Sofas - how often do you buy new ones?

04 Feb.,2024


Letsskidaddle · 16/02/2021 11:33

Scrolling through FaceBook marketplace and I'm amazed by all the nearly new sofas that are for sale or free....

Some (most I've realised ) are in better condition than mine (cats have ruined mine from scratching), but mine were second-hand to start with.

Just got me thinking how often other people buy new ones. I'm admittedly a bit of a skinflint but they're not a cheap purchase and seem a huge, expensive luxury to me. Not sure I'd ever have the spare £££s to indulge, much as I'd love to.

Now feeling a bit fed up that so many people seem to have such beautiful homes...mine is very nice and kept well, but nothing is new or fancy and there's a lot we don't have - never had a dressing table or a chest of drawers for instance. For context I live alone now DC have moved out and before that struggled as a single parent, 'new' new was always just out of reach.

This is about more than sofas I guess, I've realised lately that the sum total of my life and possessions is very little and that makes me a bit sad.

But! On a lighter note, how often do you splash out? On sofas or other 'big' purchases.

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