What are the applications of porous ceramics?

20 May.,2024


Application of Porous Ceramics

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8 applications of porous ceramic materials

8 applications of porous ceramic materials

Time: 2021-03-17   Writer: mingrui

8 applications of porous ceramic materials



Pore-ceramic is a new type of ceramic material, also known as pore-functional ceramics. It is a kind of ceramic material with a large number of interconnected or closed pores in the body after it is shaped and fired at high temperature.

Porous ceramics can be divided into foam ceramics, honeycomb ceramics and granular ceramics according to the pore-forming methods and voids. The corresponding porosity is as follows:

Porous ceramic materials due to its unique porous structure and small volume density, high specific surface area, low thermal conductivity, and ceramic materials themselves unique high temperature resistance, high strength, good chemical stability and other characteristics, has been widely used in environmental protection, energy saving, chemical, smelting, food, pharmaceutical, biological medical and other fields.

Porous ceramic materials are used in filtration and separation devices


Porous filter ceramic tube

The filter unit composed of porous ceramic plate or tubular products has the characteristics of large filtration area and high filtration efficiency.It is widely used in water purification, oil separation and filtration, organic solution, acid and alkali solution, other viscous liquid and compressed air, coke oven gas, steam, methane, acetylene and other gas separation.Due to the advantages of high temperature resistance, wear resistance, chemical corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength, porous ceramics are increasingly showing their unique advantages in the application fields of corrosive fluids, high-temperature fluids and molten metals.

Porous ceramic material is used in sound absorption and noise reduction device


Honeycomb ceramic sound-absorbing material

Porous ceramics as a sound-absorbing material is mainly to use its diffusion function, that is, through the porous structure of sound waves caused by the air pressure to disperse, to achieve the purpose of sound-absorbing.Porous ceramics as sound-absorbing materials require small pore size (20 ~ 150 m), high porosity (more than 60%) and high mechanical strength.Porous ceramics have now been used in high-rise buildings, tunnels, subways and other places with high requirements for fire prevention, TV transmission centers, cinemas and other places with high requirements for sound insulation.

Porous ceramic material is used as catalyst carrier


Porous ceramic catalyst carrier

Since porous ceramics have good adsorption capacity and activity, the conversion efficiency and reaction rate will be greatly improved after the reaction fluid passes through the porous ceramic channel after the catalyst is covered.At present, the research focus of porous ceramics as catalyst carrier is inorganic separation catalytic membrane, which combines the separation and catalytic characteristics of porous ceramic materials, so it has a broad application prospect.

Porous ceramic materials used for sensitive components


Ceramic sensor

The working principle of the humidity and gas sensitive elements of the ceramic sensor is that when the microporous ceramic is placed in the gas or liquid medium, some components in the medium will be adsorbed by the porous body or react with it. At this time, the potential or current of the microporous ceramic will change, so as to determine the composition of the gas or liquid.Ceramic sensor has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, simple manufacturing process, sensitive and accurate test, and can be suitable for many special occasions.

Porous ceramic materials used for diaphragm materials


Ceramic coated diaphragm

Porous ceramics has a large area of contact with liquid and gas, and the cell voltage is much lower than that of common materials. Therefore, it can be used in electrolytic membrane materials to greatly reduce the voltage of electrolytic cell, improve the electrolytic efficiency, and save energy and electrode materials.Porous ceramic membranes are used in chemical cells, fuel cells and photochemical cells.

Porous ceramic material is used in air distribution device

Through the porous ceramic material gas blowing into the solid powder, can make the powder in the loose and fluidized state, achieve the purpose of rapid heat transfer, heat evenly, accelerate the reaction rate, prevent powder, suitable for powder conveying, heating, drying and cooling, especially suitable for the cement, lime and alumina powder such as manufacturers, production and powder conveying.

Porous ceramic materials are used for heat insulation


Porous ceramic heat accumulator

Porous ceramics have become the traditional thermal insulation materials due to their high porosity, low density, low thermal conductivity, huge thermal resistance and small volume heat capacity.Advanced porous ceramic insulation for shuttle casings, missile class.

Porous ceramic materials are used in biological medicine


Porous calcium phosphate bioceramics

Porous bioceramics developed on the basis of traditional bioceramics are used in the field of biological medicine because of their good biocompatibility, stable physical and chemical properties and non-toxic side effects.Teeth and other implants made of porous ceramics have been used in clinical practice.

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