Air Tyres Without Suspension vs Solid Tyres with Suspension

08 Jul.,2024


Air Tyres Without Suspension vs Solid Tyres with Suspension

Air Tyres Without Suspension vs Solid Tyres with Suspension

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When it comes to choosing the right tires for your kick e-scooter, the decision between solid and rubber tires is crucial. Each type of tire has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and selecting the wrong type of tire can lead to safety issues or poor performance. In this blog post, we will compare kick e-scooter solid tires and rubber tires to help you make an informed decision.

Solid Tires

Solid tires are made of hard rubber or plastic and do not require air to maintain their shape. They are popular for their durability and low maintenance requirements, as they are less likely to puncture or go flat. Solid tires also tend to have a longer lifespan than rubber tires, making them a cost-effective option for those who use their e-scooters frequently.

However, solid tires have some disadvantages. Firstly, they provide less shock absorption than rubber tires, which can lead to a rougher ride and increased vibrations. Recent testing at the Bird R&D facility in Southern California showed that a kick e-scooter equipped with solid tires with shocks experienced an average of 43% more vertical acceleration than a pneumatic tire e-scooter on a variety of street surfaces, including gravel and cobblestone. Vertical acceleration refers to the speed at which the rider's body moves up and down in response to bumps and vibrations in the road. This can cause discomfort, fatigue, and even injury over time. Secondly, solid tires tend to be heavier than rubber tires, which can affect the handling and maneuverability of the e-scooter. Lastly, solid tires can be difficult to replace, as they require specialized tools and can be time-consuming to change.

Rubber Air Tires

Rubber Air tires, also known as pneumatic tires, are filled with air and are made of a softer material than solid tires. They offer better shock absorption and provide a smoother ride with reduced vibrations. Recent testing at the Bird R&D facility in Southern California showed that a kick e-scooter equipped with 6 ply tubeless pneumatic tires experienced on average 33% less vertical acceleration than a solid tire e-scooter with shocks on a variety of street surfaces, including gravel and cobblestone. Rubber tires are also lighter than solid tires, which makes them more maneuverable and easier to handle.

One of the biggest disadvantages of rubber tires is their puncture risk. They are more prone to punctures than solid tires and require regular maintenance to ensure that they remain properly inflated. Rubber tires also tend to wear out faster than solid tires and require more frequent replacement.

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However, if you are subscribed to a service like, which covers the cost of puncture repairs, the advantage of solid tires over rubber tires is greatly reduced. Since puncture repair costs are not a factor, the benefits of rubber tires, such as smoother rides with reduced vibrations and less vertical acceleration, may outweigh the disadvantages.

Therefore, if you prioritize a comfortable and safe ride, rubber tires may be the better option, even if they require more frequent maintenance and replacement. On the other hand, if you value durability and low maintenance requirements, solid tires may still be a viable option for you, but it's important to keep in mind their higher vertical acceleration and rougher ride.

Ultimately, the choice between solid and rubber tires depends on your individual needs and preferences, as well as the availability of services like that may change the cost comparison between the two types of tires. No matter which type of tire you choose, it's important to ensure that they are properly inflated and maintained to ensure the safety and performance of your kick e-scooter.

Solid tires question - ESG

Everything you could possibly want to know about tires types and tradesoffs:

The only benefit to solid tires is that they they won&#;t get flats. For everything else they perform worse than pneumatic ones, including:

  • worse grip (particularly when wet)
  • worse ride quality (limited internal cushioning)
  • tend to be much harder to change

If you&#;re going to be using the scooter on good roads, in dry conditions then downsides of solid will be less adverse. If roads are worse or you&#;ll be in wet conditions then downsides grow.

On thing I&#;d like to point out is that not all pneumatic tires are equal. Tubeless ones (like those in your car) are much more resistant to flats and when used with tire slime are very flat-resistant.

The Ninebot Max comes with tubeless pneumatic tires that are pre-slimed and riders will report getting puncture after puncture on the same set of tires, but a bit of the slime leaks out and re-seals the tire.

The company is the world’s best 8.5 inch solid scooter tyres supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.