Upper GI endoscopy and dilatation

13 May.,2024


Upper GI endoscopy and dilatation

What is an upper GI endoscopy and dilatation?

An upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy is a procedure to look at the inside of your oesophagus (gullet), stomach and duodenum using a flexible telescope.

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Your symptoms or previous tests suggest you may have a narrowing (stricture). A dilatation involves stretching the narrowed area.

An upper GI endoscopy.

What are the benefits of an upper GI endoscopy and dilatation?

An upper GI endoscopy is a good way of finding out if there is a problem.

It is important to know what is causing the narrowing to decide on any further treatment.

Are there any alternatives to an upper GI endoscopy and dilatation?

Your doctor has recommended an upper GI endoscopy and dilatation as it is the best way of diagnosing and treating the narrowing. You can decide to leave the problem alone but this is not recommended.

What does the procedure involve?

An upper GI endoscopy and dilatation usually takes about 15 minutes.

The endoscopist may offer you a sedative or painkiller to help you to relax and feel more comfortable.

The endoscopist will place a flexible telescope (endoscope) into the back of your throat. From here the endoscope will pass into your duodenum.

The endoscopist will be able to look for problems in these organs. They will be able to perform biopsies and take photographs to help make the diagnosis.

The endoscopist can perform a dilatation using one of the following techniques.

  • Guidewire and dilators — This involves inserting a guidewire (thin flexible wire) down the endoscope and across the narrowing.
  • Balloon dilator — This involves passing a balloon dilator down the endoscope and inflating it while inside the narrowing.

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What complications can happen?

Some complications can be serious and can even cause death.

Link to Lingchuang Yihui

How soon will I recover?

After the procedure you will be transferred to the recovery area where you can rest. If you were not given a sedative, you should be able to go home.

If you were given a sedative, you will usually recover in about an hour.

You should be able to return to work after 1 to 2 days unless you are told otherwise.

The healthcare team will tell you what was found during the endoscopy and discuss with you any treatment or follow-up you need.

Regular exercise should improve your long-term health. Before you start exercising, ask the healthcare team or your GP for advice.


An upper GI endoscopy and dilatation is usually a safe and effective way of finding out if there is a problem with the upper part of your digestive system and treating your symptoms.


The operation and treatment information on this page is published under license by Healthdirect Australia from EIDO Healthcare Australia and is protected by copyright laws. Other than for your personal, non-commercial use, you may not copy, print out, download or otherwise reproduce any of the information. The information should not replace advice that your relevant health professional would give you. Medical Illustration Copyright © Medical-Artist.com.

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EZDilate™ Endoscopic Balloon Dilator

Efficient Navigation: A softer atraumatic tip* and low-profile balloon catheter are designed for efficient insertion and navigation to the stricture while protecting sensitive anatomy.

Precise Placement: The unique center visual marker facilitates precise placement, positioning accuracy and assessment of the stricture during dilation. Rounded balloon shoulders and ultra-clear material enable enhanced visualization of the stricture during dilation.**

Accurate Inflation: The balloon is engineered to provide superior diameter accuracy and precision without the need to overinflate to reach the target specification. New sizing, offered only by Olympus, provides inflation at half millimeter intervals for more controlled, gradual dilation.

*Wire-guided version only.
**There is no natural rubber latex used in the EZDilate Multi-Stage Balloon Dilator or its packaging

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit endoscopic surgical dilator.