Annealing is one of the best-known heat treatments for metals. Induction, on the other hand, is a heating method based on the diffusion of an electromagnetic current transmitted by an inductor to the surface of parts. The combination of these two technologies is ideal for applying a localized annealing treatment to products. Induction annealing involves treating parts one by one, but rises to temperature more rapidly than traditional methods, making it particularly suitable for parts with more or less complex geometries in series production.
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Induction annealing actually combines two processes: annealing, which is a heat treatment heat treatmentLike nitriding, for example, annealing is a heat treatment, and induction is a heating process. In practice, annealing involves heating a part to modify some of its properties. The main aim of this method is toimprove the machinability of products, particularly if they are to undergo riveting, turning or drilling afterwards. This solution can also be used to soften and defragilize a particular area of the part.
In the case of induction annealing, the workpiece is placed in a coil (inductor), and induction heating takes place through the diffusion of an electromagnetic current between an inductor, often made of copper, and the surface of the workpiece. This method is primarily used to treat very specific areas of parts, and ensures that their geometry is respected. In this way, only the parts located within the inductor receive heat, making it an ideal process for heating only certain well-defined parts.
Induction annealing is a very practical way of treating only certain areas of a product, and is therefore used on finished, hardened, tempered or case-hardened parts in their entire volume, as part of the finishing process. In some cases, additional treatment is required only in very specific areas, where the inductors are placed so as not to heat the rest of the surface.
Induction annealing offers several advantages. First of all, it's an excellent way of applying localized treatment to parts. For example, if a product is 10 centimetres long, and only one centimetre needs to be heated, simply place the inductor specifically in this area. This makes it easy to adjust the thickness, length and diameter of the treatment zone. It is also possible to treat the entire workpiece in this way.
What's more, while induction annealing involves treating products one by one, it's still possible to automate the process and thus save a great deal of time. In the case of furnace annealing, processing can take between 8 and 10 hours, compared with just a few seconds for induction annealing. This technique also guarantees faster heating, as parts can reach over 850 degrees Celsius in just a few moments. Hourly output can therefore be very attractive.
Induction annealing makes it possible to treat only certain areas of finished parts, which is particularly useful for products such as rivets or those with fine threads. In fact, induction annealing makes it possible to defragilize and soften parts or certain zones of them, making them easier to machine or deform. In the case of a rivet, a part of which is bound to be crushed and deformed, induction annealing ensures that this part becomes softer and, as a result, performs its function better. The technique is also ideal for parts with threads. The treatment can be applied only to the thread, which is often thin and brittle in its natural state.
Induction annealing is based on a combination of annealing heat treatment and induction heating. By inducing an electromagnetic current between an inductor and the surface of a part, this process offers the possibility of applying an extremely localized treatment, ideal for rivets and threaded fasteners. Although products have to be processed one by one, automating the passage of parts saves a great deal of time: since inductors can diffuse heat of over 850 degrees Celsius in a matter of seconds, induction annealing guarantees excellent productivity.
Select from our collection of annealing notes, taken from years supporting our customers. Read how we helped to solve their process heating challenges.
Annealing Stainless Steel Braids
A specially designed multiple-turn helical coil was used to generate the required heating for the application. Initial tests were conducted to optimize the power delivered to the part.
Induction Annealing Springs for Stress Relief
Testing was successful, with a time-to-heat of 15 seconds. This client had been using an oven but was interested in changing to induction heating.
Annealing Copper Tubing
A specially designed multi-turn helical coil was used to provide the required heat to the various copper tubes.
Annealing a Metal Plate
To heat a metal plate for an annealing application; the customer wanted to improve the heating time they were seeing with an open flame/torch.
Heating Three Steel Parts for a Bending Application
Clients are looking to upgrade cutting-tool torch brazing process with a fast, controllable and repeatable process.
Annealing a Magnetic Steel Strip
A custom-designed single position multiple-turn helical coil was built to generate the required heating for this annealing application. Initial tests were conducted to optimize the power delivered to the part.
Annealing Copper Wire Connectors
To anneal electrical crimp contacts of different dimensions. The client took advantage of THE LAB's expertise to prove out their process in a way that met their time, quality and budgetary requirements.
