The Pros and Cons of Wrapping Luggage in Plastic at the Airport

26 Feb.,2024


On our Facebook page, we recently discussed the reasons for covering our luggage in plastic at the airport and whether it is worth the money. The pros and cons of using this airport service are extensive. How do you feel about wrapping your luggage in plastic?

Let’s take a closer look!

Pro´s of Wrapping your Luggage in Plastic

The major companies that specialize in provide this plastic wrap service across the USA, are Secure Wrap and Seal & Go.

These companies claim that covering your luggage in plastic will prevent theft and damage, as the thick tamper proof film protects everything, including bad weather conditions, general wear, and tear and the sticky fingers of thieves.

  • Theft Deterrent. Unfortunately, airport workers have been known to rummage through suitcases and steal personal items.
  • Protection. A layer of sealed wrap protects suitcases and backpacks from general wear and tear and the natural elements such as rain.
  • Prevent Damage. Expensive items, such as wheelchairs, pushchairs golf clubs, and bicycles don´t usually come in a case or packaging to protect again damage.
  • For some smuggling is also a concern. Plastic wrap stops anyone from adding items into your luggage.
  • Perhaps the most popular reason to use the plastic wrapping service to peace of mind!

A lot of us worry about our luggage and personal items from the moment we check them in until we see them on the carousel. This is not an unreasonable fear to have, as in 2017 Department of Transportation reported that ´the highest number of complaints related to air travel is for mishandled baggage.´ This includes damaged, mislaid and lost luggage. Thankfully, since then many airlines including the worst offenders have improved their manual handling procedures and complaints are falling.

Cons of Wrapping your Luggage in Plastic

Since the devastating events of 9/11, the TSA has upped its random luggage checks. The plastic wrap doesn´t prevent them from doing this and they will happily remove it for the safety and security of passengers.

The good news is that Secure Wrap provides a complimentary rewrap in the event of a TSA inspection. So, it won´t be a total waste of money.

What about the Environment?

Plastic is a massive no, when you are concerned about the environment. Did you know that most of the plastic that has ever been produced still exists in the World today!

The plastic wrap facilities, at many major airports throughout the US, claim to use specific materials that are not toxically, ecologically or environmentally harmful to the planet. If you do want to use this service for peace of mind, we suggest reusing the wrap yourself and when you have finished removed it at the airport and put in a recycling bin.

How much does it cost?

In the US prices range from $15 – $35, depending on the size of your suitcase and its irregularity. But you could do it cheaper at home with your own plastic wrap.

How long does it take?

If you are in a hurry, waiting to have all your baggage wrapped can be an added stress you don´t need. But if there isn’t a queue it can only take a couple of minutes.

Alternative to Plastic Wrap!

Our Facebook follower, Rekha Kooverjee, has suggested investing in a luggage glove, as an alternative to the suitcase wrapping service. Has anybody traveled with this? We would love to hear about your experiences. To get in on the conversations visit the discussion on our Facebook page, click here.

If you have any questions on airport luggage wrapping machine. We will give the professional answers to your questions.