloved touch.

Resistive touch screens are generally single-point-touch displays and are typically less than 20 inches in size.

Resistive touch technology can be found in an array of applications, including touch monitors and car navigation systems. Resistive panels are pressure sensitive, which means they use pressure placed directly on the screen as a means of detecting commands.

Light transmittance on optical imaging touch screens tends to be very good because there are no obstructing coatings used over the screen itself. In addition, optical touch displays tend to last for a long time because the light touches associated with this tech variant do not generally result in wear and tear.

Optical imaging touch panels are multi-touch and typically range from 19 &#; 100 inches in size. Since touch recognition on these devices works by way of imaging, any form of touch, whether it be finger, stylus, gloved touch, etc. can be used to input commands.

Optical imaging touch technology uses infrared cameras and light to detect touch input. Touch detection accuracy on optical imaging touch displays can vary based on the components used.

The light transmittance of projected capacitive touch panels is very good, as is touch detection accuracy. In addition, the glass and plastic coatings on projected capacitive touch panel displays are generally very durable and dust resistant.

Since projected capacitive touchscreens detect touch commands by way of electrical currents, it is more challenging to make larger sized projected capacitive touch panels than it is to make smaller ones. Unlike resistive touch technology, projected capacitive touch panels can function with input from a finger or conductive pen, but not gloved touch.

Projected capacitive touch is typically used on smaller touchscreens and is known for highly precise touch recognition and speedy response times. Projected capacitive touch panels are capable of multi-point touch and are usually less than 32 inches in size.

Projected capacitive touch is the touch technology commonly used for making smartphones. If you use an iPhone then you&#;re already familiar with using projective capacitive touch.

Infrared touch panels tend to have good light transmittance and are quite durable, however sunlight can cause glare and reflection, negatively impacting the user experience.

Infrared touch screens are capable of multi-point touch and can be found in sizes ranging from 20 &#; 150 inches. Commands can be inputted on an infrared touch panel by way of a finger touch, a thick stylus, or gloved touch, though touch detection accuracy can vary based on the internal components used.

Infrared touch technology uses light beam interruption to detect touch commands. In infrared touch displays, infrared beams are organized in a grid over the panel itself and touch points are calculated when the beams are interrupted.

Just how are these industries implementing touch screen technology? Let's discuss a few examples of how touch panels are being used today.

The reason for this is that businesses are realizing just how advantageous touch panel technology can be, thanks to their simple to use interface and ability to increase productivity and improve customer experiences Industries using touch panel technology include:

As we have outlined, there has been a strong shift towards touch panel technology, with more and more businesses adopting touch panels every year. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a business today that isn&#;t implementing some form of touch panel technology.

Streamlined Processes

Touch panel tech puts the power controlling your display at your fingertips, resulting in faster display operations. In business settings, this reduction in time can give way to a multitude of benefits including shorter queue times and faster service for your customers. Moreover, these benefits can create a domino effect of positive outcomes, including higher customer satisfaction, better customer experiences, and greater brand loyalty from your customers.

Ease of Use

Since the introduction of touchscreen smartphones, the use of touch technology has become nearly universal. As such, everyone has become a master. In this case, this technology&#;s benefit is two-fold; it&#;s easy to implement and it&#;s faster for employees to operate. Easy implementation will enable employees to begin using the technology immediately without a learning curve, thus enabling faster operations.


Engaging & Interactive

Because touch panels are so versatile in the ways they can be implemented, they possess the ability to positively affect the user experience. Displaying engaging content for consumer interaction, for instance, is a good way to elevate your business above the competition.

Self-Service Feature

Beyond employee interactions, touch panels can be beneficial to customers. Therein, touch panel technology allows users to serve themselves. This functionality can be useful for mall or hotel information services and restaurant meal selection, to name just a few applications. This allows employees more time to focus on higher priority tasks and allows customers to take ownership of their own experience.


Inherently, touchscreens must be able to withstand constant physical interaction. With durability and limited replacement in mind, touch panel producers aim for the greatest possible lifespans and accidental damage prevention.

Clutter Reduction

Non-touch panels often require additional peripherals for operation. Implementation of touch technology eliminates the need for these accessories and, through its faster operation, results in a more streamlined workspace.

Increased Efficiency

Touch panel technology can increase efficiency in the workplace by, for example by reducing queue times. This efficiency increase translates into bottom line benefits by allowing employees to service more customers, thereby enhancing the customer experience.

Cost Effective

Digitizing your workflow with touch panel technology can reduce costs by eliminating office supply expenditures. Touch displays also can reduce storage costs by eliminating the need for physical document storage.

Advantages and Applications of Infrared Touch Display

Mar. 15,

Industrial touch display or monitor has a variety of touch modes, three common types are capacitive, resistive and infrared touch. Many customers know little about infrared touch display, here we will make brief introduction about the features and applications of infrared touch display .


The advantage of an infrared touch screen is that it can be touched with a finger or pen.The disadvantage of infrared touch screen is that it feels bad when it is used on spherical display. This is because the infrared raster matrix on which it works obviously requires to be on the same plane. Therefore, there is a large distance between the real sensing touch plane and the arc-shaped display screen, especially in the corner, but this disadvantage is not exsit in flat display, such as  liquid crystal display.


It can be said that infrared touch screen has considerable advantages in flat panel display. Infrared detection technology can obtain a simple infrared detection method by using the same wavelength infrared emitter and infrared receiver tube&#;


As long as there are objects blocking the connection between infrared tubes, the received signal will drop sharply. Therefore, infrared can detect the blockage of objects, and it is widely used in anti-theft system, automatic induction system, counter and other systems.


If infrared is used in short distance, the blocking degree can also be detected according to the attenuation condition of the received signal. This is the so-called analog mode. The analog mode uses a dense receiver array at the receiving end and can also be used for imaging. In order to prevent interference, infrared detection can also adopt pulse mode.


That is to say, the infrared emitter transmits a fixed frequency signal, and the receiver only detects this frequency, so the anti-jamming ability of pulse mode is very strong. If the pulse mode modulates the signal on the working frequency, it can also be used in digital communication. This is the famous infrared communication. The remote control of household appliances, infrared communication of computers, and even the fastest optical fiber communication are all related to this. Infrared communication has no effect on human body.


Above is brief introduction for infrared touch display. More information for IR touch monitor, please consult Touch Think.

Are you interested in learning more about commercial infrared touch monitor? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!