What's the difference between rutile TiO2 and anatase TiO2

22 Jul.,2024


What's the difference between rutile TiO2 and anatase TiO2

What's the difference between rutile TiO2 and anatase TiO2

Titanium dioxide Tio2

Titanium dioxide Tio2 has two forms: rutile and anatase. Rutile is deep red while anatase is yellow to blue. Rutile has a high absorbance property than anatase. Rutile and anatase are both used in the white pigmentation of paints, paper, and ceramics.

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Rutile TiO2

Rutile TiO2 is primary ore,amorphous in nature and most stable form of TiO2 than anatase and brookite. In anatase crystal structure the positions of the oxygen ions on the exposed anatase TiO2 particle surface possess a triangular arrangement which allows significant absorption of organic molecules slightly higher reduction

Anatase TiO2

Anatase TiO2 is one of the three mineral forms of titanium dioxide, the other two being brookite and rutile. It is always found as small, isolated and sharply developed crystals, and like rutile, a more commonly occurring modification of titanium dioxide, it crystallizes in the tetragonal system.

Similarities between rutile TiO2 and anatase TiO2

  • Rutile TiO2 and anatase TiO2 are both used in the white pigmentation of paints, paper, and ceramics.
  • Rutile TiO2 and anatase TiO2 provide extra luster to other gems and minerals since they are capable of asterism.

What's the difference between rutile TiO2 and anatase TiO2?

(1) Internal structure crystal

Rutile titanium dioxide tio2 crystal structure is stabilityer than Antase grade.

(2) Melting point and boiling point

As the anatase titanium dioxide tio2 in high temperature will be converted into rutile type, so the anatase titanium dioxide melting point and boiling point is actually not present. Rutile titanium dioxide tio2 has a melting point of &#;, the boiling point of rutile titanium dioxide tio2 is ( ± 300) &#;.

(3) Dielectric constant

Due to the high dielectric constant of titanium dioxide tio2, it has excellent electrical properties. In determining the physical properties of titanium dioxide, the crystallization direction of titanium dioxide tio2 crystals is taken into account. The dielectric constant of anatase titanium dioxide tio2 is relatively low, only 48%.

(4) Conductivity

Titanium dioxide tio2 has a semiconductor performance, its conductivity increases with the temperature and rapid increase, but also very sensitive to hypoxia. The dielectric constant and semiconducting properties of rutile titanium dioxide tio2 are very important to the electronics industry and can be used to produce electronic components such as ceramic capacitors.

(5) Hardness

According to Mohs hardness of the system scale, rutile titanium dioxide tio2 for the 6 to 6.5, anatase titanium dioxide tio2 5.5 to 6.0, so in the chemical fiber extinction in order to avoid wear and tear hole and the use of anatase.

(6) Production methods

Although rutile titanium dioxide tio2 and anatase titanium dioxide tio2 sulfuric acid production process is basically similar, but the specific parameters there is a big difference. Anatase titanium dioxide tio2 are mostly produced using sulfuric acid, but rutile titanium dioxide tio2 are now sulfuric acid and chlorinated two.

(7) Coating

Anatase titanium dioxide tio2 in the basic calcined settlement, after Raymond grinding broken packaging sales, and rutile titanium dioxide tio2 in order to better improve its dispersion, weather and other characteristics, after calcination using alumina or zirconium for surface treatment, help with the same also There is a part of the organic processing.

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(8) Price

It is not difficult to see through the production method, the cost of rutile titanium dioxide tio2 than the anatase high, the price is naturally high, the current situation, rutile titanium dioxide tio2 price about anteropium titanium powder higher.

(9) Whiteness and weatherability

In addition, the antase titanium dioxide tio2 is better than the whiteness, but the color strength is only 70% rutile titanium dioxide tio2, in the weather resistance to join the anatase grade titanium dioxide tio2 test piece only after a year after the start of cracking or debris peeling, and adding rutile grade titanium dioxide tio2 after a decade, its appearance is only a small change. As the rutile titanium dioxide tio2 coloring and weatherability is better, plastic coloring using rutile titanium dioxide tio2 as well.

Difference between Anatase and Rutile Titanium Dioxide ...

Titanium oxide is the one of the top 50 chemicals which are produced in worldwide. It occurs in nature in three forms anatase, rutile and brookite. However, commonly, anatase and rutile forms have been used and studied. Naturally, it has whitish and opaque appearance, and through purification, it becomes whiter. Difference in crystal structure of these two forms as you can see in Figure 1 aroused interest in discrepancies between these forms, and many studies have been conducted.

Figure 1: Crystalline structure of titanium dioxide anatase (a) and rutile (b) Ti and O atoms are represented in white and red respectively.

P. Mazzolini, Functional Properties Control of TİO2 for Transparent Electrodes and Photoanodes,

Difference between Characteristics of Rutile and Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles

In general, scholars studied comparison of photocatalyst and carcinogen characteristics, and production methods between anatase and rutile forms of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. First of all, there is a band gap difference, and anatase has about 3.2 eV band gap, and rutile has about 3.0 eV band gap. Since absorption is inversely proportional to band gap, rutile can absorb more light than anatase. According to photoconductivity measurements, electron-hole pair life time is in anatase is longer than one in rutile, so more charge carriers in anatase participate in surface reactions. In addition, there are researches about toxicology of anatase and rutile titanium dioxide nanoparticles in particular subjects. Results show that anatase is more toxic than rutile. These are the fundamental comparisons, but there are also difference in usage and applications which are both rutile and anatase forms are used.

In a study, N.-G. Park, J. van de Lagemaat, and A. J. Frank working about Comparison of Dye-Sensitized Rutile- and Anatase- Based TiO2 Solar Cells concluded that the short-circuit photocurrent of the rutile-based cell is about 30% lower than anatase-based cell. Another scholars studied on different toxicity of rutile and anatase TiO2 nanoparticles on macrophages: Involvement of difference in affinity to proteins and phospholipids, and the conclusion is that with similar size and zeta potential, rutile and anatase titanium dioxide have different damage effect on organelles in macrophages and different toxicity. The rutile nanoparticles have a high affinity to phospholipids while the anatase nanoparticles have high affinity to proteins.

These differences enhance the range of applications of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. In some applications the difference become an advantage, and both forms are used. Many such applications will be found and developed using the discrepancies.

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