What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Buy Clutches Wholesale

03 Apr.,2024


Bulk buying can mean several things. It could mean that you buy unpackaged food from bulk bins in somewhere like a zero waste shop. Another definition of bulk means that you buy lots of normal sized packets or tubs of a product at once. The third is where you buy large sacks or containers of a product and that is the type I’m focussing on here.

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We buy some key staples in bulk. For example porridge oats*, rice*, popping corn*, bicarbonate of soda*, cinnamon*, Italian seasoning*, sunflower seeds*, soy sauce*, shampoo* and conditioner bars*. I bought bulk salt years ago (that we are still working our way through) on a house swapping holiday to France and we pick practically a years supply of onions once a year at local pick your own farm.

What are the pros of buying in bulk?

We buy in bulk because there are lots of benefits

  1. You save time doing your shopping each week. Having some basics in stock mean that you don’t have to worry about running out of those products for a while.
  2. Less packaging overall. I usually buy oats in a 25kg sack. It means that we only have one paper bag to recycle after eating 25kg of oats instead of countless little boxes and plastic bags.
  3. It is sensible to have 3 months salary in the bank in case of loss of income through redundancy or illness and so in. For the same reasons it is a good idea to have a bit of back up food in your home. Having that food at home buys you time. It also gives you peace of mind over having enough to eat for a while.
  4. On the same note as point 3, being made redundant isn’t the only reason why it might sensible to have a bit of back up food in your home. For example, when the virus hit, for a while there were scary scenes of empty shelves in the supermarkets and it became difficult to get hold of certain types of food.
  5. You can save money by buying in bulk. It is really important to shop around though and not assume as sometimes bulk buying doesn’t work out cheaper.

What are the cons of buying in bulk?

  1. You have to be careful when you buy bulk food because the price can fluctuate. A good price now on a bulk product, may not be so reasonable if prices fall and you are still using up the product you bought when prices were higher.
  2. You have to find somewhere to store the food, which is difficult if you don’t have much space
  3. The quantity of food may be too large for you to be able to use up before it’s best before date. Either that puts you off buying or potentially food could go off.
  4. You have to have the money to pay upfront for the bulk food.
  5. Bulk buying has a bad reputation after the empty supermarket shelf days at the beginning of lockdown. Are you a selfish stockpiler if you buy in bulk?

Solutions to the problems of buying in bulk

  1. To avoid getting caught out by bulk buying a product when it is expensive you can do two things. Firstly think seasonally. As I said earlier we usually buy onions once a year . They are at their cheapest then because they are in season. Secondly get to know what a good price is for a product over time. If you have access to old receipts for shopping either on or offline, you can do some price comparisons. If the product will last a couple of months, this may not be a major issue. But if you are planning for it to last much more than that you might want to check first!
  2. Make some space to store your bulk food by doing some decluttering where possible. You don’t have to store the food in your kitchen.
  3. Avoid food waste, by taking into account these 5 ways to avoid food waste when you buy in bulk. For example, only buy food that you know you can use and that will last a long time.
  4. Save up the money to buy in bulk (or use the money from the items you decluttered if you were able to sell them). You can also split purchases with friends and family.
  5. Are you a selfish stockpiler? It depends on how you do it. If you clear a supermarket shelf and don’t leave any for anyone else, then you are being selfish. However if you regularly buy in bulk from a place that you are meant to make bulk purchases, that isn’t selfish. Those places only sell in bulk and you aren’t depriving anyone else by shopping that way. You aren’t taking more than your fair share either. You are just buying what you need in one go, rather than in smaller amounts over time.

Is it a good idea to buy in bulk?

On the positive side: You could save money, reduce packaging, make your life a little easier and have peace of mind about having a bit of extra food in the house.

On the negative side: You need to think carefully about whether bulk is a good price or not. It could result in food waste. You would have to find somewhere to put it and it involves laying out cash up front.

So I think the answer is both yes and no! It all depends on the types of foods you eat, the storage space you have available, the effort you want to go to and whether or not for you, the positives outweigh the negatives.

What are your thoughts about buying in bulk? Do the pros outweigh the cons for you, or is it the other way around?

Should you buy your shop supplies in bulk? It’s generally held that it’s always better for businesses to buy wholesale. However, this isn’t a viable option for all businesses, especially those that are just starting out. The answer isn’t always clear cut. However, since no business wants to be so tightly run it has no buffer margin, the answer normally lies in how much wholesale you need.

The Advantages of Buying in Bulk

The reason for purchasing supplies in bulk is to prevent them from running out. When you run out of carry bags or don’t have price tagging supplies, customers are inconvenienced and think poorly of your store. Purchasing wholesale shop supplies allows you to be fully prepared at all times for your customers. 

You get better deals.

Vendors often welcome wholesale transactions because it benefits their bottom line. Once you’ve decided on a supplier, consider brokering a deal with them. An exclusive long-term contract, is likely to persuade a supplier to negotiate attractive deals for you.

You pay less for shipping.

Buying in bulk often results in lower shipping costs. Shipping companies often give you better deals per item if you have more items to ship.

Your supplies will last you longer As mentioned, the main advantage of buying in bulk apart from cost-saving is to prevent running out of supplies. Aside from being able to service your customers, in a dependable and professional way, a healthy surplus of supplies allows staff to set up new displays or organise certain areas of the store in imaginative and attractive new ways.

The Disadvantages of Buying in Bulk

Although there are plenty of advantages of buying in bulk, it isn’t financially feasible for some business owners. Without the proper planning, you are putting your store’s bottom line at risk. Instead of putting in large orders of supplies, limit your wholesale purchases to pertinent items.

Here are the reasons to be more discerning with your bulk purchases.

You lose valuable space.

Aside from your shop supplies, you have your inventory to think of. These items can’t be placed anywhere. As your primary source of income, your merchandise needs to be stored in a suitable location. These items shouldn’t be competing with your shop supplies for space in the stock room.

You have more supplies than merchandise.

It’s not a good sign for a business to have more supplies than merchandise. Buying supplies in bulk for products you plan on displaying in the future can result in unnecessary clutter if you over order.

Apex Display: Your Shop Supplies Provider

Apex Display is your partner in equipping your store with high quality shop supplies. We have a wide selection of supplies for you to choose from. Our wholesale options are customisable to suit your store’s needs and to meet your budget.

Get in touch with our team and let’s talk about the support you need with your clothes retail shop.

What is the Advantage and Disadvantage of Buy Clutches Wholesale

Should You Buy in Bulk? The Pros and Cons of Wholesale