Understanding enzymes in breadmaking

07 Oct.,2024


Understanding enzymes in breadmaking

The enzymes used in breadmaking have several origins. Some of them are naturally present in cereal grains (we speak of endogenous enzymes). The wheat grain contains, for example, enzymes necessary for its germination, such as amylases: they make it possible to cut the chains of glucose which compose the starch (energy reserve of the seed) in simple sugars used by the cells to multiply and form the new seedling. These enzymes naturally present in the grain are found in the flours. During bread-making, they transform the starch into fermentable sugars which will be available to the yeasts and will allow them to produce the CO 2 necessary for the dough to rise.

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However, the levels of endogenous enzymes in flour are variable and sometimes insufficient to support the metabolic activity of the yeasts. This is why bakers use exogenous enzymes. These can come from animal or plant organisms. This is for example the case of diastatic malt, obtained from germinated grains which are the site of important enzymatic activities. They can also be produced by microorganisms remarkably well equipped with enzymatic material in the living world: molds (filamentous fungi) or bacteria. These microorganisms allow an abundant and rapid production of an arsenal of diverse enzymes.

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