Nine Tips For Buying a Liquid Filling Machine - PMMI ProSource

15 Jul.,2024


Nine Tips For Buying a Liquid Filling Machine - PMMI ProSource

There are several things to keep in mind when selecting liquid filling machines to ensure the right fit for your application:

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1. Understand how the liquid filling machine affects the product.

You need to think about the impact of the liquid filling machine on the product you&#;re packaging. The state or viscosity of the liquid can be inadvertently changed, based solely on the construction of the filler. For example, running a liquid through extra elbows, pipes, and pumps can change the viscosity, resulting in a liquid that is much too thin. High speeds can also impact some products negatively. Ask questions like:

  • Are you filling a food or drink product with particles (fruit pieces, fibers, or seeds)?
  • Are you filling a cleaning product with special fragrance additives or enzymes that require special handling?  
  • Will shearing the product cause undesirable viscosity changes?  You need to keep the product characteristics front-of-mind when selecting liquid filler.

2. Understand how the product dictates the type of filler.

The type of machine utilized for a project is often dependent on beverage/product characteristics and the type and shape of the containers. Free-flowing liquids like beverages work well with a timed-flow or overflow machine, whereas a more viscous product might be better suited for a piston or positive displacement (PD) filler. The type of container, the fill volume, and the diameter of the opening through which you are filling might also determine the type of machine. Timed-flow and overflow machines are both good for free-flowing liquids but differ in how they deliver product to a container. Timed-flow fillers are a volumetric fill machine, meaning each fill cycle they deliver exactly the same volume of product. This type of liquid filler is designed for very precise fills regardless of the container shape. However if the container varies in volume, the fill levels may have an inconsistent look. Glass bottles are a good example of containers that often have varying inner shapes and volumes.

3. Know the filling challenges of handling beverages with pulp or fruit pieces.

Pulp or fruit pieces, otherwise known as particulates, require specialized pumps and valves based on the size and density of the individual particulates. Challenges with filling particulates arise whenever there is a significant variance in the size of the pieces. Pickles are a good example of a product that has particulates with a large size variance. Small or soft particulates are usually easier to accommodate.

4. Pay attention to the cleanability of the machine.

As with any product destined for consumption, the machine must be made of FDA-approved sanitary materials. Most customers, including beverage providers, want equipment that is easy to clean and maintain. When filling bottles, keeping the nozzle clean is of primary importance to good manufacturing practices. Simpler design is better: Make sure your liquid filler doesn&#;t have nooks and crannies that can harbor microorganisms. Machine builders are more aware of hygienic design principles. They focus on eliminating dead legs, sloping horizontal surfaces to make them self-draining, adding spray balls in the product bowl, using wash-down electrical components in the product area, etc. Also look for filling machines that have clean-in-place systems as a standard feature.

5. Lighten up.

Plastic bottle lightweighting continues to be a major trend, and with cost and sustainability advantages, this trend isn&#;t going away anytime soon. So be sure to look for unscrambling and filling technologies that will accommodate progressively thinner bottles. &#;Feather bottles,&#; down to just seven grams of plastic for a half-liter bottle, with a short-skirted cap, call for kinder, gentler unscrambling and filling.

6. Don&#;t give away product.

Don&#;t accept a vendor giving you a general average in weight variation. You need to know what that percentage is at the actual container sizes you intend to run today and in the future. Giveaway can actually vary slightly at different container sizes.

7. Avoid complexity.

Complex fillers equal complex maintenance needs. The simpler the machine, the less maintenance, the less training, and the fewer parts that need to be kept on hand. Watch for parts or components that may have the potential to break off. If you don&#;t have a screen prior to the fill head or nozzle, pieces of metal or plastic can get into your product. Even good inspection systems may not be 100% effective in detecting a piece of metal or plastic in a metal can.

8. Talk about changeovers.

If you know you&#;re filling different products, or that you may be someday, you need to know about changeover times. Changeover time reductions on liquid filling machines are a key factor in boosting efficiency. The goal is quick, repeatable changeovers, so you can get your line up and running again as soon as possible. Ask about design simplifications where a change part can be used for multiple packages.  Discuss the cost and process for future change parts.  Are you limited to the OEM or are there options (sometimes faster and cheaper) to use a vendor who specializes in change parts.

9. Ask for a fill test.

The best way for the vendor to understand your product is with a fill test.  Provide them several product samples, bottles, and the key information (fill temperature, viscosity) so they can perform an adequate test.  This will help them determine fill time, accuracy, and any potential issues.

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10. Know what you need today, but have flexibility for tomorrow.

When selecting a machine, keep an eye on future output. See into Year Two, and think about future new products and their filling needs. Look vertically across your products, as well as upstream in the supply chain. What happens if a key ingredient in the formula of your product changes? Does this mean your nozzles may become ineffective? Think about future filling challenges.

