Charles Sanders Peirce: Symbolic, Iconic, and Indexical ...

22 Jul.,2024


Charles Sanders Peirce: Symbolic, Iconic, and Indexical ...

Road signs are symbols with meaning. Image by Lesley Lanir

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Charles Sanders Peirce: Symbolic, Iconic, and Indexical Signs

Lesley Lanir



4 min read


Jul 3,

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Author: Lesley Lanir

Charles Sanders Peirce (&#;) formulated the innovative triadic model of the sign, emphasizing in his theory that the way we interpret a &#;sign&#; is what allows it to be signified &#; what gives it its meaning.

Therefore, the main attributes of any sign need to be clear enough to relay their intended meaning.

What is a Sign?

Peirce&#;s theory does not focus on just material or concrete signs, but any kind of sign. For example, if a bus driver announces that the next stop is Central Station and a passenger rings the bell, lighting up the &#;stop&#; sign &#; then the sign system here has been understood.

The message contained in the driver&#;s announcement is the sign that he will drive straight past that terminal if no one responds. His announcement is Peirce&#;s &#;representamen&#; or Saussure&#;s &#;signifier.&#; (see my article on Saussure) How the passengers react is the &#;interpretant&#; or &#;signified&#;, or sense made of the sign.

If the driver stops or carries on, that is the referent, the object of the sign. A passenger rings the bell and the stop sign lights up &#; the driver&#;s &#;sign&#; has been understood.

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