Fruit & Flower Booster

06 Nov.,2023

The addition of Sulphate of Potash at pruning, early Spring and Autumn, will thicken cell walls and strengthen stems of the plant to help guard against Black Spot. Sulphate of Potash will also intensify the perfume and colour of the flowers.


The below relate to our product



How much to use: Apply at the rate of 10g per square metre.

Note – One adult handful equals approximately 50g.

How to apply:

Ensure the surface is already damp. Spread evenly over the surface and rake into approximately 5cm of soil. Water in well immediately after spreading



SOLUBLE APPLICATION: Dissolve 20g in 8 Litres of water. Stir the contents until the product is dissolved completely. Apply this to the soil surrounding the root system and spray liberally over the foliage. Reapply once a week over 3 weeks. Note: if applying on foliage it is recommended not to apply if temperature is above 30 degrees.

DRY APPLICATION: Apply at the rate of 15g per square metre evenly over the soil. Water in well immediately after applying.

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