Annealing a Weld Seam with Induction
The client is building a system with induction. Induction achieved the client's speed requirements and induction's modest footprint works well within the system.With induction you can expect the same result every time.
Annealing a Weld Seam (Steel Assembly)
Annealing with induction required 45 seconds to heat the tube to the target temperature. This application met the client's objective
Anneal copper tubes; formed tubes & pipes
Induction annealing offers the same result every time, which makes it ideal for a high volume process such as this one. The previous oxidation issue forced them to polish the handles which added a step in their manufacturing process.
Annealing a stainless steel handle
The client wants to anneal a stainless steel tube while avoiding oxidation. Induction annealing offers the same result every time, copper tubes of various geometries heated to temperature in a matter of seconds, which makes it ideal for a high volume process such as this one.
Annealing brass ammunition casings
The ammunition industry has been annealing with inefficient methods which require much floor space, lack consistency, create excess inventory carry costs, and don't permit in-process inspections. Brass annealing with induction ensures each and every case is quality annealed, reducing variation and damage typically found in mass annealing processes.
Annealing stainless steel tubes
Annealing with induction heated the client's parts to the desired temperature in less than three seconds. Their previously-used gas oven required twice as much heating time as the induction heating process. Induction annealing is more energy-efficient and requires less space compared to a gas oven.
Annealing stainless steel tubing
Looking to replace an inefficient oven process, a stainless steel tube is heated in just 30 seconds, improving efficiency for this application. A custom-designed single position multi-turn helical coil was built to generate the required heating for this induction annealing application
Annealing a copper wire connector (crimp)
The client wanted to be able to anneal parts of various sizes, which was achieved with a concentrator coil. Induction annealing is a new process for the client, and Ambrell's lab expertise proved very valuable when creating the process...
Annealing steel wire for a medical application
Induction annealing achieved the targeted steel wire temperature within three seconds. Ambrell performed a free laboratory test, designed a cost efficient, in-house process and connected them with an automation partner to maximize productivity. The client now has better control over their end product.
Annealing stainless steel caps for a dental application
Our client had a requirement to anneal large quantities of work-hardened stainless steel crowns. Induction was suggested for its precise, controllable heating. Since oxidation is unacceptable in the finished dental product, induction heating is the appropriate choice for heating in an inert atmosphere.
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Annealing brass and bronze tubing prior to bending to form handrails
Employing brass annealing with induction to form tubes into handrails, a twelve-turn helical coil was used to heat an 8'x3' (20.3cm x 7.6cm) area above the end of the tubes. Each of the four tubes require a different heat cycle and time to reach the required temperature.
Annealing a zinc wire prior to forming pellets for air rifles
A fourteen-turn coil is used to heat 3.9' (100mm) of zinc wire for this zinc wire application. The wire is placed in the coil for 5 seconds to reach the desired condition just prior to the forming process.
Annealing the end of a hydraulic motor shaft prior to machining
A three-turn helical coil is used to anneal the steel hydraulic motor shaft. The end of the motor shaft is placed in the coil and power is applied for 20 seconds to reach °F (732 °C) and turn the steel red hot before machining.
Annealing aluminum fuel tank fill neck for bending
An eight-turn helical is used to heat the aluminum tube for annealing. To anneal the full length of the tube, the tube is placed in the coil and heated, and then the tube is bent while hot to prevent cracking.
Annealing of stellite tips on saw blades
To anneal the affected zone of a saw blade after the stellite tips have been welded in place, a split four-turn helical coil is used to allow the blade to move evenly through the coil. Each tip of the blade is heated for 5 seconds as it passes through the coil to anneal the affected area.
Continuous annealing of copper wire
To anneal a copper wire used in electric motors, a twelve-turn helical coil is used with an inserted ceramic tube to isolate the copper wire from the coil and to allow the wire to flow smoothly through the coil. Power runs continuously to anneal at a rate of 16.4 yds (15m) per minute.
Annealing lip on cryogenic dewar
A two-turn helical coil is used to heat the lip on the cryogenic dewar. The dewar is placed in the coil and power is applied for 2 minutes to anneal the required 1 heat zone...
