School Bus Fleet: Air Conditioning Considerations

15 Jul.,2024


School Bus Fleet: Air Conditioning Considerations

school bus fleet, school bus air conditioning

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Do all the vehicles in your school bus fleet include air conditioning? In many districts, this is already the case - yet there are still plenty of districts playing catch-up. A/C comes standard on most new buses, but that doesn't help smaller or lower-income districts who can't afford to replace their fleet. For those districts, retrofitting is an option. 

Retrofitting can allow them to add A/C to existing buses - if they can navigate the maze of choices available. Here are a few of the most important factors to look at.

Four Critical Factors to Consider When Adding A/C to Your School Bus Fleet

1. Type of A/C Unit

There is a huge range of possible ways to add air conditioning to a school bus. These include upgrading the front-panel A/C system, adding an evaporator in the front or back, or installing a roof-mounted unit.

Rooftop systems are generally the most popular, as they require the least work to install and have relatively straightforward wiring/piping requirements. Still, interested districts should do their homework on the wide variety of technologies on offer.

2. Electrical Demands

This is one of the big factors which will influence whether a bus is even capable of being upgraded - can its electrical system support the A/C system? On stock buses, this is rarely an issue, but it can start being a problem for districts which have already added other upgrades to the bus over the years.

Be sure you know the battery's actual output - not just what's in the manual - and whether other add-ons are drawing from it.

3. Cool-Down Time

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Of course, the cooling capacity of an A/C unit can vary quite a bit between models. What sort of performance should you look for? In general, consider the baseline to be the ability to cool a bus from 100°F to 80°F in half an hour. However, that's really the operational minimum. Being able to go from 100°F to 70°F in the same timespan will make the ride a lot more pleasant for passengers.

4. Know That Not All BTU Ratings Are the Same

Virtually all air conditioners will claim a certain capacity of BTUs (British Thermal Units) to rate their cooling power. However, there is no enforced standard for doing this. Different manufacturers can use wildly different methods for measuring their BTU capacity, which often makes valid A-B comparisons impossible.

Never choose an A/C unit based on claimed BTU capacity alone.

The best procedure for buying A/C upgrades for your school bus fleet is to take it slow. Talk to plenty of retailers and do research online before making any final decisions.

Have you recently upgraded buses with A/C? Which products were best for you?

How and When to Buy a Used Bus | Tips & What to Look For

Look for Used Buses for Sale in Your Area

The Internet is a great tool for finding bargains. However, the big hitters on the Web, such as eBay and Amazon, cover the whole country. Searches for products on those big sites will return lists and lists of used buses for sale, but most of them will be located a long way away or even abroad.

You may find a dealership through a Web search and see some great prices, but if that lot is in California, and you are over on the East Coast, the shipping costs alone will make that bargain an expensive mistake. Bear in mind that you will need to go out and see the bus before you buy it. The wider you cast your search area, the more driving you will need to do in order to inspect all the potential buses.

Keep your checklist on hand and narrow your search. If you are specifically in the market for a used school bus and you live in North Carolina, filter out all other options. Tell yourself that you are looking for used school buses for sale in North Carolina rather than just looking for a used bus of any type, anywhere. It&#;s great to have lots of options, but the flood of alternatives a Web search will return can be time-consuming and fruitless if they pack out your list with buses that you are never seriously going to consider.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of bus air conditioner. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.