What are the benefits of automated packaging?

09 Apr.,2024


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October 18th

Top 10 Benefits of Having a Packaging Automation Process for Your Business

Packaging automation can save your business a lot of time and effort, whether you're shipping products to customers or getting ready to send an order to your retail location or warehouse. You'll find that with this equipment, you don't have to spend hours tediously packing up all your merchandise since the machinery does it for you. Learn about the top 10 benefits of having a packaging automation process for your business here !

You can have a look to our article about why secondary packaging is so important for your business right here !

We also have a post about 6 key points to look at when choosing a packaging machinery here.

1 - You'll Need Fewer Workers

A packaging automation process can also help you to reduce your workforce. Since much of the work will be done by machines, you won't need to hire as many workers to man the packaging line. This can lead to considerable savings and a smaller physical footprint for your business. In addition, automated packaging lines are typically much more reliable than their human counterparts, meaning you'll experience fewer production delays due to errors.

You will also prevent your workers to hurt themselves, as safety in the workplace is a serious matter to consider.

2 - Better Protected Products

When you automate your packaging process, you'll also be able to take advantage of superior protection for your products. Today's packaging machines are designed to carefully and securely wrap each product, ensuring that it arrives at its destination in pristine condition. In addition, automated systems can often adjust for changes in product size or shape, further reducing the risk of damage. As a result, you can be confident knowing that your products will arrive safely and sound at their final destination.

3 - Designed To The Requirements

Packaging automation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The best machines on the market are designed to be highly configurable, allowing you to tailor the system to your specific packaging requirements. As a result, you can be sure that your system will be able to handle any type of product, no matter its size, shape, or weight. BluePrint Automation, for example, offers a wide range of machines designed to meet each customer's unique needs.

Here at Enoline, we offer a wide variety of flexible packaging machinery such as our wrap-around packing machine allowing you to pack perfect products of various sizes very easily in no time.

4 - Improvement In Quality Control

Packaging automation can help improve quality control for your business in a number of ways:
  • Automated machines can be set to apply consistent pressure when sealing products, ensuring that each package is properly sealed.
  • Automated packaging systems include sensors that detect whether a product is of the correct size and shape before being packaged. This helps to reduce the risk of mistakes and damaged goods.
  • Automated packaging systems come with print labels and barcodes precisely programmed to reduce the risk of errors.

Investing in a packaging automation system can help ensure that your products are properly protected and correctly labeled, improving your company's overall quality control.

5 - Increased Production Speed

Another benefit of automating your packaging process is the increased production speed. Automated machines can pack products faster than humans, allowing you to increase your output and meet customer demand more effectively. In addition, automated machines often require less downtime for maintenance and repairs, meaning that they can run for longer periods of time without interruption. As a result, automating your packaging process can help to boost your business's productivity and bottom line.

6 - Improved Safety

Another key benefit of automating your packaging process is improved safety. When humans are performing packaging tasks, there is always a risk of injury from repetitive motions or lifting heavy objects. However, automated machines can perform these tasks without putting workers at risk. Furthermore, automated machines are programmable to work safely around hazardous materials, further reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. So, automating your packaging process can create a safer work environment for your employees.

Read our complete article about safety in the workplace here.

7 - Improves Customer Service

When you automate your packaging process, you'll also be able to improve customer service. Automated machines have been programmed to include custom messages or branding on your products' packaging. This helps to create a more personal touch that will resonate with your customers. Additionally, automated machines can help to ensure that each product is properly labeled and packaged before being shipped. As a result, your customers are less likely to experience problems with damaged or incorrect orders.

Most importantly, you should chose a manufacturer or packaging integrator on your continent, we made an article which explain why in details right here.

8 - Eliminates Any Downtime

As any business owner knows, downtime is the enemy. Money goes down the drain every minute your operation is not up and running. That's why a packaging automation process can be such a valuable asset. You can eliminate downtime by automating your packaging process, ensuring your operation is always running at peak efficiency. For example, if one of your machines needs to be repaired, you can simply program the others to continue running until the repairs are completed. As a result, you'll never have to worry about losing money due to downtime again.

9 - Easy To Scale

Finally, a packaging automation process is easy to scale. As your business grows, you can simply add more machines to your system to keep up with demand. Additionally, you can easily program your machines to handle new products or packaging requirements. So, whether you're expanding your product line or increasing your production volume, a packaging automation process can help you keep up with the demands of your business.

Here at Enoline, with our 30+ years in the packaging industry, we can adapt to your existing machines and find the perfect solutions to fit your production line.

10 - Improved Social Distancing

Due to Covid19, businesses all around the world hit a major snag. One of the many issues was and still is social distancing in the workplace. Luckily, with a packaging automation process, you can easily maintain social distancing in your facility. Automated machines can be programmed to work independently from one another, meaning that workers can operate them without coming into contact with one another. As a result, you can maintain a safe and healthy work environment for your employees.


If you want to improve your business and save time and money, then investing in a packaging automation process is the way to go. Many benefits come with having a packaging automation process, and we have listed the top 10 for you here. We hope this has given you insight into how valuable such an investment can be and encourage you to consider it for your own business seriously.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help get your business on track.

