Key Questions to Ask When Ordering Diamond Cutting Tools

08 Jul.,2024


4 Questions to Ask When Purchasing Diamond Blades

When it comes time to buy diamond blades there are a few things you should take in to account before making your purchase. What are you cutting? What kind of saw are you using? Is the application wet or dry? What is the diameter of blade that you need? These four questions can help you find the perfect blade that will help you get the most of the job you&#;re working on.

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One: What are you cutting?


This will determine the metallurgical bond of the blade necessary. The bond is a combination of metals used to form the segment, and what controls how fast new diamond is exposed during the cutting process. Use a blade for the specific material you are cutting. Any reputable manufacturer will list what materials you can cut on the package. The wrong bond will lead to blade failure in different ways; too soft of a bond and the blade will wear out too fast. Too hard of a bond and the blade will stop cutting shortly after you start using it.


Two: What kind of saw are you using?


Different horsepower requires different types of blades. Higher horsepower saws require more diamond than low horsepower saws. Saw RPMs vary by setup for blade size. For example, you can take a 48hp saw that is set up for a 36&#; blade, and install an 18&#; blade guard for smaller requirements. If the pulleys aren&#;t changed, the blade will turn at the recommended speed of a 36&#; which is much too slow for an 18&#;. These factors have to be taken in to account to get the best performance out of your blades.


Three: Is the application your cutting wet or dry?


Knowing if you will have water on the job site is important when selecting any Diamond Blade. Smaller diamond blades are designed to cut dry but can also cut equally well wet. The key to dry cutting is making shallow passes, and letting the blade spin in the air every minute or so to cool it down. Larger diameter (24&#; and above) must be used with water because of the depth of cut. There is no easy way to cool large diameter blades without water.


Four: What size of Diamond Blade do I need?


There are a lot of different things to consider when selecting your Diamond Blade. Many of those variables revolve around what tool you&#;re using. You always want to make sure you&#;re putting the right size blade on the right saw. The RPM of the saw will vary based on the blade diameter it&#;s designed for. Always use the tool (or saw) that&#;s designed for the cutting depth you need, and then choose your diamond blade to suit. See the depth chart below:


If you ask yourself these four questions this will help you pick out the right and best suited blade for you and your job.

Frequently Asked Questions on Cutting Tools

Frequently Asked Questions on Cutting Tools

Industry experts answer woodworkers&#; frequently asked questions on cutting tools and their use.

Reposting this article, in case you missed it, which was compiled by the Vance Publishing Team (Wood&Wood Products/CWB/

Q: How do I know if my tooling is balanced?

A: The absence of a drill mark does not automatically indicate that a tool is not balanced, and the presence of a drill mark should not be proof of balancing either. The only way for customers to know a tool is balanced is to request and store balancing certificates whenever a tool is manufactured or re-conditioned. Submitted by Ron Migedt, Riverside Tool

Q: What is chipload and why is it important?

A: Chipload is a term for the thickness of the chip produced in the machining process per edge, per revolution. It is determined by the rotational spindle speed, the speed that the tool is moving through the material and the number of cutting edges of the tool. Chipload is an important factor in tool life because as it increases, it carries more heat away from the cutting tool. The formula for determining chipload is: chipload= feed rate/(rpm x #cutting edges). Submitted by Scott Feimster, LMT Onsrud

Q: What is a compression spiral?

A: A compression spiral is a spiral with an upcut on the bottom and a downcut on the top. This effectively pulls the material together and gives a clean edge on the top and bottom of the workpiece. Submitted by Chuck Hicks, Southeast Tool Inc.

Q: How will the cost of the tool affect my bottom line?

A: Unfortunately it&#;s too common that tooling purchase decisions are made in the spotlight of the tooling budget with little consideration as to how it affects the other budgets that make up the bottom line. You should take into consideration how the tooling decision affects throughput, scrap/rework, edge quality and maintenance costs. Submitted by Garry Davies, Surrey Precision Tools

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Q: How can I get more tool life after sharpening?

