Sensor for air/gas flow

09 Sep.,2024


Sensor for air/gas flow


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I don't know the flow rate in anything other than bubbles per second. The application is for a planted freshwater aquarium (this is my tank). The cheap and easy way to measure flow is with a bubble counter. This link is to a picture of my regulator. You can see the glass bubble counter on the front of it. Generally it runs at around 2-3 bubbles per second.

One the back of it is a an MPXAP pressure sensor that I'm using to measure the working pressure. What I'm trying to accomplish is to replace the bubble counter with an electronic flow sensor. It probably would have helped to explain this earlier, because the meters you linked to cost way more than I'd spend for this application. The pressure sensor I got was quite cheap (2 for $25), so I was hoping to find something for flow that was also relatively cheap.

Measuring the pressure differential is an interesting idea. I'm not sure how you'd measure "flow" that way, but maybe it would work. The gas is flowing through that hose in the picture into a "reactor" that's under a small amount of pressure (probably about 3-4 PSI). The reactor is basically a whole house omni filter housing that mixes the CO2 gas into the water to make it available to plants. I do have 1 more MPXAP, so perhaps I should play with your idea and see what kind of pressure differentials I can measure. I'd really love to find an affordable flow sensor that would work though.


I don't know that a precision scale would work. Take a look at the pic above and it'll make more sense. The whole setup is probably close to 20 pounds. It seems like a scale to measure that accurately with 20 pounds sitting on it would be quite cost prohibitive.

How to choose the right flow meter? Flow meter types and ...

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How to choose the right flow meter? Flow meter types and their principles.

How to choose the right flow meter? To determine the perfect flowmeter, consider key criteria such as the fluid being measured, the flow range, the accuracy required and the process parameters. Our detailed guide will help you choose the most suitable flow meter to optimise your industrial processes and ensure accurate fluid measurement.

Which flowmeter to choose?

To determine the perfect flowmeter, consider essential criteria such as the fluid being measured, the flow range, the accuracy required and the process parameters.

Our detailed guide will help you choose the right flowmeter to optimize your industrial processes and ensure accurate fluid measurement.

A Complete Guide to Choose the Right Flow Meter

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of choosing the right flowmeter for your specific needs.

Whether you are looking for a flowmeter to measure the flow of liquids, gases or steam, we will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

What is a flow meter?

A flow meter is a measuring device used to determine the quantity of fluid flowing through a pipe. It is essential in many industrial processes, as it allows the flow of fluids to be monitored and controlled.

Now that we've defined the concept of a flowmeter, let's move on to the next question

The choice of flow meter depends on a number of factors, such as the type of fluid, the temperature and pressure conditions of the process, and the characteristics of the application.

Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  1. Determine the type of flow meter required :
    here are different flow meter technologies, each suited to specific types of fluid. Common technologies include diaphragm, venturi, float, electromagnetic, vortex, ultrasonic, coriolis and thermal flowmeters. Choose the one that best suits your application.

  2. Take into account specific parameters :
    To choose the right flow meter, take into account parameters such as fluid density, pressure, temperature and any pressure drops. These factors can influence how well the flowmeter works in your application.

  3. Consider the installation requirements :
    The conditions in which the flow meter is mounted can have an impact on its accuracy and performance. Take into account installation constraints such as pipe bends, valves and constrictions. Some types of flow meter are more sensitive to these disturbances than others.

  4. Check out the reputable brands :
    Choose reputable and reliable flow meter brands in the market like Fuji Electric. A brand's reputation is often an indicator of the quality and performance of its products.

  • Determine the type of flow meter required

  • Take into account specific parameters

  • Consider the Installation Requirements

  • Check out reputable brands

By following these tips, you'll be able to choose the flow meter that best suits your specific needs.

Now that we've covered the basics of choosing a flow meter, let's move on to a more detailed explanation.

A Detailed Explanation of the Different Types of Flow Meters and their Principles

Volumetric Flow Meters

Volume flow meters measure the flow rate in terms of the volume of fluid flowing through a pipe for a given period of time.

Here are the most commonly used types of volume flow meters:

Diaphragm flow meter or orifice plate and differential pressure

The differential pressure flowmeter is suitable for measuring the flow of clean liquids and gases, or steam. It uses the differential pressure created by the passage of fluid through an orifice such as an orifice plate or diaphragm.

Differential pressure is measured using pressure transmitters differential and converted into a flow rate.

Venturi Flow Meter

The venturi flowmeter is used to measure the flow of clean, charged and highly charged liquids, clean gases and charged gases.

It consists of a tapered section of pipe where the fluid velocity increases, enabling the flow rate to be measured as a function of the differential pressure between two measuring points.

Cone Flow Meter

The cone flow meter is designed to measure the flow of clean, loaded or highly loaded liquids. It consists of a widening pipe and a cone placed in the middle of the pipe.

The pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the cone is measured to determine the flow rate.

Pitot Tube Flow Meter

The pitot tube flow meter is used to measure the flow of clean or slightly contaminated gases and liquids. It consists of a measuring tube placed parallel to the flow in the pipe. The pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the tube is measured to determine the flow rate.

The main advantage of this type of device is that it does not obstruct the flow in the pipe, allowing higher velocity and greater efficiency to be maintained.

