How Do You Straighten Sheet Metal

13 Jan.,2025


How Do You Straighten Sheet Metal

The principle of straightening is the use of an external force such as pressure or heat to straighten a deformed sheet of metal into its correct shape. To explain how the forming process works, we can first think of sheet metal as a collection of many parallel fibers. In normal circumstances, the fibers are placed in parallel in a sequence that strengthens the sheet metal and keeps it parallel. Here are two methods of straightening that may help to make the sheet metal flat again.

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The first is a manual straightening method using a hammer. Suitable for the reshaping of small workpieces, it is the most convenient method that can be easily achieved by everyone using metal straightening tools and operational progress. You will need to apply some oil to the sheet metal hammer before it is hammered into the correct shape to avoid slipping and prevent potential injury to the operator. Different hammers will be used to handle different adjustments:

 Straightener Machine TL(0.4-2.2mm)

' Flat-head hammers.

A flat-headed hammer is usually used to strike flat surfaces, deep recesses or corners.

' Stabbing Hammer.

Arc-shaped parts and components can be adjusted by means of a stabbing hammer. The rounded part of the stabbing hammer helps the curved part to retain its shape compared to a flat hammer.

' Arched hammers.

Similar to the stabbing hammer, the arch hammer is often used for deformed arch sections on workpieces.

' Intermediate hammers.

Intermediate hammers, as the name implies, prevent the hammer from striking the workpiece directly. The intermediate hammer acts as an intermediate part between the workpiece and the hammer. With this special hammer, the workpiece is not directly struck by the hammer and the risk of damage by high external forces is reduced.

' Flat-head plastic hammers.

A flat-headed plastic hammer is usually used to trim the corners of boxes.

' Crane hammers.

Crane hammers are often used to remove small pits that make the surface of a workpiece uneven and unsightly. The hammers listed above are commonly used. There are other types of hammers depending on the various needs of the surface of the workpiece to be treated.

The second method is to use a machine. When the deformation is so severe that the use of a hammer is no longer the best solution, a straightening machine becomes a better alternative. Typically, machines used to straighten workpieces are often used to correct larger workpieces that cannot be easily adjusted with a hammer. The most common method of straightening distorted sheet metal is to use rollers to flatten the sheet metal. Depending on the size of the sheet metal, one or two workers are required to operate the progress. When straightening sheet metal, the deformed sheet metal passes through the gaps between the roller gaps, which then presses the entire sheet evenly and equalizes their thicknesses as well:

' Flame straightening.

Flame straightening uses heat to bring the sheet metal back to its correct shape again. This is because if the temperature reaches a certain level, the metal can be bent without the fear of breakage. The following are the three main methods used to heat metal: spot heating, linear heating, and triangular heating.

When applying the heating method, the flame will be used to contact the sheet metal at different ranges and points. For example, point heating tends to form a circle when heated, while linear heating causes the flame to advance and retreat along a line, and triangular heating causes the heated area to become triangular, usually at the edges of the sheet metal.

The Basics of Coil Processing Equipment, Part 2

Considerations in Equipment Selection

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The modern metal stamper must build capacity and flexibility into his coil-processing and stamping machinery to meet the challenges presented by evolving product lines and new customers and markets. These overlying challenges present a substantial obstacle when specifying a new straightener. The stamper faces fundamental decisions early in the game related to the ability of the straightener to handle a variety of applications.

For example, a straightener with seven 4-in.-dia. work rolls located on 7-in. centers, and given adequate power and gears, will straighten ¼-in.-thick cold-rolled steel. The same machine will have minimal effect on 0.050-in. cold-rolled steel. Likewise, a straightener designed with seven 3-in.-dia. work rolls located on 5-in. centers will effectively straighten the 0.050-in.-thick steel but will lack the horsepower and roll strength to process ¼-in. material. If an application calls for this type of variation in material thickness, a fundamental decision must be made in regards to the cost effectiveness of building a special machine to meet the full spectrum of needs, versus building a standard machine that will provide optimum straightening at either the light-gauge or heavy-gauge end.

Stampers also must consider the maximum width of the material and machine, and the range of material thicknesses to be processed. As straightener width increases so does the tendency for work rolls and journals to deflect under load, thus impacting the machine's ability to process material with a defined thickness and width. This deflection can result in a loss of contact-surface area, decreased straightening efficiency, material slippage or broken work rolls.

Note: Do not request a machine capable of processing wide material without considering the effect that narrower material will have on the machine. A machine rated to straighten 48-in.-wide by 1'8-in.-thick steel may struggle to process the same thickness of steel, but as 12-in.-wide strip. The cross section and strength of the 12-in. material is substantially less than the 48-in. material, but the straightener rolls most likely will experience a greater amount of deflection when running the narrower material, as the forces and stresses are concentrated at the roll center. This area is furthest from the end journals and bearings that support the rolls. (A single row of backup rolls would allow the machine to efficiently straighten the narrower material.)

