Effects of butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene and tertiary butylhydroquinone on growth and luteoskyrin production byPenicillium islandicum

05 Feb.,2024


Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) alone in cultural media were tested for the inhibition of growth and luteoskyrin production by two toxigenic strains ofPenicillium islandicum UST-11 andP. islandicum HLT-6. In potato dextrose agar, the concentrations of BHA and TBHQ from 0.2 mg/disc, BHT from 5.0 mg/disc did affect the growth of both tested strains, but the initial concentrations of these antioxidants to reduced luteoskyrin production by UST-11 strain were BHA 0.5 mg/disc, BHT 1.0 mg/disc and TBHQ 0.4 mg/disc, while for HLT-6, BHA 0.4 mg/disc, bht and tbhq were 0.2 mg/disc, respectively. In grainy and powdery rice media, the effects of BHA, BHT and TBHQ on luteoskyrin production byP. islandicum UST-11 and HLT-6 were clearly demonstrated. The efficiency of the inhibitory effect was not only closely related to the concentration of antioxidants, but also completely inhibited the luteoskyrin production at a concentration of 200 mg/kg or higher. Also, the antioxidants at a concentration higher than 20 mg/kg reduced significantly the growth and luteoskyrin production by both strains ofP. islandicum.