GR0189 Graphite Heater

06 Aug.,2024


GR Graphite Heater

Graphite Heater Description

The graphite heater is the electric heating body parts made of graphite materials. Graphite has good electrical and thermal conductivity, and it is commonly used in special industrial furnaces as a heating element. The graphite heater has good high-temperature strength, the strength of graphite is far worse than metal at normal temperature, but as the temperature increases, the strength gradually increases and it will exceed all oxides and metals. the graphite has some properties of metals and ceramics, with good electrical and thermal conductivity, and a pupil and a small thermal expansion coefficient, so the graphite is one of the best thermal shock resistance of materials.

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Graphite Heater Benefits

  • Low wettability to molten metals 
  • Fine-grain
  • High density
  • Homogeneous structure
  • High mechanical strength
  • Excellent thermal conductivity

Graphite Heater Application

The graphite heater requirements generate a stable thermal field used in the heating furnace, so the graphite should be homogeneous and has stable resistivity. The graphite electrode was the heating body in the early selection of industrial furnace, and the high density and power electrode was used as heating element later (smelting quartz glass also used graphite electrode as the heating element). In the semiconductor industry development and refining silicon, single crystal germanium, gallium, indium, indium, and other materials, the high-purity graphite with fine structure and homogeneous graphite were used as graphite heating in the heating furnace. The carbon cloth or graphite cloth were used in some special industrial furnace and experimental furnace as the heating body.


Graphite Furnaces - Materials Research ...

Our graphite furnaces are capable of operating at °C on a continuous basis in inert gas, or °C in a vacuum. Graphite is a desirable material in various thermal applications due to its thermal properties and chemical resistance.

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Graphite heating elements are manufactured from a high purity carbon composite providing excellent temperature uniformity, longevity, mechanical strength and repeatability. Our heater designs use rounded edges and proper gap spacing to minimize gas ionization at elevated temperatures, increasing life expectancy and maximum obtainable temperatures. Our graphite heating elements use power connections with a unique tapered fit, instead of threads with nuts. This taper simplifies heating element removal and installation.

Our graphite insulation materials have excellent thermal insulation properties to minimize heat loss and have high thermal stability for longevity. Graphite insulation surrounds the heater and is manufactured from rigid graphite fiber board or graphite felt. Insulation thickness varies based on maximum desired operating temperatures and hot zone size.

A large number of our furnaces are available with a graphite hot zone. We offer numerous designs and supply spare graphite parts for all graphite hot zones as well as other graphite parts such as rods, pins, bolts, nuts and fixtures.

For more Graphite Heating Rodinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.