Your Ultimate Plate Roller Buying Guide

06 Feb.,2024


Rolling is similar to forming sheet metal with press brake; it can be a "black art" or maybe magic, but in reality it is neither.

Part of taking roll forming out of the realm of "black magic" is selecting the right sized roller for the job. A good "rule of thumb" for three and four roll machines is that you can roll sheet or plate at 1.5 times the upper roll diameter.

If the top roll has a 10-inch-diameter, the minimum best practice "roll­able" inside diameter will be 15 inches.

To determine the proper plate roll sizing, it is critical that yield, tensile strength, width, thickness, and diameter (or radius) of the part are all considered because for example, a higher yield or tighter diameter will require more pressure to form.

Minimum and maximum width is also important because even something as straightforward as material thickness can vary, yet still fall into accepted plate and sheet mill tolerances.

On the application side, you will need to know the minimum and maximum diameter of the cylinders to be formed.

You’ll also need to know if you will be making cones or special shapes as this will determine the correct type and size of plate roll.

Almost all machines achieve precise measurements working at 50% of the full­ rated value of the roll.

One of the key decision-making factors you should consider is not only what type of plate bender will meet your current needs, but which could also satisfy future business needs.

4 roller plate bending machines

Four-roller machines have a top roll, the pinching roll, and two side rolls. These plate rolling machines produce the fastest and most accurate bends.

The flat metal plate is placed in the machine on either side and "pre-bent" on the same side. The side rolls do the work of bending. The pinching roll holds the plate.

Plate held securely in place between the top and bottom rolls, while the side rolls move vertically to create the bend. Bottom roll moves up to hold the plate surface securely against the top roll while the side roll is raised to form an accurate pre-bend, minimizing the flat zone on the plate edge.

Plate feeding can take place on either side of a four-roll machine. If fed from only one side, they can be placed up against a wall to save floor space.

For more information rolling machine manufacturer, horizontal roll machine, please get in touch with us!