The pros and cons of tire recycling pyrolysis

26 Aug.,2024


The pros and cons of tire recycling pyrolysis

Tire pyrolysis is an innovative and sustainable solution that treats end-of-life tires (ELTs) as a resource, not waste.

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Pyrolysis involves the thermal decomposition of tires in the absence of oxygen, where the vulcanising bonds between the polymers are broken down into valuable byproducts with little negative environmental impact. Since the number of ELTs discarded annually is over one billion and growing, this is a substantial source of feedstock that has the potential to replace fossil fuels in the manufacture of several products.

Tire pyrolysis is not new, but the technology has risen in prominence due to its potential to provide circular raw materials. However, safety concerns and other difficulties are associated with the pyrolysis process.

This article analyses the pros and cons of tire recycling pyrolysis and how Contec, an industry leader, has developed a clean and safe technology that meets all sustainability and safety standards.

What are the pros of tire pyrolysis?

Tire pyrolysis can potentially reduce emissions and increase energy availability and circularity due to some key advantages, as discussed below.

Pyrolysis as renewable fuel/energy

Tire pyrolysis oil (TPO) is the most abundant product of tire pyrolysis since 85 per cent of tire components are petroleum-based.

TPO&#;s properties are similar to some fossil fuels, making it a highly efficient and versatile energy source. After processing and treatment, TPO can be a sustainable option for partial replacement of fossil fuels in many applications:

  • As fuel for motor vehicles, diesel burners, generators, engineering machinery, etc.
  • As oil for power generation and heating
  • Act as feedstock for the manufacture of medium to low reinforcing virgin Carbon Black
  • After distillation, TPO can be used for the production of high-value chemicals.

Renewable TPO can reduce many industries&#; dependency on fossil fuels.

Storage convenience

One of the advantages of TPO is the convenience of storing, transporting, and pumping it. Since many forms of renewable energy are challenging to store, the storage convenience increases TPO&#;s market appeal. Moreover, distilled TPO can be used as fuel with existing machinery without any changes, enabling immediate applications.


TPO&#;s 41&#;44&#;MJ/Kg calorific value is similar to diesel&#;s 45 MJ/Kg calorific value. After distillation and desulphurisation, TPO can be used in a TPO-diesel blend (10 per cent TPO and 90 per cent diesel).

Tire pyrolysis&#; byproducts result in sustainable options for the tire industry

In addition to fuels, the tire pyrolysis process generates valuable byproducts, including Recovered Carbon Black (rCB) and steel wire. The rCB is a viable option to replace medium-grade virgin Carbon Blacks from fossil fuels. rCB has proven applications as a circular raw material in many industries, including tires, paints, coatings, inks, and rubber manufacturing.

The recovered steel is recycled without losing quality and used to manufacture steel parts for tires and other industries. 

Tire pyrolysis can reduce emissions

A tire pyrolysis plant is the most environmentally responsible approach to waste tire management. Other methods of disposing of ELTs, such as incineration and landfilling, have high carbon emissions.   

Tire pyrolysis efficiently converts and recovers materials and energy in waste tires and creates few carbon emissions and pollutants. It produces a renewable syngas byproduct, which can heat the pyrolysis plants, further reducing the process&#;s carbon footprint.

What are the cons of tire pyrolysis?

Pyrolysis of ELTs into valuable products has disadvantages, including further product processing, safety considerations, pollution concerns, and operational expenses.

These drawbacks should be carefully assessed and managed when implementing a tire pyrolysis process.

No usage as engine fuel

TPO is a heavy, dark fluid whose hydrocarbon composition depends on the pyrolysis process, conditions, and feedstock. According to Han , at temperatures below 500°C, the TPO has more aliphatic hydrocarbons (isoprene and limonene) and fewer aromatic hydrocarbons. At temperatures over 500°C, the aromatic hydrocarbon content increases.

While TPO&#;s chemical composition is similar to crude oil, high levels of limonene and pollutants like sulphur make it unsuitable for engine fuel use. Heavy oil is only suitable for use as heating fuel. Therefore, TPO requires additional processing and distillation before it can be used as engine fuel.


TPO produced from pyrolysis can include pollutants like nitrogen, sulphur compounds, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Pyrolysis using higher temperatures creates more PAHs, which are known to be carcinogenic and mutagenic. Burning TPO can produce gaseous pollutants that are an environmental concern.

In large-scale use of TPO,  it&#;s necessary to have a flue gas purification system to remove these emissions, which can increase operational costs.