A: This question requires a two step approach. First, request a re-manufacturing of your tool when it is submitted to service. This requests an OD grind and re-fluting grind process be performed. The OD grind from most service centers provides a sharper, stronger cutting edge while re-fluting removes more of the chips and wear points with minimal affect to the diameter. Next, reduce the runtime of your tooling so as not to produce as much wear. Because wear occurs at an exponential rate, reducing your runtime by a small amount can pay significant dividends. Submitted by Frank Horvath, FS Tool Corp.

Q: How do I determine if I should use carbide-tipped, insert, or diamond tooling?

A: A cost analysis is the best way to determine what is right for each customer individually. Based on work load, run times, material types, and potential bottlenecks in your process, you can determine which tooling is right for you. Each provides advantages as well as detriments. Carbide-tipped provides quick turnaround servicing and less expensive repairs for damage. Inserts provide consistent profiling without the necessity of sharpening. Diamond provides longer run times without diminishing quality. Submitted by Philip Broussard, NAP Gladu

Q: Can we utilize diamond tools for nesting, without giving up feed speed?

A: New diamond router designs offer users significantly improved tool life in small diameters to less than ½&#;. These true three wing diamond tools perform at or above speeds offered by solid carbide tools. Tool life of 20-30X longer than carbide provides exceptional return on investment. Submitted by Mark Alster, Leitz Tooling Systems LP

Q: Is there a diamond tool that incorporates the mounting interface in a single body construction?

A: These types of monolithic tool designs are in fact more accurate, but tend to not be cost effective. A better solution would be to mount the tool in a heat or mechanical shrink clamping unit and sharpen it while it is in the holder. You now have achieved the same level of accuracy and can re-use the holder when the cutting tools can no longer be sharpened. Submitted by John Michel, Leuco Tool Corp.

Q: When starting a new project, how do I achieve the desired finish or tool life?

A: It is important to understand that every time you change the material being cut, you must also change the machining parameters to obtain the proper chipload for that specific material. Cutting with the incorrect chipload will result in poor tool life, burning and chipping, and even tool breakage. If you change tooling to a different tool diameter or number of wings, you also need to recalculate your chipload as it will change. Submitted by Karin Deutschler, GUHDO USA Inc.

Q: How can I reduce my tooling costs?

A: Tooling costs should be measured in cost per cut. Reducing tooling cost per cut is about maximizing production time and decreasing downtime. The way to achieve this is to make sure you have the correct tooling for each application. The correct tooling type, configuration, and chip load are all important factors in achieving maximum tool life and resulting in more production time. Submitted by Philip Broussard, NAP Gladu

Q: How can I quickly determine if I have a tooling problem or a machine problem?

A: The quickest way to determine if you have a tooling or machine problem is quite simply to change the tooling with a spare. If the problem remains your issue could be with your machine. If the problem ceases you may have a tooling issue. Submitted by Philip Broussard, NAP Gladu

Q: Why am I breaking tools?

A: More than likely you are getting vibration or a movement of which you are not aware. This is commonly caused by worn collets. Submitted by Chuck Hicks, Southeast Tool Inc.

Q: Which is better &#; a V Point or Brad point drill?

A: V points will work better if drilling all the way through the material. The Brad Point seems to do better if drilling shallow (drilling shelf pins, for example). Submitted by Chuck Hicks, Southeast Tool Inc.

Q: How often should I change my collets?

A: The rule of thumb is to change collets 2-3 times a year if running production (meaning 8 hours a day of routing). Submitted by Chuck Hicks, Southeast Tool Inc.

Q: Why aren&#;t my tools lasting as long?

A: This could be due to a material change that you may or may not have been aware of, improper feeds and speeds, or the collets and/or holder. Submitted by Chuck Hicks, Southeast Tool Inc.

Q: What is the difference in an upcut and a downcut spiral?

A: An upcut spiral pulls the chips upward or toward the shank, depending on how the tool is running. A downcut spiral forces the chips down away from the shank. It is also helpful in getting a clean edge on the workpiece. Submitted by Chuck Hicks, Southeast Tool Inc.

Q: How do I dial in my feed rate on my CNC?

A: The rule of thumb is to keep increasing the feed rate until the quality of cut decreases to a point that it is not acceptable. Back the feed rate off 10% and that is your optimal feed rate. Submitted by Chuck Hicks, Southeast Tool Inc.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Diamond Cutting Tools.