What are the two types of blowout preventer?

02 Feb.,2024


What are the Two Types of Blowout Preventer?

In the oil and gas industry, safety is of utmost importance. One crucial component used to prevent the uncontrolled release of oil or gas during drilling operations is the blowout preventer (BOP). A blowout preventer is a large valve located at the wellhead that can be activated in the event of an unexpected pressure surge, also known as a blowout. There are two main types of blowout preventers: ram preventers and annular preventers. In this article, we will explore each type and their respective functions in greater detail.

Ram Preventers:

One of the most common types of blowout preventers used in the oil and gas industry is the ram preventer. Named after its ram-like sealing elements, a ram preventer consists of several pairs of steel rams that can be hydraulically or mechanically activated. The rams come in different designs, each with a specific purpose. Some common types of ram preventers include pipe rams, shear rams, and blind rams.

1. Pipe Rams:

Pipe rams are used to seal around the drill pipe or tubing, preventing fluid from escaping. They are designed with a smaller inner diameter to match the dimensions of the pipe, creating an effective seal. Pipe rams are further classified into two subcategories: single ram and double ram. Single ram preventers have only one set of rams, while double ram preventers have two pairs of rams for added security.

2. Shear Rams:

Shear rams are specifically designed to cut and seal the drill pipe during an emergency situation. They are equipped with hardened steel blades that can slice through the pipe, effectively isolating the well and preventing further flow of oil or gas. Shear rams are crucial in situations where the drill pipe becomes stuck or inaccessible.

3. Blind Rams:

Blind rams, as the name suggests, are rams that do not have any openings. They are used as a last resort when no other rams can effectively seal the wellbore. Blind rams provide a complete seal by clamping down on the wellbore and stopping the flow of fluid.

Annular Preventers:

Unlike ram preventers, annular preventers are designed to create a seal around irregularly shaped objects such as drill collars, casing, and tool joints. They consist of a rubber seal called the packing element that can expand and contract to conform to the shape of the object being sealed. Annular preventers are versatile and can be used in various wellbore conditions.

With two main types of annular preventers available, we will now discuss each type in more detail:

1. Single Ram Annular:

A single ram annular preventer consists of a solid rubber core surrounded by a metal ring. When activated, hydraulic pressure forces the metal ring inward, compressing the rubber core and expanding the packing element. This expansion creates a seal around the object being sealed, effectively stopping the flow of fluid.

2. Multi-Ram Annular:

A multi-ram annular preventer, also known as a spherical preventer, consists of several rubber elements arranged in a spherical shape. This configuration allows for greater flexibility and a larger range of sizes that can be sealed. Multi-ram annular preventers are frequently used in offshore drilling operations where the wellbore conditions may vary.

In conclusion, blowout preventers are essential safety devices in the oil and gas industry. They act as a barrier between the wellbore and the environment, preventing catastrophic blowouts. Ram preventers, such as pipe rams, shear rams, and blind rams, are used to seal around the drill pipe or isolate the wellbore when necessary. On the other hand, annular preventers, including single ram annular and multi-ram annular, are designed to create a seal around irregularly shaped objects. By utilizing these two types of blowout preventers, the industry can ensure the safety and integrity of drilling operations.

If you have any further questions or inquiries regarding blowout preventers or any other topic related to the oil and gas industry, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website 20 3/4”ram bop, annular bop how it works, blowout preventer price.