Horsepower Requirements

Although material thickness and width are fundamental, many additional factors impact the amount of horsepower required, including material yield strength. Most straighteners are rated by their capacity to process mild steel with less than 50,000-psi yield strength. Higher-strength materials will have a greater tendency to keep their coil set, demanding greater horsepower for straightening.

The combination of work-roll diameter and center-distance spacing can dramatically affect horsepower demands. For example, if two straighteners both have 3-in.-dia. work rolls and machine A has 5-in. center-distance spacing and machine B has 6-in. center spacing, machine A will require more horsepower to process material with the same thickness and width.

In a pull-off application, coil size and weight are critical variables in determining required horsepower. The maximum coil weight must be defined, since the straightener motor provides the torque and horsepower to accelerate the mass to line speed. The minimum and maximum coil outside diameter also must be defined. Though a coil has its greatest mass when at maximum outside diameter, this is not als the worst-case condition related to horsepower demands. As the coil is depleted, the straightener loses the mechanical fulcrum provided by the greater outside diameter, and its ability to overcome the drag-brake tension placed on the reel decreases. To address this issue, modern uncoiling systems include automatic drag-brake compensation.

The process requirements for throughput (in ft./min., or FPM) also are necessary to accurately calculate the requirements. To calculate required throughput, multiply the maximum speed of the press by the maximum progression length. For example, a press rated to 40 strokes/min. and a progression length of 18 in. generates a throughput of 60 FPM.

Note: Throughput often is established based on past or current production limitations, rather than on the potential of the equipment and tooling in the manufacturing process.

Achieving Maximum Effectiveness

Once a machine is specified and built, effective results depend on correct and consistent setup. The combination of pinch-roll pressure, drag-brake strength and work-roll depth setting will determine the effectiveness of the straightening operation. All straighteners use entrance-side pinch rolls to grip and pull the material; some also use exit-side pinch rolls to improve grip-and-pull capability. The amount of pinch-roll force required for a specific material depends on material width, thickness and surface condition.

Pinch-roll pressures typically are established by a combination air-pressure regulator and gauge. Heavy-gauge materials generally require greater pinch-roll forces, while thin materials tend to wrinkle under excessive pinch-roll force'which also can result in pinch-roll deflection and a loss of effective contact-surface area on the material, promoting slippage.

The drag brake maintains adequate tension on the strip between the reel and the entrance-side pinch rolls of the straightener. Optimum drag-brake strength varies with coil weight and outside diameter. When the coil is at maximum OD and there is insufficient drag-brake strength applied, the coil will tend to overspin and develop slack material between the reel and straightener. Eventually, the reel will decelerate and lose RPM due to the loss of tension in the strip. As the straightener continues to run, the slack is consumed and the strip will be snapped tight, possibly stretching or damaging the material. Excessive drag-brake strength, on the other hand, may cause material slippage through the straightener or lead to excessive tension on the material.

Establishing Roller Position

Most straighteners include a simple calibrated scale and pointer combination to establish roller position. The amount of work-roll penetration required to back-bend the material to an acceptable level of flatness varies with material thickness and type, roller diameter and roller center-distance spacing. With the optimum depth setting established for a specific material, the stamper must ensure that the work rolls return consistently to this position each time the job runs.

For those applications requiring more accurate positioning, digital roll-height indicators get the call. The upper work rolls of most straighteners are contained in precision-guiding slide-block assemblies. Methods for raising and lowering the rollers within the slide-block assemblies include fine-threaded screw and nut combinations, worm gear and screw mechanisms, and precision screw jacks.

Most often, coils are unwound from the top of the coil, so that the induced coil set naturally gives the material a downward bend. Stock straighteners typically are equipped with an odd number of work rolls, with the extra (or odd) work roll in the lower fixed bank of rolls. With proper setup, this configuration creates a slight upward bend in the material as it leaves the straightener, which helps the material slide across the die surface with a minimum amount of friction.

The guidelines for establishing proper work-roll depth settings tend to vary as much as the potential variations in material types, thickness and width. In addition, different machine builders recommend different setup practices for effective use of their machines. Here we'll assume use of a seven-roll straightener with three adjustable upper work rolls. Position the first upper work roll to a setting that alternately stretches and compresses the upper and lower surfaces so that 60 to 70 percent of the material crosssection exceeds its yield point. Then position the second upper work roll so that 30 to 40 percent of the material crosssection exceeds yield point. Lastly, position the third upper work roll to bring the material back to a flat condition.

Use the least amount of roll penetration that produces an acceptable level of flatness. Excessive roll penetration will inhibit straightener efficiency, cause material to slip across the straightener, and place unnecessary strain on the machine's drive components. To set roll penetration, conduct a quick visual check of material flatness before the material runs into the loop area. Then, using the threading table or similar device to support the leading edge of the material as it exits the straightener, fine tune work-roll settings to the minimum depth required to give the leading edge a slight upward bend. Document these settings for reference, to ensure the same setup is used each time the job runs. MF

See also: Coe Press Equipment Corporation

For more Sheet Metal Straightenerinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.