Float Flow Meter

This type of flow meter is suitable for measuring the flow of clean, charged and viscous liquids, as well as clean gases. It uses a float whose position varies according to the flow rate, enabling the volume flowed to be measured.

Gear Flow Meter

Goto tnma to know more.

Gear flow meters are suitable for measuring the flow of clean, charged and viscous liquids, as well as clean gases. They use a pair of rotating gears to measure the volume of flowing fluid.

Electromagnetic Flow Meter

This type of electromagnetic flow meter is suitable for measuring the flow rate of clean, charged, viscous and conductive liquids.

The electromagnetic flow meter uses a magnetic field to induce an electromotive force proportional to the fluid's flow velocity, enabling the volume flow rate to be measured.

Vortex Flow Meter

The vortex flow meter is suitable for measuring the flow of clean, charged liquids and clean gases. It uses vortices generated by the fluid flow to measure flow.

Ultrasonic Flow Meter

This type of non-intrusive flow meter is used to measure the flow of clean liquids.

It works on non-conductive fluids. It uses ultrasonic waves to measure the transit time of the fluid, enabling the flow rate to be calculated.

The latest generation of ultrasonic flowmeters can also measure saturated steam flow. These flowmeters are also available in a portable version. They enable uninterrupted flow measurement.

Mass Flow Meters

Mass flow meters measure the flow rate in terms of the mass of fluid flowing through a pipe over a given period of time. The most commonly used types of mass flow meters are:

Coriolis Flow Meter

The Coriolis flow meter is suitable for measuring the flow of clean, charged, highly charged, multiphase liquids, clean gases and charged gases. It measures flow by detecting the deflection resulting from Coriolis forces as a fluid flows through a vibrating tube.

Thermal Mass Flow Meter

Thermal mass flow meters are suitable for measuring the flow of clean liquids, clean gases and charged gases. They measure flow by detecting the heat transfer caused by the flow of the fluid.

Ultrasonic Flow Meter

In-line ultrasonic flow meters are used to measure gases such as air or nitrogen. They feature pressure and temperature correction to display the mass flow rate.

Now that you have an overview of the different types of flow meter and their principles, let's explore in more detail the parameters to consider when choosing a flow meter.

Parameters to Consider When Choosing a Flow Meter

When choosing a flow meter, it is essential to consider a number of parameters to ensure that it is suitable for your specific application. Here are the main parameters to consider:

  • Type of fluid

  • Temperature and pressure conditions

  • Pressure losses

  • Need flow information

  • Installation features

  1. Nature of fluid:
    Determine whether the fluid to be measured is liquid or gaseous, clean or charged. Some flowmeters are better suited to specific types of fluid.
  2. Temperature and pressure conditions:
    Check the temperature and pressure conditions of the process in which the flowmeter will be used. Some flowmeters have limited temperature and pressure ranges.
  3. Pressure losses:
    Flowmeters can cause pressure losses in the system. It is important to take these pressure losses into account to ensure efficient operation of your system.
  4. Need for flow information :
    Think about the flow information you need. Do you want to measure volume flow or mass flow? This will depend on your specific application and the data required for your process.
  5. Installation Features :
    Consider installation constraints such as pipework peculiarities, bends, valves, etc. Some flow meters may be sensitive to these. Some flow meters can be sensitive to these disturbances, which can affect their accuracy.

By taking these parameters into account, you will be able to choose the flow meter that best meets your specific needs.

Here's everything you need to know to make the right choice of flow meter. Don't hesitate to consult reputable brands and seek professional advice if necessary. The right flow meter will ensure accurate and reliable flow measurement in your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which brand of flow meter should I choose?

There are several well-known brands in the flow meter field. Popular brands include Fuji Electric, Endress+Hauser, Yokogawa, Emerson, Siemens, Krohne, and ABB.

What type of flow meter is most commonly used?

There is no single answer to this question, as the choice of flow meter depends on the specific application. However, electromagnetic, ultrasonic and coriolis flow meters are widely used in many industries because of their versatility and accuracy.

The flow rate in a pipe can be measured using an appropriate flow meter. The flow meter is installed in the pipe and measures the flow rate of the fluid passing through it using different measurement technologies.

What are the ideal conditions for measuring flow?

The ideal conditions for measuring flow depend on the type of flow meter used. However, in general, stable temperature and pressure conditions, regular pipework without excessive disturbance and a clean fluid are conducive to accurate flow measurement.

What is the importance of flow measurement in industrial processes?

Flow measurement is essential in industrial processes because it enables the flow of fluids to be controlled and monitored. This ensures that processes run efficiently and enables problems or undesirable variations in flow to be detected quickly.

What are the advantages of a mass flow meter over a volume flow meter?

Mass flow meters measure flow in terms of the mass of fluid flowing through them, making them independent of variations in fluid density. This makes them particularly suitable for applications where fluid density can vary.

Improve your industrial processes with the ideal flow meter!

We hope this article has provided you with the information you need to understand the different types of flow meter and their principles, thus to choose the right flow meter for your application.

The flow meter is an essential tool for measuring and controlling fluid flow rates in various industrial applications. Thanks to its advanced features, it ensures accurate measurement and optimal management of your processes.

Are you looking for the right flow meter to meet your performance and energy efficiency goals?

Our experts will advise you on choosing the right flow meter for your needs.

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