Organic Bitter Orange Peel Powder

13 May.,2024


Organic Bitter Orange Peel Powder

Citrus x aurantium is an evergreen tree with long spines and aromatic flowers. Although the flowers smell sweet and pleasant, the fruit membranes and pulp are sour and bitter. Bitter orange is used as a flavoring agent in many foods and beverages. Our organic bitter orange peel powder can be used to make soaps, body scrubs, and a variety of other cosmetic products.

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Citrus x aurantium is native to Africa, Arabia, and Syria. It was brought to the Mediterranean in 1200 C.E. by traders, and its range has since expanded to China, India, and North America. Bitter orange, also referred to as Seville orange, is an evergreen tree with long spines and fragrant flowers. However, the fruit membranes and pulp are very sour and bitter.

Bitter orange is added as a flavoring agent in many foods, and the essential oil is used for fragrance in bath and body care products. Almost the entire tree, including the fruit peel, fresh flowers, leaves, and twigs, are utilized in various culinary and cosmetic products. Bitter orange peel has popular applications worldwide: as the principal ingredient in traditional British marmalade, a flavoring agent in Belgian spiced wheat beer, and powdered in Nordic sweet breads. Bitter orange is also an ingredient in various liqueurs, most notably triple sec. Bitter orange also goes by various other common names including bigarade, marmalade orange, Seville orange, and sour orange. Citrus x aurantium belongs to the Rutaceae family.

Bitter orange peel powder is an ingredient in soap making, facial scrubs, and other cosmetic applications. It can also be used to spice sauces, marinades, or smoothies. Typical preparations include extracts and infusions.

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May affect the metabolism of certain drugs. If taking medications consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before use. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.

Synephrine/citrus Aurantium Extract

About products and suppliers

Search for synephrine/citrus aurantium extract on and browse a wide selection of fantastic suppliers. Save money while stocking an ingredient for use in several different food items. Most synephrine/citrus aurantium extract come in a powdered form that is highly soluble and easy to mix with other ingredients. Use as a tasty, caffeine-free substitute for coffee or to make certain kinds of herbal medicines. Food manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies can benefit from using this all-natural ingredient.

All synephrine/citrus aurantium extract feature a very high purity level, which keeps the final product free of potential contaminants. White powders keep a neutral appearance when mixing ingredients and will not affect the color. Darker extracts are also available and can bring out an extra shade in the final product composition. When ingested, inulin powder found in the product can have probiotic effects that improve digestive health over time.

synephrine/citrus aurantium extract sold on complies with food-grade and medical-grade standards to ensure customer safety. Suppliers will often pack products in vacuum-sealed bags to preserve freshness and quality. Especially large batches are usually stored in drums that are easy to ship. Most extracts will bring out an extra taste of sweetness to give a recipe a more pleasant flavor.

Browse synephrine/citrus aurantium extract on and enjoy the low costs of an important key ingredient used in various pharmaceuticals and health drinks. Whether a consumer needs to improve digestive health or create coffee-flavored beverages without the jolt of caffeine, there are plenty of options available. Shop around and find the best suppliers that can ship in any quantity needed.

For more Citrus Aurantium Extract Powderinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.