What should a 30-60-90 day plan include?

08 Apr.,2024


A 30-60-90 day plan is a document that is created either by a new employee or a hiring manager and outlines the goals to be accomplished during the first three months of employment. It breaks goals down into 30-, 60- and 90-day increments. Employees work to hit set milestones that are aligned with the mission of the organization. The goal is to maximize employee output in the first days of being hired, days which can be overwhelming and confusing in many cases. The plan helps simplify what the employee should be doing and focusing on.

The 30-60-90 day plan can be written by the employee or by the hiring manager. Managers may want employees to create their own plans to get the buy-in for the milestones and goals.

What Makes a Good 30-60-90 Day Plan?

A good 30-60-90 day plan takes larger goals and breaks them down into smaller, more digestible milestones. The plan has an ultimate goal set for 90 days and shows steps that are accomplished along the way at the 30- and 60-day marks. While the goals should be accomplishable, they should also be challenging.

A good plan also aligns with the mission of the company. Managers want employees to work on goals that move the company forward. Otherwise, the company may not meet its objectives and goals.

Work with your leader to create an outline for a 30-60-90 day plan. This plan will cover the most important things you intend to accomplish by each date (30, 60, and 90 days out). It will also describe how you intend to accomplish each task or goal that isn't self-explanatory.

This will be a collaborative effort between you and your leader. You will first meet to discuss what tasks to include in your plan. Then, after drafting your plan, you will meet again to gain feedback. After you implement your leader's feedback and finalize your plan, you will meet once more to review and gain sign-off.

As you start preparing your plan, it might be helpful to consider:

  • Your role and how it fits within the team.
  • Your key tasks and interactions.
  • What you've learned about Walmart culture and our operating model.

Below is a list of tasks you should complete in the first 90 days to include in your plan. Include job-specific goals as well, and when you meet with your leader you will get more feedback on what those may look like.


For the first 30 days, you will focus on understanding how you will work with your team members and complete Walmart training. Check out this LinkedIn Learning video about how to get the most out of your first 30 days.

You should also complete these tasks in the first 30 days:

  • Gain access to all necessary systems and tools for you role.
  • Meet 1:1 with key team members and business partners.
  • Understand the Walmart operating model.
  • Complete diversity and inclusion training.
  • Complete safe workplace training.
  • Complete personal brand and influence training.
  • Complete online GLMS and enroll in GLMS ILTs.
  • Present your strengths to your team following 1:1 meetings.


In the first 60 days, you should have completed all onboarding tasks and begin focusing on your work. Check out this LinkedIn Learning video about how to maximize your experiences in your first 60 days. 

You should complete these tasks in the first 60 days:

  • Attend a role-appropriate agile, leadership, and data courses.


In the first 90 days, you will be fully acclimated to your new role. During week 12, you should meet with your leader to revisit your plan and discuss outcomes. Check out this LinkedIn Learning video about how to get the most value out of your first 90 days. 


The goal of 1:1 meetings is to get to know your team and identify how you will work together. It's also a good way to begin networking. Here are some questions to help you start the conversation. Visit this guide for a full list of questions.

  • What do you do at Walmart, and in what circumstances would I come to you for something?
  • What's one thing that surprised you working at Walmart?
  • What's your biggest work pet peeve?
  • What's the biggest misconception people have about your position?

What should a 30-60-90 day plan include?

Your Plan