Trust our 30+ years in the industry and let us find the best solution for your business !

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8 Benefits of Automated Packaging in Factories

Automated packaging solutions can transform your production stream.

Here’s how.

In manufacturing, the focus of automation is often centered on the production and assembly of components into a finished product. However, just as important to manufacturers is the ability to quickly and safely transport those products to their next destination in as cost effective a manner as possible.


In many industries, human operators still play an essential role in this process. However, the work involved is often both laborious and tedious. The strain on workers, both mentally and physically, can lead to greater production errors, delays, and even injury.


Manufacturers can eliminate these risks by turning to automated packaging. With the advanced material handling capabilities provided by cutting edge robotics technology, there are few packaging requirements that can’t be handled by automated processes. Here’s why the investment is worth it.


1. Improved speed and efficiency.

The most obvious benefit from automated packaging is achieving a greater production rate  than manual packaging. Advanced robot integration and software can perform the same set of programmed motions faster, consistently,  and without risk of injury. And with the high precision of the latest technology means they can safely handle even the most delicate components.


2. Reduced employee injury.

Packaging is hard work, and the job takes its toll on workers in a variety of ways, from those who injure themselves lifting heavy objects, to those who develop repetitive strain injuries from performing the same motion over and over again, to those who struggle to maintain focus after hours on the job. Automating these systems frees employees to take on higher-level tasks, while avoiding the economic impact of injury & lost time


3. Higher quality control and standardization.

When it comes to highly repetitive tasks, humans are more prone to error than automated systems. Manual packaging processes can result in more mishandled or damaged products, or simply a lack of uniformity in the finished packing job. Advanced vision systems, including 3D, also make it easier for robots to spot production anomalies during the packaging process, removing substandard products before they reach consumers.


4. Zero down time.

Automated packaging automation does not need to take a break. Or at least, when maintenance is due, it can be scheduled for a time when it is most effective for the rest of the production stream. With advanced monitoring systems, businesses can also identify when a packaging system may need additional attention, and schedule a maintenance ahead of time instead of being surprised by a malfunction. SmartTrac is an option offered by Eagle that monitors and schedules maintenance schedules, while also providing a path for greater OEE and productivity


5. Fewer bottlenecks.

Manual operators tend to be more or less productive throughout their work shift. A worker may be highly productive when they first come onto a shift or after a lunch break, but slow down toward the end of their shift or when they get distracted. This can lead to situations where the production Is bottlenecked by operators who can’t keep up with the flow of incoming products. Automated packaging systems don’t suffer from fluctuations in productivity, meaning they cause fewer bottlenecks in the production line, & can also handle occasional surges in production which can choke manual processes


6.   Labor

In today’s environment, not only is the cost of labor a key factor,  often the actual availability & retention of labor can be extremely difficult to manage.  High employee turnover adds to inefficiencies, cost, and potentially product integrity.    Also, as we all are facing the current health issues, reducing the number of employees who are working  in close proximity to each other is a need.


7. Greater sustainability.

For years, consumers have been leading a drive toward greener packaging materials. This means that manufacturers who can demonstrate that their packaging follows sustainable practices can win goodwill from customers. Eco-friendly packaging materials are just one part of an environmentally sustainable packaging solution. Packaging processes that cut down on waste can conserve resources, which also save costs for the manufacturer.


8.   Flexibility

Changes in the packaging processes always exist and include production rates, package profiles, new products & configurations, and quality inspections.  The need to provide for efficient change-overs is vital.  Robotic automation provides greater flexibility to manage these changes, and may include simple re-programming, modifications to the end effector, and software interfacing to permit execution of multiple recipes or formats.


Despite the up-front costs, manufactures can recoup their investment within months.

While many manufacturers hesitate over the layout of capital expenditure needed to design automated packaging solutions, the savings from reduced labor costs, higher output, and improved efficiency quickly make these expenses a thing of the past. And these are just the direct benefits. Indirectly, manufacturers have a lot to gain from custom packaging that protects their products during transit, presents a more trustworthy appearance to customers, and utilizes environmentally friendly materials.


At Eagle, we have experience creating custom packaging solutions for manufacturers in a broad range of industries. Our packing capabilities include:

·         Primary Processing :  picking, sorting, placing secondary Packaging :  Carton/case packing, bagging, wrappingEnd of Line Packaging :   Palletizing, Depalletizing, StretchwrappingCustoms :   Kitting, vision inspection, unpack/repack, Conveyors :  Product, parcel, pallet.  Stainless Steel, washdown.  Custom.Systems :   Complete line engineering and integration


Contact us today if you would like to learn more about how our packaging automation solutions can help your business.





Eagle Technologies, headquarters in Bridgman, MI


Eagle builds the machines that automate manufacturing. From high-tech robotics to advanced product testing capabilities, Eagle offers end-to-end manufacturing solutions for every industry.

What are the benefits of automated packaging?

8 Benefits of Automated Packaging in Factories - Eagle Technologies

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