What are the advantages of a camera?

05 Feb.,2024


5 Amazing Benefits of Photography

With the proper camera and vision, photography can make your life much better.  It can help lift our spirits when we are down, help us look beyond the disappointments life can sometimes throw at us and spark our creativity and imagination.  If you are interested in finding a new hobby, or just looking to take better pictures, Below are just a few of the many benefits of developing a love of photography. 

Photography affords immortality

Don’t believe it? Look at all the old photographs your mom or grandmother had around.  I personally love looking at old pictures and imagining what life must have been like "back in the day".  And anytime I get to mising family and friends who have passed on, a photo of them can bring back such beautiful and cherished memories.  

Photography documents your journey through life

From your childhood pictures to your child’s pictures to your grandchild’s pictures. From first smiles to first steps to first dates, life can be documented and preserved. Photography captures personal communication that would otherwise be lost forever. 

Photography help you find beauty in the world.   

We can find beauty in our lives through photography.  From the simpleness of everyday objects around us to the craziness of our children who bring us joy yet drive us crazy.  Using a camera to find beauty in the things and people around us, helps us to see things in a different light.  A wonderful therapeutic benefit of photography, is that it can help us see the beauty surrounding us we just have take a moment to stop and look!  

Photography preserves new and old memories

Think of the wife or husband who has lost a spouse. Or the child who lost a parent. With pictures not only can they have no fear of forgetting their loved one’s face a photo can help them remember exactly what was going on when that picture was snapped, cementing the memory forever.

Photography is an act of creating

The simple act of creation is important in helping us as humans feel fulfilled. When a child finishes a drawing that may not be the masterpiece he or she thinks it is, they beam with pride as praise is showered down upon them.  This excitement to create is something all of us share, no matter our age.  And don't worry, your perceived level of creativity doesn’t matter, it is the act of doing that counts.

If you’re interested in learning more about photography, you can enroll in our upcoming Personal Enrichment photography class: Photography: Capturing Life's Moments our check out our online photography courses!

For more information please contact our office at 662-325-9191 or email dlc10@msstate.edu 


Digital Cameras

Film Cameras

Film Not required. Film is required. ISO ISO sensitivity can be changed every shot. ISO sensitivity can be changed only when changing the film. Shutter Images can be easily deleted and retaken. Pressing the shutter uses one frame of film. Bad shot Images can be instantly checked, and retaken if necessary. Cannot check the image until it is developed.
Cannot know if shot was unsuccessful. Image processing Black and White and sepia-tone photos can be easily created. Must change film or use inconvenient filter. Macro photography Macro photography lets you shoot down to a few centimeters away. Possible with an SLR camera, as long as it's equipped with a macro lens or a lens with a macro function. Moving pictures Most digital cameras can also take moving pictures. Moving pictures cannot be taken. Developing Not required, Images can be immediately seen. Images cannot be seen until they are developed by a photo lab. Printing Possible at home, in any desired size, or at a photo lab. Must be printed by a photo lab. Television Images can be viewed on a large-screen TV. Photos cannot be seen on TV. PC Image data can be immediately used on a PC, without processing. After developing, photo must be scanned and converted to digital data. Retouching Editing and processing are easy, using photo editing software. Photo cannot be changed. Cost No film purchase or development costs, Rechargeable battery packs are economical. Film and developing costs are continuous.

What are the advantages of a camera?

Digital Camera Advantages

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