Fiberglass Cloth | Shop Fiberglass Fabrics Online

13 May.,2024


Fiberglass Cloth | Shop Fiberglass Fabrics Online

Among reinforcements, Fiberglass Fabrics - also known as Fiberglass Cloth - continue to be the most commonly used reinforcement in the composites industry today. Generally, they are the least expensive among reinforcements and offer ease in handling. And when combined with resin, deliver composite parts with excellent strength, low weight, and great cosmetics.

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All Fiberglass Fabrics are woven for fiber orientation, and each fabric features its own unique weight, strength, and fabric characteristics, which should be considered before starting any project.

Click on a fiberglass fabric image below to view more information and pricing.

Production process and product characteristics of ...

FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic), as a popular composite material, has been widely used in various industries due to its outstanding characteristics such as lightweight, corrosion resistance, high strength, and excellent mechanical properties.

Among all FRP products, FRP molded Box have been widely used in the electrical and electronic industries, such as distribution systems, telecommunications equipment, and control cabinets. The production process of FRP molded shells usually includes mold design, lamination, demolding, trimming, drilling, and surface processing. This mainly introduces the production process and product characteristics of fiberglass molded shells for distribution cabinets.

1. Mold design

Mold design plays a crucial role in the quality and efficiency of FRP molded shells. A precise and efficient mold can reduce production costs and improve product quality. The mold material is usually steel or aluminum alloy, which can be precisely machined to meet design requirements. The mold cavity should be polished to a high level of smoothness to ensure a smooth surface and easy demolding of the product.

2. Roll into thin sheets

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After the mold is ready, the next step is lamination. The basic process of lamination is to lay FRP raw materials, such as chopped strand felt, untwisted coarse yarn or surface felt, and apply resin through a roller or spray gun. The resin content, glass content, and layout pattern should be controlled to ensure the required mechanical properties and thickness uniformity. After lamination, cover the mold with a release agent to prevent the laminated material from sticking to the mold.

3. Demoulding

After the FRP laminate is cured, it is necessary to open the mold to demold the product. The demolding process may require some techniques to avoid product deformation or damage, such as using wedges, airbags, or mechanical elevators. The demolding cycle time should be minimized to improve production efficiency.

4. Trimming and drilling

After demolding, the product needs to be trimmed and drilled to fit the electrical components. Depending on the shape and thickness of the product, the trimming process may include sawing, grinding, or milling. The drilling process should be precise and error free to avoid any damage to the surface or internal structure of the product.

5. Surface processing

The final step is surface treatment, including polishing, polishing, and painting. The surface should be cleaned and polished to remove any sharp edges or burrs. Polishing process can improve surface smoothness and glossiness. Finally, the product can be painted in various colors and patterns to meet customer requirements.

Compared to other materials such as metal or plastic, FRP molded product have several advantages. Firstly, FRP materials have high strength and stiffness, and can withstand harsh environments and loads. Secondly, fiberglass material has excellent corrosion resistance, which can prevent rusting and degradation of the shell. Thirdly, FRP materials have lower thermal conductivity, which can prevent electrical components from overheating. Fourthly, fiberglass material is lightweight and can reduce transportation and installation costs. Fifthly, fiberglass material has good electrical insulation performance, which can reduce the risk of electric shock.

In summary, the production process of fiberglass molded shells for distribution cabinets is complex and requires high requirements. However, with the development of technology and equipment, the quality and efficiency of production can be greatly improved. FRP molded shells have become the preferred choice for many customers due to their outstanding characteristics and competitive prices.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of fiberglass fabric manufacturer. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.