Will Medicare pay for adjustable beds for seniors?

19 Feb.,2024


As seniors age, many experience health issues that may impact their ability to get a good night's sleep. Some seniors may find that an adjustable bed can help alleviate certain medical conditions and improve their overall sleep quality. However, a common question among seniors is whether Medicare will cover the cost of an adjustable bed. In this article, we will explore the criteria that Medicare uses to determine coverage for adjustable beds for seniors.

### Medicare Coverage for Durable Medical Equipment.

Medicare Part B covers durable medical equipment (DME) that is deemed medically necessary for a senior's treatment. DME includes items such as wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, and certain types of mattresses. In order for an adjustable bed to be covered by Medicare, it must meet certain criteria set forth by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

### Medical Necessity.

One of the key factors that Medicare considers when determining coverage for an adjustable bed is medical necessity. In order for Medicare to cover the cost of an adjustable bed, a healthcare provider must prescribe the bed as medically necessary for the senior's treatment. The healthcare provider must also provide documentation supporting the need for an adjustable bed over a standard bed.

### Coverage Guidelines.

Medicare has specific guidelines that must be met in order for an adjustable bed to be covered. The bed must be prescribed by a healthcare provider who is enrolled in Medicare, and the provider must specify the medical condition that warrants the use of an adjustable bed. Additionally, the bed must be purchased or rented from a Medicare-approved supplier.

### Qualifying Conditions.

Some medical conditions that may qualify a senior for coverage of an adjustable bed include sleep apnea, acid reflux, arthritis, and other conditions that may be alleviated by sleeping in an elevated position. Medicare will also consider factors such as the senior's ability to get in and out of bed and their risk of falling when determining coverage for an adjustable bed.

### Coverage Limits.

It's important to note that Medicare coverage for adjustable beds is subject to certain limits. Medicare will typically cover 80% of the approved cost of the bed, and the senior is responsible for the remaining 20% as well as any applicable deductibles or copayments. In some cases, a supplemental insurance plan may cover the remaining costs, depending on the individual policy.

### Conclusion.

In conclusion, Medicare may cover the cost of an adjustable bed for seniors if it is deemed medically necessary by a healthcare provider and meets certain criteria set forth by Medicare. Seniors who are considering an adjustable bed should consult with their healthcare provider to determine if they qualify for coverage. Additionally, they should purchase or rent the bed from a Medicare-approved supplier to ensure that it meets all necessary requirements.

If you have any questions about Medicare coverage for adjustable beds for seniors, please feel free to contact us for more information.

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