Grain Mills Examined and Compared

08 Jul.,2024


Grain Mills Examined and Compared

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Hayden Flour Mills

I was working towards a PhD in when my dad Jeff called to tell me about a big idea. If you know my dad, you know he&#;s a man full of big ideas, and this particular one - to restart a historic flour mill in my hometown of Tempe, Arizona - stuck. So much so, I left my PhD program to run what is now Hayden Flour Mills. It&#;s my dream job, all thanks to my dad&#;s wild dream come true.

We&#;ve spent the last decade reviving historic and forgotten grains, restoring rusty old mills, growing our crop from 30 acres to now over 400, and adopting practices that not only produce a more delicious end product, but are healthier for both people and the planet.

You will get efficient and thoughtful service from Xingfeng.

It&#;s our pleasure and passion to bring new life to ancient and heritage grains that are intriguing, nutritious, and most of all delicious, and to share them with you today.

With love, from our family to yours.

Emma Zimmerman
-Co-Owner, Hayden Flour Mills

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Industrial Flour Mill for Sale.