Creating the right mold for your injection molding process can save you from a lot of losses and pain down the road. This is why injection mold manufacturers that deal with injection molding pay a lot of attention to the mold creation process. There are certain steel tools that have to be used to ensure the mold comes out just right.
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We are going to look at the right tool steel that you have to use for plastic injection mold design for all your injection molding processes. We will also compare the different alternatives that one can use. Therefore, if you have been thinking of creating your injection mold, then stick around to know exactly what you need.
There are so many metals that can be used for creating molds, but steel is the one that's preferred by most injection molding factories. So why exactly is this the case? What properties does steel have that make it ideal? The following are some of the reasons why you should also go for it.
There are a number of tool steel types that are specifically used for making injection molds. All of them possess particular sets of attributes that make them ideal for this kind of work above all the other options that may be available. These include the following.
This is commonly known as an all-purpose steel and is one of the hardest versions of steel. It is a very solid performer that can be used for the following roles in the making of the injection mold crate.
However, the steel has some challenges like the inability to meet the minimum ASTM-A681 standards. This means that this type of steel is best suited for plastic materials that are not abrasive or lack any abrasive elements like glass fibers as that will leave dents on them. Uncoated P-20 has also been observed to lack the ability to be used for mass production and repeatable processes that go on for very long.
This is a tool steel type that has very high tolerances for high temperatures and is the most ideal for making molds that are destined to work for long hours dealing with high temperatures for mass production. The following are some of the upsides of using this as a tooling option.
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This is best for making molds that are suited for high volume production. The type that can run for days onitsown without any dent being registered in any part. It is hard enough to even deal with materials that are abrasive. The following are some of the features you should expect from this robust tool.
The only drawback to the H-13 steel tool is the corrosion that eventually happens due to overuse, especially when it is exposed to chemicals in the injection molding materials. It is also weak against most forms of moisture.
This is specially made steel that contains about 13% chromium, making it a very high-quality tooling option for anyone looking to make a reliable injection mold crate. It also has a high carbon content that imparts some very desirable attributes that most of the others lack. The following are the attributes that make it the ideal tooling option.
The only drawback to this element is the fact that the mechanical and tempering properties are greatly reduced when they are exposed to temperatures that far exceed the relevant parameters. They will not melt in the process but their efficiency becomes impacted negatively.
Besides steel, there are a number of metallic alternatives that can be used for tooling purposes. This ranges from aluminum which is best known for being lightweight and easily available. The on;y drawback when compared to steel is that it is not as hard and can be affected by high temperatures.
Steel carbon is also another great option but the cost can be high due to the carbon presence. It simply doesn't make much financial sense to have a tool that expensive just to make a normal mold crate. The tool you chose to go with should be guided by a number of factors that are directly related to the type of injection molding you intend to carry out.
Another option that is rarely used is Titanium, one of the hardest metals on the planet. The biggest drawback to going with this option is the high cost of extracting and fashioning it into a cutting tool.
Getting the right tool for your mold could be the difference between having a successful injection molding and one that is fraught with complications. This is why it is important that you take your time when it comes to selecting the tool. For more information on how to make a plastic mold prototype and the entire mold-making process, check out our website and have all your questions and concerns answered by our team of experts.
Injection mold tooling utilizes a variety of different materials depending on the given application. Some tools may experience considerable heat, pressure, and abrasion during the molding process and must have a long lifetime to survive millions of mold cycles, while others are merely meant for prototyping or bridge tooling. Selecting the correct tooling material is crucial for delivering on the expectations of the function and lifetime. The best tools are ones that are designed for the specific application that the customer needs, and selecting the correct tool steels is a crucial first step in the process.
Listed below are some of the most common tool steels'P20, H13, S7, 420 stainless steel, D2, , and copper alloys. Each material has its own advantages, disadvantages, and use cases, all of which are outlined in this guide.
For more information, please visit h mold steel.