What is a Signal Generator?

22 Feb.,2024


As an engineer, you know how important accurate and reliable testing is in ensuring the quality and performance of your designs. But with an overwhelming number of signal generators on the market, finding the right one can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

That's why it's so important to understand the various features and capabilities of signal generators, so you can make an informed decision that meets the unique needs of your projects and tests. The right signal generator can make all the difference in getting the data you need to refine and improve your designs, while a poor choice can lead to a time-consuming and costly rework.

A signal generator is an electronic device that generates repeating or non-repeating waveforms used to test and evaluate electronic test equipment. It simulates real-world signals and conditions, enabling you and other engineers to test the performance and behavior of electronic systems. 

You find signal generators in different fields, including telecommunications, audio engineering, and medical electronics.

The history of signal generators dates back to the 1920s when they were first developed as simple sine wave generators. Over time, they have evolved to include more complex waveform generation capabilities, improved accuracy, and greater flexibility. 

Today, signal generators offer a wide range of output waveforms, modulation options, and frequency ranges, allowing you to tailor your test signals precisely to your specific needs.

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