Anneal an oval cut-out on a stainless steel tube prior to extrusion
To anneal a ¼' area around an oval cutout on a stainless steel tube prior to extrusion, a single-turn helical coil is used on the 4 (101.6mm) diameter tubes and a two turn helical coil is used on the smaller diameters.
Annealing the end of steel wire on a woven wire mesh
To prepare a wire mesh for press brake bending, induction is used to heat 3' (76.2mm) from the end of the wire mesh 60' (1.52m) long. This provides a faster production process, higher efficiency, lower energy costs and a fast, controllable hands-free process that involves no operator skill.
Annealing both ends of copper tubing for refrigeration
Induction heating applies heat to very specific areas, faster process time, increased production and high efficiency. In this application, both ends of a copper tube are heated to anneal them as soft as possible 1.5' (38.1mm) from each end, as well as retaining full hardness next to the anneals.
Annealing brass electrical contact for crimping
Induction annealing brass contacts provides hands-free heating that involves no operator skill, pinpoint accuracy and consistent results. To anneal a small area of an electrical contact for crimping, a one turn hairpin coil is used to heat the electrical contact to ºF.
Annealing a steel shaft for stress relief
Flameless induction heating allows processes - formerly done in batch furnaces - to be done in-line saving time and energy. No rotation of parts is needed.
Annealing bolt shafts
A three-turn helical coil is used to heat the shaft of the bolts for 10 to 12 seconds on the large bolts and 18 to 20 seconds on the smaller bolts using the same coil. This allows for pinpoint accuracy and repeatability, cycle after cycle.
Annealing Lock Nuts
A three-turn helical coil is used to heat the locknut to °F for 5 seconds. Induction heating provides repeatable, rapid and accurate heating cycles making it ideal for in-line production processes
Anneal the end of metal stamp sets
Induction annealing heats the end of a metal stamp to mushroom instead of cracking/splitting when struck by a hammer. Two helical coils are used to heat the ends to the required temperature. Two part sizes can be run in each of the coils, using the same machine settings except for cycle time.
Annealing stainless steel bread cutting saw blades
Induction annealing improves blade quality, decreases scrap product and is easily incorporated into existing production lines. To anneal these stainless steel bread cutting saw blades, a three-turn helical induction heating coil is designed and developed for this application.
Annealing Tungsten Rods
A multi-turn induction annealing coil is used to heat various rod diameters. An optical pyrometer is used to measure the temperature of the part inside the induction coil. Initial static tests are conducted, then dynamic tests are run to confirm the results of the static tests
Band annealing on Titanium fasteners
Our bar-end annealing systems provide operating frequencies from 400 kHz for hot-heading of small diameter fasteners to 2 kHz for larger cross-section beams or bars. Systems can be incorporated with pick-and-place robotics to deliver a flameless process,with heating limited to a specific area.
Annealing Brazing Wire
Induction annealing provides higher productivity of 27' (8.2m) per minute, a reduction in surface oxidation & scaling with consistent, repeatable results. Four consecutive coils connected in parallel with a quartz tube lining,are used to heat the wire to 650ºF for annealing.
Selectively Annealing Thread Ring Gauge Blocks
To selectively and uniformly anneal two sections of a thread ring gage block from the hole to the outside surface from a hardness of Rc 59-61 to Rc 45. Process goals include automation, production rate increase, and elimination of stress cracking resulting from flame heating.
Achieving Uniform Hardness on Saw Blades
Induction annealing is used to draw-back steel saw blades to a desired Rockwell hardness at a rate of 60 inches per minute. Resulting mean hardness of 50.3 Rc is measured for fifteen saw teeth on a Wilson Superficial Hardness Tester, fulfilling the ultimate goal established by the customer.
Annealing steel tubes in an inert atmosphere
Induction annealing heats steel tubes to ºF ( ºC) in an inert atmosphere for very small areas within precise production tolerances. A two-turn concentrator coil is used to heat the stainless steel tube. The annealing process takes place in an inert atmosphere to prevent oxidation.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Induction Annealing Machine.