Tire pyrolysis can be expensive

The overall cost of a tire pyrolysis plant is directly linked to its efficiency and the technology required to comply with environmental and safety regulations. Higher-efficiency equipment tends to be more expensive. The initial capital cost of building pyrolysis plants can be high and run into millions of euros.

The fuel choice and the need for highly skilled personnel for plant operation will also add to the costs. However, the high value of pyrolytic products is expected to make pyrolysis feasible in the long term.

Safety concerns

Pyrolysis processes have historically suffered from safety issues. The risks associated with pyrolysis involve accidental combustion of organic material due to contact with oxygen or high temperature. Other issues are the need for precise process control, ensuring equipment integrity, and addressing inadequate safety measures to prevent explosions.

Considering the pros and cons of pyrolysis, it&#;s clear that its benefits outweigh the risks. It&#;s a proven technology expected to grow by diverting waste tires that are landfilled or incinerated.  

For more information, please visit Sihai Energy.

Tire pyrolysis at Contec

Contec&#;s pyrolysis process and technology have made it a leader in the industry for focusing on safety and sustainability.

The plant is checked regularly before starting each run and monitors the process constantly to ensure no pressure buildup could lead to an explosion. Contec&#;s Molten®, a molten salt and proprietary technology, has a high heat transfer exchange, so less energy is used. The molten salts are reusable, producing no pollutants when heated.

The design of modern waste tire pyrolysis plants results in reduced environmental impact, improved economic benefits, more safety for staff, and reduced energy costs. Companies like Contec are solving the growing waste tire problem and producing innovative recycled products without negative environmental or safety concerns.

Their innovations have adapted traditional pyrolysis technology to meet current environmental, sustainability, and ethical work standards while helping industries join the circular economy. Find out more about Contec&#;s circular TPO, ConPyro®.

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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Pyrolysis ...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of pyrolysis in solid waste management?

Pyrolysis in solid waste management has several advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of pyrolysis include:

1. Versatile technology: Pyrolysis is a simple and inexpensive technology that can process a wide variety of feedstocks, including biomass and organic waste materials.

2. Waste reduction: Pyrolysis reduces the amount of waste going to landfills, helping to minimize environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Energy generation: The pyrolysis process produces a combustible gas called syngas, which can be used to generate heat and electricity. This can help reduce dependence on imported energy resources and contribute to energy independence.

4. Resource recovery: Pyrolysis can convert solid waste into valuable products such as biochar, which can be used as a soil amendment to improve soil fertility and carbon sequestration.

5. Job creation: The construction and operation of pyrolysis plants create employment opportunities, particularly for low-income individuals involved in waste management and clean-up activities.

Disadvantages of pyrolysis include:

1. Complex process: The pyrolysis process is complex and requires high operational and investment costs. It may require specialized equipment and skilled operators to ensure efficient and safe operation.

2. Air pollution concerns: Pyrolysis produces flue gases that need to be further treated to remove pollutants before being released into the atmosphere. This requires the installation of air purification systems, adding to the overall cost and complexity of the process.

3. Ash disposal: The ashes produced during pyrolysis may contain high concentrations of heavy metals, making them hazardous waste that requires proper disposal. This adds to the waste management challenges and costs associated with pyrolysis.

4. Feedstock considerations: The success of pyrolysis is influenced by the moisture content of the feedstock. High moisture content can result in excessive water production, while low moisture content may lead to dust instead of oil production. This requires careful selection and preparation of feedstock to ensure optimal performance.

In conclusion, pyrolysis in solid waste management offers several advantages such as waste reduction, energy generation, and resource recovery. However, it also has disadvantages including complexity, air pollution concerns, ash disposal, and feedstock considerations. Proper planning, investment, and adherence to regulations are necessary to maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks of pyrolysis in solid waste management.

Looking for cost-effective and sustainable solutions for solid waste management? Look no further than KINTEK, your trusted laboratory equipment supplier!

With our advanced pyrolysis technology, you can enjoy a wide range of benefits, including reduced waste going to landfill, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and decreased risk of water pollution. Our pyrolysis systems are also designed to generate energy from domestic resources, reducing dependence on imported energy and saving costs compared to disposal to landfills.

But that's not all! Our pyrolysis power plants are constructed rapidly, creating new job opportunities and improving public health through waste clean-up. Plus, our technology allows for small-scale and remote location implementation, reducing transport and handling costs.

Convert solid biomass into easily stored and transported liquid, which can be used for heat, power, and chemicals production. And with our comprehensive support and air purification installations, you can rest assured that your pyrolysis process will be efficient and environmentally friendly.

Choose KINTEK for sustainable and cost-effective solid waste management solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our cutting-edge pyrolysis technology!

For more information, please visit Pyrolysis Machine.