Browse suppliers of Liquid Filling Machines right here on PMMI ProSource.

6 Key Factors To Consider When Choosing Packaging ...

October 18th

6 Key Factors To Consider When Choosing Packaging Machinery

Investing in packaging machinery is not an easy decision. But if you take the time to do your research, many benefits can outweigh this expense and make it worth every penny spent on these important tools for any business owner or entrepreneur who needs them! If you're considering packaging machinery, you should consider some key factors. Packaging machinery can be complicated, expensive, and difficult to source, which makes it all the more important to ensure you're making the right choice when purchasing your packaging line. To help make this process easier, we've put together a list of six top tips that you should consider when choosing packaging machinery. You could also use these tips as an outline or introduction to your own article on this topic if you wish! Read on for more details.
You can also have a look to our article about why secondary packaging is so important for your business right here !

1 - The Speed Of The Packaging Machinery

When choosing packaging machinery, the speed of the machinery is an important factor to consider. The faster the machinery, the more product can be packaged in a given amount of time. However, it is also important to consider other factors, such as the product's size and the packaging used. Compared to physical labor, packaging machinery works faster and more efficiently. For example, if the product is large, it will likely require more time to package than a small product.

Additionally, if the packaging is complex, it will likely take longer to package than simple packaging. Therefore, the speed of the packaging machinery is just one of several important factors to consider when choosing packaging machinery. It is recommended that when pallet wrapping, you use automatic or semi-automatic machines as it is not only time-saving but also cuts down on material wastage.

Here at Enoline we have a large variety of packaging machinery adapted to every need !

2 - Is The Packaging Machinery Environmentally Friendly?

When selecting packaging machinery, another important factor to consider is whether the machinery is environmentally friendly. With the increasing focus on sustainability, more businesses are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact. As a result, many manufacturers have developed packaging machinery that is designed to be more environmentally friendly. One way to determine if a particular packaging machine is eco-friendly is to look for the Energy Star label. This label indicates that the product meets certain energy efficiency standards. Additionally, some packaging machinery is made with recyclable materials, which can further reduce a business's environmental impact. You can also look at the packing machine energy consumption, which would not only be an ecological improvement but also a working machine cost reduction.

Read more about our eco friendly solutions right here

3 - The Packaging Machine Costs

Of course, the cost is always a major consideration when choosing packaging machinery. The initial cost of the machinery is just one factor to consider. Other important costs to consider include the cost of installation, the cost of training employees to use the machinery, and the ongoing cost of maintenance and repairs. In some cases, it may be possible to negotiate with the packaging machinery supplier to include some or all of these costs in the initial purchase price. However, it is important to understand all the costs associated with the packaging machinery before making a final decision.

It is important to have a machinery analysis where the rep visits and runs an evaluation of your current packaging line. This allows you as well as them, in order for there to be improvements made before upgrading or purchasing new machines so that we can ensure our investment will get us what we want out of it without wasting any money !

4 - Staff Training On Packaging Machinery

Another important factor to consider when choosing packaging machinery is the training that will be required for employees who will be using the machinery. In some cases, the packaging machinery supplier may offer training services. However, finding online training courses or hiring a third-party trainer is also possible. The key is to make sure that employees are properly trained on how to use the packaging machinery before using it in the workplace. Improper use of packaging machinery can lead to accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. Therefore, employees must be properly trained on how to operate the machinery safely.

Read more about security at work here.

5 - The Flexibility Of Packaging Machinery

When choosing packaging machinery, another important factor to consider is the flexibility of the machinery. In other words, you will need to consider how easily the machinery can be adapted to different packaging requirements. For example, some packaging machinery is only able to package one type of product. However, other types of packaging machinery are designed to be more flexible and can be used to package a variety of products. The more flexible the packaging machinery, the more versatile it will be and the more likely it will be able to meet your future packaging needs.

Here at Enoline, our solutions are made to be very compact, flexible and easy to use so you can optimize your warehouse space, production and workforce.

6 - The Warranty On Packaging Machinery

Warranty is also an important factor that you must consider while buying packaging machinery. A warranty gives you the peace of mind that in case your machinery breaks down within the warranty period, you can get it repaired or replaced without spending any extra money. Most good quality packaging machinery comes with a warranty of at least one year. However, some suppliers offer extended warranty periods of up to five years. When choosing packaging machinery, it is important to check the warranty period and make sure that it meets your requirements.

Most importantly, you should chose a manufacturer or packaging integrator on your continent, we made an article which explain why in details right here.


By considering these factors, you can be sure to choose the best packaging machinery for your business. These machines play an important role in any business, so it is important to choose the right ones. With the right packaging machinery, you can improve product quality, reduce packaging costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

We have more than 30 years in the packaging industry, you can trust us to find you the best packing solution for your business !

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